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The week that was in Thailand news: Good riddance 2020 - Let's hope the Year of the Ox is less of a burden!


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10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It was a joke, Joyce. You obviously have the same sense of humor as the average whelk.

Equally obviously, you are not familiar with the aphorism rules are for the obedience of fools, and the guidance of wise men.

LOL - quoting Harry Day - a British soldier. As the UK has shown the world, completely inept at containing COVID - 41,000 + cases just yesterday. And I say this as a fellow Brit.

Edited by 2530Ubon
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How can you compare the Christian calendar, which states 01 Jan each year with the Chinese calendar, which is lunar based?


2021 starts 00:00:01 on 01 Jan 2021, anywhere in the world. Year of the Ox starts 13 Feb 2021, 05:02 UTC and corresponding times in each time zone.


Stop it.

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1 hour ago, 2530Ubon said:

LOL - quoting Harry Day - a British soldier. As the UK has shown the world, completely inept at containing COVID - 41,000 + cases just yesterday. And I say this as a fellow Brit.

A Brit, AND a member of the medical profession? No wonder your posts come across as arrogant and holier-than-thou.

I'm not sure of the relevance of your post. I'm Australian, the last time I looked that country was doing quite well.

Possibly a bit off topic, but it was an Australian general who saved the British bacon in World War 1. Your military leaders were pretty inept then too.

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32 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

A Brit, AND a member of the medical profession? No wonder your posts come across as arrogant and holier-than-thou.

I'm not sure of the relevance of your post. I'm Australian, the last time I looked that country was doing quite well.

Not sure of the relevance of my post? Oh my... you must be joking! You were quoting Harry Day, a British soldier in the late 1890's who famously coined the phrase 'rules are for the obedience of fools, and the guidance of wise men.' Arrogant and holier than thou? Well, thank you, I thought I was being rather thoughtful and factual. Nice to know.

2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

It was a joke, Joyce. You obviously have the same sense of humor as the average whelk.

Equally obviously, you are not familiar with the aphorism rules are for the obedience of fools, and the guidance of wise men.


Changed your tune quite a bit haven't you? You've gone from claiming to be a chemistry expert denying the possibility of catching COVID in a swimming pool to name calling, and claiming that rules are stupid anyway.


The last part of your comment is completely off topic and irrelevant. However, just as you are showing a lack of knowledge about COVID, you're also displaying a lack of knowledge about basic history. Australia was still part of the British Empire until 1926 - So this honorable man, whose name was SirJohn Monash - was a member of the British Empire. We fought together as equals and Australia didn't have any choice in the matter anyway as they were automatically at war once Britain declared it. There was no saving of any bacon, we fought side by side in the trenches. He also was not a general. That is a higher ranking officer than he was. He was a commander of troops - a Major general, then promoted to Lieutenant general. Neither of these ranks equal general. The next highest rank after his last promotion would have been general, but he sadly didn't get that far during the war effort. Upon retirement, it is customary in the armed forces to use the next highest rank as your pre-fix as an honour.

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28 minutes ago, 2530Ubon said:

Not sure of the relevance of my post? Oh my... you must be joking! You were quoting Harry Day, a British soldier in the late 1890's who famously coined the phrase 'rules are for the obedience of fools, and the guidance of wise men.' Arrogant and holier than thou? Well, thank you, I thought I was being rather thoughtful and factual. Nice to know.


Changed your tune quite a bit haven't you? You've gone from claiming to be a chemistry expert denying the possibility of catching COVID in a swimming pool to name calling, and claiming that rules are stupid anyway.


The last part of your comment is completely off topic and irrelevant. However, just as you are showing a lack of knowledge about COVID, you're also displaying a lack of knowledge about basic history. Australia was still part of the British Empire until 1926 - So this honorable man, whose name was SirJohn Monash - was a member of the British Empire. We fought together as equals and Australia didn't have any choice in the matter anyway as they were automatically at war once Britain declared it. There was no saving of any bacon, we fought side by side in the trenches. He also was not a general. That is a higher ranking officer than he was. He was a commander of troops - a Major general, then promoted to Lieutenant general. Neither of these ranks equal general. The next highest rank after his last promotion would have been general, but he sadly didn't get that far during the war effort. Upon retirement, it is customary in the armed forces to use the next highest rank as your pre-fix as an honour.

I remember a Brit once telling me to be born British is to win the lottery of life. I asked him why so many chose to cash their tickets elsewhere.

I can accept you have a different point of view. I don't accept that gives you the right to denigrate me, a process you started with your very first post.

I have read " Monash - the Outsider who won the War" by Roland Perry. While we are on facts, Monash was not promoted due to the anti-semitism prevalent in class-ridden Britain. Butchers such as Haig were preferred due to lineage. You've even got a statue of him in Whitehall for chrissake.

The pomposity of your post correcting me on a minor detail has finally convinced me to put you on ignore. Goodbye.

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36 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I remember a Brit once telling me to be born British is to win the lottery of life. I asked him why so many chose to cash their tickets elsewhere.

I can accept you have a different point of view. I don't accept that gives you the right to denigrate me, a process you started with your very first post.

I have read " Monash - the Outsider who won the War" by Roland Perry. While we are on facts, Monash was not promoted due to the anti-semitism prevalent in class-ridden Britain. Butchers such as Haig were preferred due to lineage. You've even got a statue of him in Whitehall for chrissake.

The pomposity of your post correcting me on a minor detail has finally convinced me to put you on ignore. Goodbye.

Ah, so now we wish to play the victim card... You were name calling, baiting and switching topics. Didn't work for you eh? My very first post didn't even mention you at all, in fact I only called your view of swimming during a pandemic selfish (and that wasn't until my 5th or 6th post...). Hardly denigrating when you keep coming back and back for more.


I was correcting your assertions that people can't catch covid in a swimming pool with facts. I then corrected you with more of these dastardly facts when you attempted to antagonise me with colorful language about a subject way off topic.


I think you'll also find that I called him an honorable man and gave him the correct honor of calling him by his Sir title. I merely dismissed your rather pernicious and antagonistic view that Australia saved Britains bacon - which was entirely incorrect. We were brothers in arms who went to war together as members of the British Empire. I even said he sadly wasn't promoted to the rank of General. He was indeed a great man. You are so WAAAAAY off topic. Why on earth did you go there? 


I agree with you - being British is not to win the lottery of life. I am disgusted at the way Britain has been behaving towards the EU, reneging on it's deals and now how it's selfishly been dealing (or not dealing with!) with covid. Income inequality and education inequality has never been worse. And you are quite correct, a lot of us realise this and jet off to live in sunnier lands such as Thailand. I wish you the best.  


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On 12/29/2020 at 4:59 PM, Lacessit said:

A Brit, AND a member of the medical profession? No wonder your posts come across as arrogant and holier-than-thou.

I'm not sure of the relevance of your post. I'm Australian, the last time I looked that country was doing quite well.

Possibly a bit off topic, but it was an Australian general who saved the British bacon in World War 1. Your military leaders were pretty inept then too.

Strangely enough,  considering the present virus situation, the Spanish flu played a big part as well.

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On 12/27/2020 at 10:14 AM, Lacessit said:

IMO  the dumbest restriction in the year of coronavirus had to be the ban on swimming pools. AFAIK there is not one nation anywhere that has reported a COVID-19 cluster originating from one.

Properly-chlorinated swimming pools are a death-trap for bacteria and even more so viruses. It only takes 0.1 ppm of free available chlorine for effective disinfection.

Apart from a Stage 4 HEPA filtered positive pressure biological facility, a swimming pool is one of the safest places on the planet to be.

I don't think water is the issue.


The problem with a pool is large numbers of people, heads bobbing at the same level, talking and yelling while breathing more deeply than normal. Probably not a lot different than singing in a Karaoke bar.

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Sorry, I WILL edit this now, I am a very VERY bad typer on the touchscreen typing on mobile phones. –


Like what I have written below, it is an interesting look at the Virus AND contact tracing done, very successfully … in the long run at least, …. Where the Numbers are low enough for it to work !!! … (Like here in Adelaide South Australia)


Like 700 today way it in Thailand, … all from the same area at least ! ??? …. But well Contact Tracing ! When it quite obviously is already all over the country !!! ??? …


Here in Australia they reckon that they have 3 to 7 times misses, on the numbers of the few cases that they CAN trace … Like if Sydney has 7 now ? ….  So, well they reckon that there must be about 21,… or more cases really out there !!! … So Thailand at 1000 + !!! And with Contact tracing probably pretty much impossible for so many People !!! Well 3,000 to 10,000 cases more likely think. … And how are they going to contact trace all of those !!! …


 It IS Unfortunate as I am one of the ones who will suffer … Having jumped through the hooppes of beurocratic and well medical system fire, … to get my New NON –AO visa, … … Like getting hospital cover at 65 !!!... And I will not go in to any Details !!! … But it Ain’t Easy Folks !!! As you DO get old I can tell you !!!   (As Nuf for sure would have said also I think ?) …. But well I could see a clear way to getting back home now !!! …. But now I can only see being stuck in Bangkok, … after then let me out of Hotel Quarantine !!! … And not being able to cross the Provincial border back in to my Original Home Province !!! ??? … Yes another question for the Royal Thai Embassy, … and I must be getting up to close to 10 again now !!!


… But well to close the Provincial borders, Like they have done in Australia … annoying and +++ on that … BUT it IS the only way that I think that they Will be able to get this Bloody Rotten Virus back under control again. …. … I think.


So editing my Original essay on Contact tracing and swimming pools in South Australia.


  The above report about the Swimming pool in Northern Adelaide was over a month ago now I think ? And I did not hear anything specifically about it. Well the pool. ...  It was the "Parrafield Cluster" came from a state Quarantine hotel, but they could never say why ? (Like they looks at Hours of CCTV of the guards on each floor, but found nothing that they did wrong - As opposed to the Victorian outbreak where they DID find things that the untrained Guards DID do wrong !!!) …. But here in S. A. They said that it must have been air borne droplets and poor A/C ? ... (And then thy closed the Hotel) …


… But a migrant worker got it I think ...  and took it home.  ... And having young people in that home, ….  ... They drove all over Adelaide with it, mostly going shopping I think !!! ... And set off alerts everywhere !!! ... And one of them worked in the Woodville Pizza bar. … which had to be put under Police guard, after they found out that he lied to contact tracers (Probably d/t Work Permit, or Tax Reasons) about catching it from a Pizza box delivered to him ... when he actually worked there,  and got it off the other workers, who worked as security guards also (And the Pizza Bar owner remained Stumm also, ! ? … Possibly for Taxations Reasons ? OR work permits Problem, it is a hard job,, but someone has to do it, …work in Pizza Bars, ….or Hotel Quarantine Right !!! Or Both !!! !@#$%^)(*&^%$ ) ... but this got the whole town shut down, !!!  And a LOT of restaurants had to throw a LOT of good food away !!! … As they thought it was a new strain that got around on fast food delivery containers !!!!!! )  ... 


… But I think that the outbreak never really got over 40 ? Or 50 people ? .. And of course with that low a number, the contact tracers, were able to squash it ... and we have none again since, … (Though now all eyes are on Sydney and Melbourni, which DO have outbreaks again !!!


 ... Like let’s go out and buy a better house and Car !!! Right ? ... Here in S. A. any way  !!!  ....


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