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The fall of Johnny Depp: how the world's most beautiful movie star turned very ugly


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58 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:



Well, here I are, relaxed and content, sound mind amongst the village people, money in the bank and investments to keep me going till my heart stops, I mean how much is enough, I retired at 55 and can honestly say earning a 6 figure salary didn't make me happy, what makes me happy is knowing I don't have to work another day in my life, not that I have millions in the bank or investments.


The sound of a beachfront house on a Thai island sounds nice, but out of my league, I will keep doing the hotel thing until I get rich in my next life ????


But you are rich. You have the things money can buy. Status as one of the wealthiest in the village. Security that you can afford health care. Knowledge your money won't run out. A sexual partner I presume that you wouldn't have if you didn't have money. And comfort without any of life's hassles.


You're effectively saying, "yes, I'm in the rope 5% of the global rich, hmm probably the top 2% and it brings me happiness" doesn't sound that far away from what Thaibeachlovers is saying.

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Just now, sidjameson said:

But you are rich. You have the things money can buy. Status as one of the wealthiest in the village. Security that you can afford health care. Knowledge your money won't run out. A sexual partner I presume that you wouldn't have if you didn't have money. And comfort without any of life's hassles.

I wouldn't mind a yacht. Nothing grand, this sort of thing would do.



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12 hours ago, sidjameson said:

But you are rich. You have the things money can buy. Status as one of the wealthiest in the village. Security that you can afford health care. Knowledge your money won't run out. A sexual partner I presume that you wouldn't have if you didn't have money. And comfort without any of life's hassles.


You're effectively saying, "yes, I'm in the rope 5% of the global rich, hmm probably the top 2% and it brings me happiness" doesn't sound that far away from what Thaibeachlovers is saying.

I am not rich by any means, here in Thailand I have a comfortable life using the money from the proceeds of the sale of my residence back in my homeland, that said, if I had not sold it and come here to retire at age 55, retirement would be miles away for me, as I would be asset rich, cash poor as the saying goes and would have to continue to be part of the slave trade, so putting my money into my property over all those years (forced savings) paid off.


As for status as one of the wealthiest in the village, well if that is how they look at me, up to them as I don't measure someone by the size of their bank balance and yes I do pay for private health care, it's all about affordability and it fits within my budget and of course is a choice. 


Comfort without life's hassles as you put it comes from 40 years of study, hard work and some right investments, so as I said before, rich I am not by any means, comfortable living in Thailand yes, we all have choices and having a sexual partner that you presume wouldn't be with me if I didn't have money is wrong, but then again I am not going to try to educated someone who stereotypes, each to their own.


Happy as a pig in mud. 

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Comfort without life's hassles as you put it comes from 40 years of study, hard work and some right investments, so as I said before, rich I am not by any means, comfortable living in Thailand yes,

Wealth is relative. You are as rich to some peasant with nothing as Bill Gates is to you.

Money gives us the ability to do what we want, but some people enjoy making money for the sake of making money. Doesn't mean they are happy though as they will never have enough.


I was well off till I got married, and then I wasn't. No one said life was fair, but it's unfair that some peasant girl can take the result of my 40 years of hard graft just because she fooled me that she was a good person.

No guarantees in life except death.

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2 hours ago, VocalNeal said:


I am thinking, more a power boat



Britman can sail his boat single handed. You would need a crew for yours. Do you really need the hassle? Plus his motive power is free. Yours won't move an inch without expensive fuel, and an engine that needs maintenance .

I think he has made the right choice, but my choice would be an ocean going schooner.

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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and an engine that needs maintenance .


3 engines actually. I would probably live in the engine room. 




Crew? Of course. I'm not doing the cooking?

Edited by VocalNeal
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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Wealth is relative. You are as rich to some peasant with nothing as Bill Gates is to you.

Money gives us the ability to do what we want, but some people enjoy making money for the sake of making money. Doesn't mean they are happy though as they will never have enough.


I was well off till I got married, and then I wasn't. No one said life was fair, but it's unfair that some peasant girl can take the result of my 40 years of hard graft just because she fooled me that she was a good person.

No guarantees in life except death.

I see your point, and yes, no one said life was fair, that said, when we have been burnt through trusting someone we loved and gained financially through us, depending on how much time we have left, we can work, invest and rebuild, if we are already past that time, then it's sad.


My x took me for half with one child in 1999, I earned 3 times what she did and had 4 properties which we purchased together, they increased nicely, so I suppose half with one kid is better than paying out 60%-70% plus lawyers and court costs, but as I said to her, you have to look at the long run, 50% now is better served than it being dragged out for 2 years with ever increasing lawyers fees, she was smart enough to take it, but its painful nevertheless, and we learn and move on, worked for another 16 years, invested and made enough to be able to retire a comfortable life here at 55, but not before a heart attack in 2008, that was a wake up call.


The way I see life is, what we make of it, second time around prenuptial agreement, a life insurance policy for her and a will which entitles her to everything I have, even though I built her a nice big house and purchased a new car now (5 years old) in her name, if it ever went south, she can have everything, but not the 90% invested back in the old country, not until I am dead at least as we have kids together, that said, she would deserve every $.


Time for you to buy a lottery ticket with the numbers ending in 72, good luck.

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8 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Paying people to like me, wouldnt make me happy, it would sadden me 

Who's talking about paying people to like me, it's all about having fun and showing your support, happy, happy, happy.

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Britman can sail his boat single handed. You would need a crew for yours. Do you really need the hassle? Plus his motive power is free. Yours won't move an inch without expensive fuel, and an engine that needs maintenance .

I think he has made the right choice, but my choice would be an ocean going schooner.

Come the end of the world as we know it, my sailing ship would still be viable.

I'm planning for when the oil runs out, a global EMP takes out all the electricity, and global warming raises the sea level by 300m.


Edited by BritManToo
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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Wealth is relative. You are as rich to some peasant with nothing as Bill Gates is to you.

Money gives us the ability to do what we want, but some people enjoy making money for the sake of making money. Doesn't mean they are happy though as they will never have enough.


I was well off till I got married, and then I wasn't. No one said life was fair, but it's unfair that some peasant girl can take the result of my 40 years of hard graft just because she fooled me that she was a good person.

No guarantees in life except death.

Lifes not fair?nors frank brunos harris,in any pending relationship,thai ,farlang,whatever,all you can do is hope for the best but prepare for the worst,don,t put anything in their name,don,t have joint bank accounts,and whatever you do don,t buy a house,i did but took precautions,this enabled me to keep my house,not pay a penny maintenance through the courts,although i  looked after their education,clothes,etc etc.i currently own my own house,am not as well off as i want down to what i spent on my kids.seen so many of my mates trapped in loveless,sexless relationships down to the fact they simp!y can,t afford to walk out.this is not a personal attack on you,but if it makes just one punter read it and stop and think would have been worth it.

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10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

if we are already past that time, then it's sad.

That's why I'm sad.


I went into my first live in relationship at age 30 with a house, a motorbike and a nice car. I left it with $5,000 and the motorbike at 35.

Started over and was OK financially when got married. 5 years later busted. Way too late to start over this time.


Not an uncommon story for sure. We men sure get the dirty end of the stick.


I think Depp makes rubbish movies now, but I reckon he was shafted by the system, so I'm on his side over this.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've never had one for free, and the live in partner and the wife took me for way more than any hooker. The only difference was I didn't hand over money in the morning to the ones that promised to love me till death etc.

You always pay for a bit of naughty one way or the other,too many gigolols on this forum,just pay as you go,you know it makes sense.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's why I'm sad.


I went into my first live in relationship at age 30 with a house, a motorbike and a nice car. I left it with $5,000 and the motorbike at 35.

Started over and was OK financially when got married. 5 years later busted. Way too late to start over this time.


Not an uncommon story for sure. We men sure get the dirty end of the stick.


I think Depp makes rubbish movies now, but I reckon he was shafted by the system, so I'm on his side over this.

Yes that is sad, but as long as you have your health, nothing else matters because life is also short, and you have to deal with the cards you have been dealt, enjoy what remains of it and don't look back.


Don't forget to buy that lottery ticket ending in 72 and best of luck.



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20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's why I'm sad.


I went into my first live in relationship at age 30 with a house, a motorbike and a nice car. I left it with $5,000 and the motorbike at 35.

Started over and was OK financially when got married. 5 years later busted. Way too late to start over this time.


Not an uncommon story for sure. We men sure get the dirty end of the stick.


I think Depp makes rubbish movies now, but I reckon he was shafted by the system, so I'm on his side over this.

Too many gold digging old scutters latch onto a rich celebrity,then do all in their power to provoke him into giving her a right hander,( probably after shes assulted him if not physically,but verbally )then calls the police and gets the press involved,then lo and behold the divorce proceedings start,a classic case of this was paul gascoign,he was only a geordie who liked a laugh and a drink.talking about geordies,that heather mills who latched onto paul mc cartney didn,t come.off so well,she went to court and the judge said you haven,t got a leg to stand on.

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4 minutes ago, kingdong said:

You always pay for a bit of naughty one way or the other,too many gigolols on this forum,just pay as you go,you know it makes sense.

I leaned that you can have your cake and eat it too here, i.e. be in love, married, and have that fun on the side, sometimes with the wife, make of that what you will, but I like my cake and eat it too, a gigolo I am not, but I will push the boundaries to a degree, ego is not dirty word, Skyhooks.


Blokes that know me agree, know I have it good, but at the same time, wish they could too, the only difference is that I have a partner who understands me for who I am and what I want from what is left of my time on this planet.


I only invest as much as I am prepared to lose 10%, love the wife, but 2nd time around has taught me, women can become expensive when a marriage ends, so not going all in makes sense and having 90% off shore invested with a prenuptial works for me, it's a win/win, and when I cark it, she gets the lott, but if she sticks it to me early, which will never happen with this one, she only gets the 10% plus anything I want to give her, if any.


Love is blind, but it is also kind with the right one, the side kicks are just for fun, women remind me of black widow spiders, they are thinkers, most blokes are like flies flying straight into their webs and take their assets with them straight to the black widow, blinded by that feeling of love.


As you said in another post love can be a trap, that's why I see my 2nd marriage as a business transaction, nothing has changed the love is their, the respect is their, but in this marriage/partnership/business, this black widows venom won't work on me.


I am 90% share holder and my wife/partner gets the other 90% when and if I die, if she tries to stick it to me, as I said, it ain't going to happen, but why risk it, and if she does, she walks away with 10%. We live and learn and prosper and enjoy the stuff on the side when and if the you feel like it, within reason of course, unless your super D-ck????


 Live Long And Prosper GIF | Gfycat

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Just now, 4MyEgo said:

As you said in another post love can be a trap, that's why I see my 2nd marriage as a business transaction, nothing has changed the love is their, the respect is their, but in this marriage/partnership/business, this black widows venom won't work on me.

Love is always a business transaction for the woman.

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21 minutes ago, kingdong said:

Too many gold digging old scutters latch onto a rich celebrity,then do all in their power to provoke him into giving her a right hander,( probably after shes assulted him if not physically,but verbally )then calls the police and gets the press involved,then lo and behold the divorce proceedings start,a classic case of this was paul gascoign,he was only a geordie who liked a laugh and a drink.talking about geordies,that heather mills who latched onto paul mc cartney didn,t come.off so well,she went to court and the judge said you haven,t got a leg to stand on.

and to hop it!

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11 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I leaned that you can have your cake and eat it too here, i.e. be in love, married, and have that fun on the side, sometimes with the wife, make of that what you will, but I like my cake and eat it too, a gigolo I am not, but I will push the boundaries to a degree, ego is not dirty word, Skyhooks.


Blokes that know me agree, know I have it good, but at the same time, wish they could too, the only difference is that I have a partner who understands me for who I am and what I want from what is left of my time on this planet.


I only invest as much as I am prepared to lose 10%, love the wife, but 2nd time around has taught me, women can become expensive when a marriage ends, so not going all in makes sense and having 90% off shore invested with a prenuptial works for me, it's a win/win, and when I cark it, she gets the lott, but if she sticks it to me early, which will never happen with this one, she only gets the 10% plus anything I want to give her, if any.


Love is blind, but it is also kind with the right one, the side kicks are just for fun, women remind me of black widow spiders, they are thinkers, most blokes are like flies flying straight into their webs and take their assets with them straight to the black widow, blinded by that feeling of love.


As you said in another post love can be a trap, that's why I see my 2nd marriage as a business transaction, nothing has changed the love is their, the respect is their, but in this marriage/partnership/business, this black widows venom won't work on me.


I am 90% share holder and my wife/partner gets the other 90% when and if I die, if she tries to stick it to me, as I said, it ain't going to happen, but why risk it, and if she does, she walks away with 10%. We live and learn and prosper and enjoy the stuff on the side when and if the you feel like it, within reason of course, unless your super D-ck????


 Live Long And Prosper GIF | Gfycat

What a lovely story,warmed the cockles of my heart,wish i hadn,t wasted my life hitchhiking thru africa in the 70 s but it seemed a good idea at the time.

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