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Muslims have 'right to punish' French, says Malaysia's Mahathir


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2 minutes ago, polpott said:

And was it full of women? I found Malaysia the hardest country I've been to to get my leg over.


It was a reception held by the Malaysian military and had to do with a symposium on World War II, and it was something right out of Kipling. Uniformed cadets were stationed behind everyone's chair at dinner and made to serve. There were no women.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

Go to the regular Malay oriented local bars near Maxwell Food Centre in Singapore.



Singapore was no problem. I was having a meal in Chinatown when a local girl sat next to me and offered to go to my hotel for 5 SGD. Couldn't believe it. Obviously I did the gentlemanly thing and offered her a bed for the night.

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14 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

no, they don't, and as an influential person it is immoral for trying to inflame people... 

We  have to understand what can push an individual to commit such an act, and the answer is very simple: already some form of psychological instability (I am not talking about madness) plus a low IQ which facilitates manipulation and indoctrination,  and our suburbs are filled with this kind of profile - the same who launched a call on twitter to go after every Chinese they find on their way.. just wait

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6 hours ago, John Drake said:

Might not be too safe to be a white person in Malaysia, French or not. This guy just said it is open season on them. How many British still think it's better to retire to Malaysia than Thailand?

Good point.


I like Malaysia, but have always felt a bit more on edge there than in Thailand. I've had locals say things to me that I found a little threatening...making me dance on eggshells to ensure I don't unintentionally offend. Whereas in Thailand you'd have to do a whole lot more before that happens. And it's almost unheard of for a Thai to be confrontational towards a farang for a minor cultural faux pas. 

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2 hours ago, Ganesh108 said:


I would dispute that there's any illegitimate manipulation. How many times does the 'prophet' speak of killing infidels? 100 or so?

Some research suggests...




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9 minutes ago, Opl said:

We  have to understand what can push an individual to commit such an act, and the answer is very simple: already some form of psychological instability (I am not talking about madness) plus a low IQ which facilitates manipulation and indoctrination,  and our suburbs are filled with this kind of profile

St Denis was scary enough for me.

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12 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

agree 250% with you.... it always amazes me to see Muslims living in western democracy countries going into protests, manifestations/walk out about anything and everything they think doesn't fit their ideal, however if they were back in their own country they wouldn't dare to raise their voices or risking jail. I thought the fact they left their country was to look for freedom and to follow/agree with rules/regulations on the country they chose to settle, it appears I was completely wrong, they can't fit into our way of life as they have completely different traditions and ways of life, some come under the pretext of asking for political asylum and a better life,  while in reality they come to destroy what took us a long time to built

Seems  everyone who left their country looking for freedom, creates problems in the host country.

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13 minutes ago, polpott said:

St Denis was scary enough for me.

Rightly - the best thing to do in those areas is to keep low profile. If you do not look like a Jew or Asian, it's  even better.

( on the subject of sandwich, choose a café that is not under Chinese management, go inside, ask if they offer goat cheese baguette sandwich with oliv oil and Provence herbs spices -) 


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7 minutes ago, Opl said:

on the subject of sandwich, chose a café that is not under Chinese management, go inside, ask if they offer goat cheese baguette sandwich with oliv oil and Provence herbal spices

Yes I had one, superb. Still got asked if I wanted ham in it though. 555

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13 minutes ago, ravip said:

Seems  everyone who left their country looking for freedom, creates problems in the host country.

are you talking by experience .... remember the old saying "in Rome do as the Romans"

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It would be funny if it wasn't serious. Totally irresponsible statement to make. Fortunately at present there is there Covid crisis and many countries are 'locked up' because of that but it is probably helping to stop, or at least, make it very difficult for any would-be new fanatical cells springing up.

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24 minutes ago, Morch said:

Wow. Too much to unravel.

No rational person, no criminal act can be justified  based on reaction to absurd satire.


The depiction of Buddha snorting cocaine in "200" and "201" prompted the government of Sri Lanka to ban the entire series outright.[50 (Did anybody in Sri Lanka notice actually?)


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17 minutes ago, digger70 said:

So what he's saying that Muslims Think that they can do what they want and that they are Above the  Law, Western Law?





He's saying that Muslims are entitled to submit the French to Sharia Law

Al Qaida, Al Nosra, Aqmi, approve this message 

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

Religion is the main culprit, although cults such as many who see Trump as sent by God fit into this category

“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
Steven Weinberg

I do wonder how those so upset are so sure the cartoons are of big Mo. It's not like they have any portraits of him...

I have Muslim friends. They are good people, better than general populace IMO

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9 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

It is Islamic Doctrine that the "13th Imam" will not return until the WHOLE world is Muslim.

This is why 13 is bad luck, and why they created "Friday the 13th" in America.  


True?  Of course not.  


I read the whole thing.....appreciate it.  I kind of knew everything except about this 13th Imam.  That was interesting.  



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