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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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4 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

A common refrain from people who object to Overseas aid......and usually the first people to also object to helping the homeless and the poor here in the UK.


  How about yourself ?

Do you think that its correct of UNICEF to give the UK aid ?

Is the UK are most needy Country in the world and thus deserve UNICEF aid ?

If so, the UK should stop giving money to other Countries, if we are THAT poor .

What is you opinion on UNICEF giving aid to the UK at the expense of African/poor Countries ?

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:


  How about yourself ?

1. Do you think that its correct of UNICEF to give the UK aid ?

2. Is the UK are most needy Country in the world and thus deserve UNICEF aid ?

3. If so, the UK should stop giving money to other Countries, if we are THAT poor .

4. What is you opinion on UNICEF giving aid to the UK at the expense of African/poor Countries ?


1. As the 6th richest nation on Earth the government should be ensuring no child goes hungry.

2. No the UK is not the most needy and it shouldn't (or its poorest shouldn't)  have to rely on UNICEF

3. No...it should do both...maybe if we didn't hand out contracts on a chumocracy basis there would be a lot more money to go around.

4. Sad that they feel/think/know it is necessary to help the poorest people living in the 6th richest nation on Earth


Don't you feel the government should be stepping up to the plate?

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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:


   They gave £ 25 000 to ONE London borough .


So, all the UK hungry kids were all in the same place ?

Will that small amount of money stop all the "hunger "

Why not open up feeding places all over the UK ?

I can absolutely guarantee that there are many more , millions more kids in the world who are in more need of that food 

The company I work for offered the option of donating the value of your annual Christmas hamper to a charity helping the homeless, great response, close to £6000 was raised, not too far behind a big organisation such as Unicef, not bad for few generous thoughtful everyday workers it would appear, and we seek no publicity - Merry Christmas

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8 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


  That was a publicity stunt by UNICEF .

Whoever decided that the UK kids needed food, moreso that many other hungry kids in the World , really needs to get sacked .

   He is depriving genuinely hungry kids in the World a meal and giving the food to a Country where its not needed just for publicity .

  He needs to go

Where have they said it was a publicity stunt ? 

So hungry U.K. kids of which there are shedloads aren’t genuine ? They’re faking it right ? 

Stuff the hungry U.K. kids right ? and Brexiteers love to claim they’re patriotic ! 


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6 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


UNICEF are  publicly seeking donations in the U.K from the General Public .

The £ 25 K worth of food they gave to the UK , wouldnt pay for much advertising .

They did it as a stunt to advertise themselves and receive more in donations 

Who has told you all this ? Do you hear voices ? 

You’re claiming wild assumptions as facts which isn’t making you sound too clever. 

As for claiming one hungry child can’t be as hungry as another hungry child and therefore should be denied food is frankly stupid! 

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25 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Ha....you couldn't write this stuff......

Screen Shot 2563-12-19 at 12.15.37.png

yep I saw that, so pre Brexit 10,000 permits for those evil foreigners to come and pick fruit and veg for the bone idle Brits too lazy to do it for themselves (as everyone told the government they would be) - next year 30,000 !!!!


haha Brexiteers - it’s like shooting fish in a barrel ! 

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1 hour ago, Bruntoid said:

yep I saw that, so pre Brexit 10,000 permits for those evil foreigners to come and pick fruit and veg for the bone idle Brits too lazy to do it for themselves (as everyone told the government they would be) - next year 30,000 !!!!


haha Brexiteers - it’s like shooting fish in a barrel ! 

I told you (in your original guise) that picking fruit & veg was the norm during school holidays in my youth; as was clearing rabbit warrens with a ferret down the ol' Y fronts or a trip to the coast armed with mackerel feathers. If I were in UK today i'd be clearing invasive crayfish from the waterways as that to is a 'Brits-won't-do-it' affair in the eyes of remainers yet they're easy to catch, delicious to eat & it's FREE to do so.

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20 minutes ago, evadgib said:

I told you (in your original guise) that picking fruit & veg was the norm during school holidays in my youth; as was clearing rabbit warrens with a ferret down the ol' Y fronts or a trip to the coast armed with mackerel feathers. If I were in UK today i'd be clearing invasive crayfish from the waterways as that to is a 'Brits-won't-do-it' affair in the eyes of remainers yet they're easy to catch, delicious to eat & it's FREE to do so.

I have read that a couple of times and not for the first time I haven’t the slightest idea what you are talking about !!

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16 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

That's a when, not a how. 


Look up your word "manifest" and then the answer to your question will be made obvious.... as in "obvious" from the definition of manifest.


Or do you still not yet understand that we are leaving on that date, i.e. finished with the EU membership. What else would you call the UK's status after that timeline, other than a sovereign independent country, or do you need the word sovereign explaining for you as well?


I need to go to bed, that wall I keep banging my head against is giving me a headache.... Goodnight!

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2 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

Who has told you all this ? Do you hear voices ? 

You’re claiming wild assumptions as facts which isn’t making you sound too clever. 


   The info came from UNICEFs homepage , they are asking for donations and giving money to the UK will help publicise themselves and help with getting more donations 

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3 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

Where have they said it was a publicity stunt ? 

So hungry U.K. kids of which there are shedloads aren’t genuine ? They’re faking it right ? 

Stuff the hungry U.K. kids right ? and Brexiteers love to claim they’re patriotic ! 



  No ,. I agree with you , they shouldnt send aid to Africa to feed Children there , the money should be given to UK kids 

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On 12/19/2020 at 1:29 PM, Surelynot said:

EU countries including Germany and Spain are happy to work with Unicef on projects imed at breaking the cycle for disadvantaged chidlren in their countries. No memeber of their cabinets declaring it's a political move.


  In What ways are UNICEF working in Germany and Spain ?


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7 hours ago, bannork said:

A sovereign independent country all alone in a world of trading blocs and powerful economies.

We will have lost our bargaining power.


He of little faith - are you really British? Not much evidence of the pioneering spirit here, nor any national pride. ????

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10 hours ago, Tofer said:

a sovereign independent country, or do you need the word sovereign explaining for you as well?


To be sure I checked the list of Sovereign nations 2020.


191 countries have undisputed sovereignty, 15 with disputed sovereignty.


Belgium is among the 191 countries, so is the United Kingdom.


Maybe next year there will be another category added :


"Super sovereign" : The United Kingdom.

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3 hours ago, Tofer said:


He of little faith - are you really British? Not much evidence of the pioneering spirit here, nor any national pride. ????

Blind Faith, that's what you're flying on Tofer and it's going to lead you smack into a mountain side in two weeks. 

By the way, .a no deal is worse than an Australian deal, at least they have some reciprocal arrangements on certain goods and products, easing sustoms arrangements.

And now UK truck drivers have been told no meat or dairy products can be taken in their cabs into EU territory. I can see trouble and strife ahead.  After queuing for days in Kent, their moods are already going to be sour, and then their bacon sandwiches are seized!

Never mind, they've still got their Yorkie bars.

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11 minutes ago, Surelynot said:


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  But UNICEF are not giving food and money to German Children and that's a reason why the German Government havent labelled UNICEFs actions in Germany as being a "publicity stunt" 

  The accusation from the UK Gov was that instead of paying for and conducting a campaign to get donations from the UK Public , UNICEF gave a token amount and got huge free advertising for their cause 

  Hence , a publicity stunt to get donations 

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:


  But UNICEF are not giving food and money to German Children and that's a reason why the German Government havent labelled UNICEFs actions in Germany as being a "publicity stunt" 

  The accusation from the UK Gov was that instead of paying for and conducting a campaign to get donations from the UK Public , UNICEF gave a token amount and got huge free advertising for their cause 

  Hence , a publicity stunt to get donations 

I never said they were giving food or money to German children.

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