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Property sector calls on government to change visa regulations to stimulate economy


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27 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Now you are just waffling and posting nonsense to suit your own agenda.

95% of Thais don't pay social? Piffle.

Don't know about social, but according to the Dept of income tax, only 4M Thais ( out of 70M) pay income tax = under 6%.

Some sort of forum software error, I shouldn't be seeing your posts, but I saw this one.


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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Don't know about social, but according to the Dept of income tax, only 4M Thais ( out of 70M) pay income tax = 6%.


True, but social is a different kettle of fish. Most Thais that earn under 150,000thb per year and thus avoid income tax will be paying some sort of social payment.

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15 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

The proper numerator is the number in the workforce. 

Poster I quoted specified "all Thais", not "Thais in the workforce".

Therefore the proper  numerator denominator for my reply is 'all Thais'.

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2 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Now you are just waffling and posting nonsense to suit your own agenda.


95% of Thais don't pay social? Piffle.


Read it again. It does not say that. But if you want to go that way then I will say most Thai do not pay taxes except when they buy things. Twaddle!

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On 10/26/2020 at 11:23 AM, Pravda said:

Why is the same condo in Thai name 5 million and foreign name 7 million? 


I thought there is no dual pricing on condos. This is directly from developer. 

Thai gf said to me there was duel pricing on cars and that it was better bought in her name.............I told her I didn't like her that much.

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A necessary prerequisite to changing visa regulations, would be an understanding of economics. This is something that nearly all military governments lack. An appeal on an economic basis is speaking a language that government does not understand. They believe in magic.

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On 10/27/2020 at 5:37 PM, holy cow cm said:

Read it again. It does not say that. But if you want to go that way then I will say most Thai do not pay taxes except when they buy things. Twaddle!

That's true. And the ones who SHOULD pay taxes and into social security do not pay.


  Let the poor stay low, and the rich be rich as always and everywhere.


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On 10/26/2020 at 1:56 PM, NCC1701A said:

the fastest way to fix the Thai real estate market especially the condo market is to give a five year visa to anyone who buys a condo over one million baht. BUT NOOOOOOOO.

What about all the farang with family in Isaan where they don't have such things as Condo's. I know of at least one little Sisaket village without Condo's.


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On 10/26/2020 at 2:06 PM, Grumpy John said:

Will take much more than that to entice people to buy now....well Westerners.  The government must think because they live in a bubble the world outside Thailand doesn't know whats going on in Thailand.   Soon to be retired William and Sarah from Buckinghamshire have done their due diligence and decided Malaysia would be a nice place for a holiday home.  Vietnam and Myanmar are on their short list but after several visits to Malaysia they are pretty much sold.

Who in their right mind could trust any Thai govt after the way this lot has performed.


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On 10/26/2020 at 3:10 PM, spidermike007 said:

No question the property market is in bad shape. And few in a position of authority are facing the music. Courageous of BAM chairman Bunyong Visatemongkolchai to state the truth. The pain will be felt for many years to come. I anticipate condo prices to drop by half. A friend of mine recently moved to Pattaya. He looked at condos in Jomtien. He walked into one of the nicest towers, looked at a 36th floor unit with panoramic views, and when he was quoted 26,000 a month, he offered 10,000. Though the agent was either shocked, or pretended to be shocked, they settled on 13,000. He said the agent more or less admitted the building was nearly empty, and they could not rent or sell anything, at this time. 
Demand is way down. The Chinese market is nearly gone, Russians and others are very hesitant to commit. And the long term tourists are gone too. So, who does that leave? Wealthy Thais, many of whom see the market collapsing, and would rather wait and see how all of this shakes out, and ex-pats with cash, many of whom are smart enough to be shopping for bargains right now. 


Anyone interested in buying a condo right now, would be better off waiting awhile. Timing is on your side. Time is now your ally. The economy is going remain devastated here, for a very long time to come. And the longer this goes on, the more people are going to be affected by it, and the more desperate some will become. For the wealthy it barely matters. But, there are many middle class people who have money invested, and there are alot of Chinese and Russians who bought, and cannot even visit Thailand. Some of them will want to unload their properties. Wait. The condo market is severely overbuilt. And demand is low, for all but the top buildings, in the best locations. For condos and houses in the suburbs, and the smaller cities, the market is very soft. 

Condo's i hate the bloody things. How on earth can anyone happily waste their money on such monstrosities.

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On 10/26/2020 at 4:31 PM, Mr Meeseeks said:

The US does not have sex-tourists en-masse marrying ladies of ill-repute though. Which is what the case is, or at least was, in Thailand and is one of the main reasons for the lack of permanent resident options for married or 'retired' Western men.


Also, marrying a poorly educated and financially struggling woman would be an easy route to circumvent immigration rules and you would end up with even more disparate, sham marriages between Western men and desperate Thai women.


It is unfortunate there's no route to PR if you are married but then again there's no problem staying here if you are.


As to sinking money into Thailand, caveat emptor. You knew the rules before you started playing the game. 

Why on earth does your tiny mind think that only sex tourists come to Thailand. Do you live in Pattaya or Soi 4.

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On 10/26/2020 at 6:57 PM, CraigInBangkok said:

I don't want PR, I was just saying that peoples situations are different. Also even if I did want PR, I don't think I would get it as even though I can speak Thai fluently nobody can understand a bloody word I say. Thai with a South London accent does'nt seem to go down too well here


I have a mate on Samui from Burnley who speaks Thai and they all understand him.

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On 10/26/2020 at 9:45 PM, AlfHuy said:

Or Peterhead in Scotland.

I lived not far away and even after 10 years, I couldn't understand a word ????

My Thai wife and I visited the UK a few years ago and the Edinburgh Tattoo.

We visited Glasgow and found a Thai restaurant in the city.

A couple of the Thai staff were Speaking English with a Glaswegian accent.

I found it quite entertaining.

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On 10/26/2020 at 10:36 AM, webfact said:

Those who invested 10 million baht would be able to stay twice as long, according to the plans. 

There are much better deals for that amount of money in other countries where that 10M THB or ~$325K would get you a direct route to permanent residency and probably citizenship and a second passport to boot.  The elites of Thailand really believe that this country is God's gift to the world as well as the center of the universe and if they dangle some bread-crumb in exchange for serious money the wealthy will come running.  :dry: 
Again, if people have the kind of money needed for these hair-brained schemes they'll more than likely settle in a different country where their money actually purchases something of value.
To make Thailand attractive the elites will need to ditch the nationalistic xenophobia - and that ain't gonna happen my my life-time.

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6 minutes ago, connda said:

There are much better deals for that amount of money in other countries where that 10M THB or ~$325K would get you a direct route to permanent residency and probably citizenship and a second passport to boot.  The elites of Thailand really believe that this country is God's gift to the world as well as the center of the universe and if they dangle some bread-crumb in exchange for serious money the wealthy will come running.  :dry: 
Again, if people have the kind of money needed for these hair-brained schemes they'll more than likely settle in a different country where their money actually purchases something of value.
To make Thailand attractive the elites will need to ditch the nationalistic xenophobia - and that ain't gonna happen my my life-time.


At least 8 countries beat Thailand in price and thrown in a passport just for good measure.



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On 10/26/2020 at 4:01 PM, biggles45 said:

With their treatment of Elite visa holders the Thai Govt have, once again, shown themselves to be completely untrustworthy. Which foreigner would believe any promises they make? 

As a more accurate step in the right direction, the government might want to rename it the "Alienation visa" instead.

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10 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

That's true. And the ones who SHOULD pay taxes and into social security do not pay.


  Let the poor stay low, and the rich be rich as always and everywhere.


Plenty of teachers not paying into SS, which means they owe employment tax in the US, if American.  But of course, they are the backbone of the education system, just ask them.

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19 hours ago, Huckenfell said:

Why on earth does your tiny mind think that only sex tourists come to Thailand. Do you live in Pattaya or Soi 4.

I don't think only sex tourists come to Thailand. In my 30 years here they have been on the decline. They are still quite prevalent though. 


However I do recognise, as do the Thai authorities, that poor Thai women are subject to exploitation through marriage hence the difficulties in married foreign men obtaining PR, which was the point. It is not only Western men we are talking about, Asian men especially Chinese are known for exploiting Thai women en masse. 


You seem to have gotten rather annoyed with my post and dived straight into some insults... Are you a sex-tourist? 

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On 10/26/2020 at 5:20 AM, Nobbie49 said:

A 1 million condo will get you a 20 m2 corrugated iron shack.  And you demand a 5 year visa based on that?  Delusional at best.

1 million buys you a nice condo with pool in pattaya..there's a kitchen, toilet/shower and even a double bed, fridge and fan fit in....what else do you need?

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Here is a cool website I use for properties in the US.  They grade different aspects of local life..COL, Crime, climate, amenities on an A-F scale.  Then give a livability score of 1-100 on the whole picture.  www.areavibes.com. I am in the process of buying a place with a livability score of 80...for almost exactly one million THB.  And I own the land, with insured title.  Of course, the sky is the limit on what you could spend in the States..or most other places, too, but there are still some hidden gems.  I think Thailand will likely become more of a snowbird place for me.  

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