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This happened to me recently.

I was woken by pains in my abdomen so went into the toilet. As I was on the toilet the pain increased significantly to the point where I was very dizzy. I obviously blacked-out as I came to on the bathroom floor with a broken nose needing 9 stitches. Not very pleasant.

almost happened again a few weeks ago but managed to stop myself before I passed out.

My wife says she experienced something similar a number of years ago, although she was pregnant at the time.

I'm not pregnant.

Any ideas?

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This happened to me recently.

I was woken by pains in my abdomen so went into the toilet. As I was on the toilet the pain increased significantly to the point where I was very dizzy. I obviously blacked-out as I came to on the bathroom floor with a broken nose needing 9 stitches. Not very pleasant.

almost happened again a few weeks ago but managed to stop myself before I passed out.

My wife says she experienced something similar a number of years ago, although she was pregnant at the time.

I'm not pregnant.

Any ideas?

The dizziness might be Postural hypotension.

Quite common I think. Caused by standing up too quickly when you've been lying down for a while, and the sudden drop in blood pressure.

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Thanks for the reply's so far.

backflip - There is no way I would intentionally put my face down there.

wpcoe - Haven't been to the doctor yet, want to avoid lengthy, stab-in-the-dark tests if possible.

katana - Possibly, but it's never happened before. The loss in blood pressure and subsequent black-out was definitely linked to the lower abdominal pain, not just dizziness. As the pain increased, I broke a sweat and then broke my nose!

lopburi3 - No blood in my urine and the pain was colon related, not urine tract.

Thanks again - not particularly worried about it, more curious. If it happens again I might change my tune.

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wpcoe - Haven't been to the doctor yet, want to avoid lengthy, stab-in-the-dark tests if possible.

You don't mention how long you lost consciousness, typically if there is no known reason or you were out for about three minutes or more a trip to the hospital as soon as possible is strongly recomended. I would underline this as you say this has not happen before.

The loss in blood pressure and subsequent black-out was definitely linked to the lower abdominal pain, not just dizziness. As the pain increased, I broke a sweat and then broke my nose!

It takes a fair bit of force to break a nose, your head weighs 11lb (5kg) in free fall from a height of 4 feet or so against a hard surface is enough to cause concussion and problems with your spine. A head and upper spine X-Ray would not be out of place. Get your wife/GF/other to check your head for dents that were not there before.

lopburi3 - No blood in my urine and the pain was colon related, not urine tract.

From that it's sounds like a food poisoning episode. If there is blood in your stools this might suggest internal bleeding for which there are many causes, any one of which will require hospital level treatment. Ignoring such symptoms risks blood poisoning, a general feeling of being unwell, fever, low blood pressure. If you are looking a bit ill, off color, pale etc. without other symptoms or possible cause.

I was woken by pains in my abdomen....

Was the pain on the right hand side, about a hand's width from your hip?

If so go to hospitial NOW, to rule out appendicitis.

....you also mention having a near black out before, if the first episode was an appendicitis burst, you could well be having blood posioning now. Untreated, I don't have the figures here, but the death rate is very high. Or Peritonitis, an infection within the abdomen - that's a serious one too.

Erection problems, might be enlarged prostate or complications, this increases with age.

(Regular ejaculation, by yourself of with others reduces risk of prostate cancer.)

Infection of the lymph nodes is in that area and could be infected but I doubt this from your discription.

....not particularly worried about it, more curious. If it happens again I might change my tune.

Men over the age of 40 are more prone to death due to untreated illnesses as they are used to a lifetime of minor issues that the body takes care of, women however are used to having health checks because of their special plumbing so detect problems sooner and get cures early on. If only there was the public awareness and support for male problems.

I offer you one thought.

It is easier to walk out of a hospital after a false alarm than be carried in on a stretcher comatose.

I would guess you are worried about someone telling you it's Cancer, although that is a option, I would suggest the other causes are more likely and easily treatable if you just let some one take a look.

Haven't been to the doctor yet, want to avoid lengthy, stab-in-the-dark tests if possible.

You will need to give some blood for a few normal tests. (CBC + Chem 7)

I suggest you take a small stool sample, a lump (scoop) the size of your thumb is enough.

Drink some water now so you can give a urine sample in the hospital.

Get a taxi now.

Edited by Cuban
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Wow Cuban, thanks for taking the time to write all that.

I had my appendix out as a youth. I need to stress that this happened a few months ago. There was severe whiplash which meant I couldn't sleep on my front for a couple of months or more - is a lot better now.

Haven't noiticed any blood in my stools. Did notice trouble maintaining an erection during that time but not so now. Last lot of bloods I had done a few years ago which were normal. Have had routine light-headedness, sometimes with shaking, for years - just put it down to low-blood sugar, usually clears after a carb. snack. Have felt 'below par' for many years, thick head, tiredness. Have experienced a dull ache in my lower abdomen for a long time also, right hand side. Comes and goes. As you say I just put up with these 'niggles'. Have lots to do and not enough time to do it all. I know that's not a valid excuse and maybe this thread will prompt me to have a check-up. Maybe.

Oh yeah was unconscious for minutes not seconds judging by the amount of blood on the floor.

One episode since then Jamie, but didn't lose consciousness. It was close though.

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Didn't they want to know what happened to your nose when you went to get the stitches you mention?

No one on this board can give you any better help than a real live doctor. If you're not joking or insane, Go. To. A. Doctor. Now.

They asked me - I told them. They weren't really interested, It was Memorial Hospital in Pattaya, that see more than their fair share of 'farang fights' I think they thought I was on of them.

I would be insane to take the time and effort to post this on an internet forum as a joke.

I'm not.

Can't. Be. Bothered. Just. Wondered. That's. All.

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Ijustwannateach: finally someone who doesn't expose (pseudo-)medical knowledge but just talks sense. Why on earth would one with a problem that might be / might be not serious not see a doctor immediately but rather listen to advise from people who (all meaning very good) didn't see, examine, investigate the patient, weren't able to take a history, ...

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Ijustwannateach: finally someone who doesn't expose (pseudo-)medical knowledge but just talks sense. Why on earth would one with a problem that might be / might be not serious not see a doctor immediately but rather listen to advise from people who (all meaning very good) didn't see, examine, investigate the patient, weren't able to take a history, ...

I don't think anyone on this board seriously considers their posted advice as an excuse for someone not to go to a doctor.

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^Yes, but this thread is stretching credibility. I think the most intelligent reaction to falling unconscious in such a way that I needed stitches in my nose would be to mention the episode to a doctor when I was in hospital for my stitches, not to ask questions about it after the fact on an internet board because "the doctor would be too much trouble." I think OP's judgement is in question at this point - possibly related to the reason for his fainting spells, or not- and again, if he's not trying to wind us up, he needs to get to a doctor right now. His flippant response makes it seem like a windup- and, as a result, I'm closing this thread. OP, if you're really sick, get serious and take it to a doctor- or a medical website- if you're not sick, well, then what I have to say is unprintable.


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