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'People must brace for new-normal lifestyle for at least two years before Covid-19 is contained'


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13 minutes ago, steelepulse said:

Did she do a Q and A with everyone in the ward to come to your conclusion that everyone was ignorant and a selfish scum, or is this your typical name calling and embellishment?  I bet everyone in that ward was also wearing a mask and following social distancing and still caught the virus.  

She is acutely aware, as a young person working on a covid ward, where the blame lies in the current spike in Covid cases in the UK comes from. Young people having a blatant disregard for Covid precautions. She sees it in the street, she sees it on her ward.


I'm sorry that the facts don't suit your "me, me, me, I'm OK so up yours" philosophy.


BTW. You would lose your bet.



Edited by polpott
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56 minutes ago, polpott said:

A good indicator of this is that in the first wave it caught everyone equally, particularly care homes which, due to the lack of precautions, acted like petrie dishes. The second wave has been caused by young people treating Covid with complete disregard, resulting in an even higher infection rate but less deaths. Its now a disease of the young, not the old.


The bottom line is that many governments opened their countries up too quickly and too soon, particularly regarding borders. Thailand hasn't done this and we have no second wave. The closed borders are an inconvenience to everyone (me included) but the results are there for all to see.

Brilliant. I found data to support your second wave theory. There are in fact 3 phases.


1. All ages are hit, old people die in larger numbers.

2. Young people cases spike in July. Cabin fever, summer time.

3.  The young eventually spread it to everyone else again.


So, deaths and hospitalizations are now rising after a long delay from the beginning of the second wave started by thy young. These graphs are for Minnesota, other graphs form the UK and EU are similar.  THANKS KIDS!





New Minnesota COVID-19 cases by age, adjusted for population


Edited by rabas
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3 minutes ago, rabas said:

Brilliant. I found data to support your second wave theory. There are in fact 3 phases.


1. All ages are hit, old people die in larger numbers.

2. Young people cases spike in July. Cabin fever, summer time.

3.  The young eventually spread it to everyone else again.


So, deaths and hospitalizations are now rising after a long delay from the beginning of the second wave started by thy young. These graphs are for Minnesota, other graphs form the UK and EU are similar.





New Minnesota COVID-19 cases by age, adjusted for population


Great info. However my daughter works and lives in the biggest holiday resort in the UK. At the weekend it returned to full lockdown due to young people still ignoring Covid.

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2 hours ago, polpott said:

My daughter works on a Covid ward in the UK as a senior nursing sister. Her ward is again reaching capacity with the sick and dying. Primarily because of people with your attitude. Her words for people like you, "Ignorant, selfish scum".

No, they are reaching capacity because that's what happens in hospitals. These are places for the sick to go and that's where they are going. You know, kind of how it's supposed to be. If your daughter can't handle the heat then tell her to get out of the kitchen but this is the job she signed up for.


I had parents that both worked in hospitals during H1N1 and even though certain hospitals were full no one was saying shut everything down. Your daughter sounds like selfish sucm who can't handle the job she signed up for when the going gets rough. 

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1 minute ago, woogoo said:

No, they are reaching capacity because that's what happens in hospitals. These are places for the sick to go and that's where they are going. You know, kind of how it's supposed to be. If your daughter can't handle the heat then tell her to get out of the kitchen but this is the job she signed up for.


I had parents that both worked in hospitals during H1N1 and even though certain hospitals were full no one was saying shut everything down. Your daughter sounds like selfish sucm who can't handle the job she signed up for when the going gets rough. 

Disgraceful post but I wouldn't expect anything less from a Qanon devotee.

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13 hours ago, A512 said:

are you in charge of the development of vaccines? Do you know what are the ingredients in the vaccines? 

if your answer is NO and NO, sorry you are just another one relying on blind trust. If your answer is YES, go ahead and proof for Thai Visa audience how safety it is, really go in full details, I am all ears.

I used google for the quote so take it up with them.

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Agree, and who knows, this may be a drill for more things to come in the future.


The above said, I couldn't help notice the other day that Melbourne Australia conveniently achieved ZERO infections after strict lockdowns for a while, many just about having had enough, suffice to say, they are slowly reducing the controls previously put in place.


The question going forward is I believe people should learn from this and oust governments at the next election, while at the same time lobbying their senators to take to parliament and make sure such control measures are never put on the people, but we know that isn't going to happen, and if anyone thinks control is a good thing, well as we say in Oz, how much can a Koala bare (bear), wait till you see the what they do with vaccines measures, i.e. if you don't get the jab, you will be forced to quarantine for 14 days at your cost, you won't receive any government entitlements from welfare, and that's just for starters.


Sadl vaccines will become the next "mandatory" phase, like them or not, you will have a choice, but at a cost to you the black sheep. 


Last but not least, I couldn't help notice you called it an epidemic, which is spot on !

Sadl vaccines will become the next "mandatory" phase, like them or not,


Lucky I live in NZ then. The law says they can't force me to have a rushed vaccine.

Anyway, there probably won't be enough for everyone and I'm not a priority.

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58 minutes ago, woogoo said:

No, they are reaching capacity because that's what happens in hospitals. These are places for the sick to go and that's where they are going. You know, kind of how it's supposed to be. If your daughter can't handle the heat then tell her to get out of the kitchen but this is the job she signed up for.


I had parents that both worked in hospitals during H1N1 and even though certain hospitals were full no one was saying shut everything down. Your daughter sounds like selfish sucm who can't handle the job she signed up for when the going gets rough. 

Euhm , no they are FULL , meaning FULL . The emergency hospital is a party tent , something they normally use at music festivals . H1N1 wasn't nearly as bad as this .

The earth isn't flat , vaccines do work , 5G does nothing more then 4G , people did go to the moon , and Covid is real .

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35 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Lucky I live in Thailand then. I can bribe the nurse to vaccinate the rubbish bin (and still get the certificate).

Those of us that are in Thailand can say Thank you to our good luck, fortune and life, and for those that left and have the hoops to jump thru to get back, and if a vaccination is required, I can say honestly I wish the best for you and hope to hell you can make it back here to your homes without having to take something that has yet to be tested 100%.  That unfortunately is the New Normal.  

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32 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Those of us that are in Thailand can say Thank you to our good luck, fortune and life, and for those that left and have the hoops to jump thru to get back, and if a vaccination is required, I can say honestly I wish the best for you and hope to hell you can make it back here to your homes without having to take something that has yet to be tested 100%.  That unfortunately is the New Normal.  

You just know Anutin will get a law passed that all foreigners have a COVID vaccination in order to get a VISA extension.

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56 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You just know Anutin will get a law passed that all foreigners have a COVID vaccination in order to get a VISA extension.

Brit you are probably more right than you know with that Statement.  We are of course just dirty foreigners to him.

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Here are a couple of data points I recently came across.  Can anyone explain?  These two organizations have a profound effect on the lives of millions.  Something is obviously amiss here. 


1.  World Health Organization-Influenza Laboratory Surveillance Information, Oct. 25, 2020. Graph entitled "Global Circulation of Influenza Viruses".   Graph indicates that as of April 2020 the flu completely disappeared worldwide, unlike ever before.  


2.  Center for Disease Control CDC-US, Sept 2020.  Projected US Deaths-All Causes are 2,838,000 for 2020, less than that of 2018 and 2019.  

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3 hours ago, peter zwart said:

And my daughter and her husband are both surgeon. From a large group of surgeons a letter was send to the government that lock downs were logic but absolutely not helpful. Expending facilities is something the focus have to be on. As i mentioned before, lock down wont help. It will just extend the problem. And its said to see that some people always have to get personal when they dont agree with some one. 

Stick to the topic.


Lockdowns do more bad then good , 100% agree . It is needed because people just don't have common sense . They still come together , don't wear masks and think it just doesn't happen to them or don't care about it . Normally , people should listen , keep their distance from others , keep their mask on , and this way near everything can stay open . The few cases there are can be isolated , and contact tracing will take care of the few others they did come in contact with so that they can be tested also .

In Asia they have done things differently , and they appear to be working . China sends big cities in hard lockdown when there are only a few cases and test everybody . Korea and Japan have very extensive contact tracing with phone app . Thailand and many others (Australia/NZ) closed their borders and are keeping control over everything .

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4 hours ago, griffon2011 said:

Here are a couple of data points I recently came across.  Can anyone explain?  These two organizations have a profound effect on the lives of millions.  Something is obviously amiss here. 


1.  World Health Organization-Influenza Laboratory Surveillance Information, Oct. 25, 2020. Graph entitled "Global Circulation of Influenza Viruses".   Graph indicates that as of April 2020 the flu completely disappeared worldwide, unlike ever before.  


2.  Center for Disease Control CDC-US, Sept 2020.  Projected US Deaths-All Causes are 2,838,000 for 2020, less than that of 2018 and 2019.  

1Influenza season ranges in certain time of the year , finishing in april .

2 I've came across the CDC-US2020 data before ... and like you said in the title , it is a projected death number , not the real number and it does state that on the graph also . They got projected death numbers for the next couple of years also. 1st numbers of CDC -US including the covid situation came in already with 300k extra deaths , above the calculated range for the same time of year . The real number for the full year you have to wait but unless the death count is less then normal during these few months ( possible because many elderly died ) , then the total number for 2020 will be higher then your projected 2.838 million .


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12 hours ago, rabas said:

Brilliant. I found data to support your second wave theory. There are in fact 3 phases.


1. All ages are hit, old people die in larger numbers.

2. Young people cases spike in July. Cabin fever, summer time.

3.  The young eventually spread it to everyone else again.


So, deaths and hospitalizations are now rising after a long delay from the beginning of the second wave started by thy young. These graphs are for Minnesota, other graphs form the UK and EU are similar.  THANKS KIDS!





New Minnesota COVID-19 cases by age, adjusted for population


Those June spikes among the 20-29 year olds seem to line up perfectly with the “mostly peaceful” riots in Minneapolis-St. Paul


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19 hours ago, sezze said:

Euhm , no they are FULL , meaning FULL . The emergency hospital is a party tent , something they normally use at music festivals . H1N1 wasn't nearly as bad as this .

The earth isn't flat , vaccines do work , 5G does nothing more then 4G , people did go to the moon , and Covid is real .

Britain isn't at war. Why don't they get the army medical corps to set up field hospitals? It is what they do, after all.

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On 10/26/2020 at 11:51 AM, MikeN said:

@rupert the bear have you never heard of paragraphs and punctuation ? Your rant would be a lot easier to read ! But you would, IMHO, still be wrong. No vaccine in a few weeks, that’s for sure.

theres a vaccine available in china.sinovac,60 bucks a shot,it will be sent here and other pro china places,its safe,astra/ox vaccine will be sent to limited london hospitals in the following  weeks,so your wrong about that.its not a rant and most people have no problem reading it.humble you most certainly are not.arrogant and very poorly informed ,ill leave it at that,al jazeera may help you get info re vaccine news, guardian too

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