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Mall attack settled: Norwegian pays 30K to Thai lady shopper he kicked after trolley misunderstanding


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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Well that certainly was an expensive shopping trip for him.

He is a damn lucky man, that it is not going to court, or he might have been back in the cold in Norway.

Farang Kee Nok ...

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She only asked for 40K? ???????? He's one lucky son of a Sven. But it could have very well been fate that brought them together.. neither of them got the clue from the "smiling policemen." They could have lived happily ever after with a great story to tell.  How unfortunate. 


What baffles me is how does one physically assault someone and get the LOS treatment and another gets his ass hauled to jail for writing a bad review in the same country? ????

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47 minutes ago, jossthaifarang said:

Does'nt matter if it happens every day, still does not make it right. Are you saying that it is ok to run around shopping malls and kick woman 3 times smaller than you? I get out plenty, I certainly dont see that behaviour every day. I think if you are condoning this behaviour then the 2 of you should eject back to where you came from!

Not once have i said it's right, pls don't misquote me. 


I'm merely stating that had it been Thai with Thai there would have been zero police involvement, that's a fact.


It's just another example of farangs getting walked all over, they seem to leave their b***s behind when they depart blighty.

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6 hours ago, time2093 said:

Hmm, I wonder how much compensation he would have got if she kicked him. My guess a wai followed by a sorry mister and to top it all off with photo op to the media would have done it.


Absolutely right,


And those talking nonsense on here about deportation, he would have been fined in court a lot less than this amount, probably between 1,000 to 3,000 baht and the matter closed.


According to some of the armchair super sleuths on TVF, foreigners need deporting for driving through an amber light.......unless it is them in the frame of course!


This is nothing for anybody on here to be ' smug ' about him having to pay 30K, of which the police would have taken a generous share, it only encourages corruption, it isn't resolution, it's bare faced robbery.


Sure, he was wrong to have kicked her and very stupid, but the punishment would not have been the same and never is, when Thais behave badly to foreigners! which they do aplenty!

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7 hours ago, time2093 said:

Hmm, I wonder how much compensation he would have got if she kicked him. My guess a wai followed by a sorry mister and to top it all off with photo op to the media would have done it.

I agree with your comment 100%

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The case is now over with no need to go to court. The media pictured the pair shaking hands awkwardly as many people including a smiling policeman looked on.

30,000 he can kick me in the a*se everyday.

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A norwegian named Tor Z..no white Norwegian with last name z. Ok maybe in a marvell movie. She had to go to hospital..ok. wont comment that. They took wrong trolley..been there. Not me..thais, when you talk to them they get abusive.30.000 bath...ok not worth a comment. Dont start something you cant finnish..and again..those pesky norwegians..just an other day at the mall..

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Cool that you can buy away problems or incidents like this. Good to have a few more options than in Europe where even most small incidents now are strictly enforced and laws are getting more strict everyday. In Europe small incidents can screw up your life totally.  
As I have money I definitely choose the right country to live in! Good Thailand ???????? 


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6 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

The article says she was wheeling it off to an ATM. Normally the ATMs are not inside the supermarket shopping area, but in the area after went through the cashier and have paid. 

That being said, it doesn’t justify kicking someone. It’s pretty clear it’s a mistake; she wasn’t running away and who steals a shopping cart in broad daylight anyway? You politely tell her that that is your cart; she will be incredibly embarrassed and apologize to which you say Mai Pen Rai with a smile on your face. And none of that is even particularly Thai—it’s how you would handle it anywhere in this world. 

Whether 30k is justified or not is a different question. He certainly was wrong and deserved to be punished. 


I agree it's the civilized way but this idiot has a brain in his feet


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7 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

They are all wearing masks so how can you tell if they are smiling?

Aha. You just proved that you are an alien. 

As all earthlings know, smiles reach the eyes too. The age lines at the corners of eyes are often referred to as 'smile lines'  for this reason. 

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7 hours ago, asiasurfer said:

30k is still a bargain. In the West, it would surely be more severe than that. Court costs, lawyers, fines, criminal charges, etc...


Don't forget, she actually stole his trolley. He thought he was punishing a thief. Who would have objected if he had kicked a man who had taken off with his goods?

The problem is that it was a woman and he is a big guy; so it looks bad. So I have some sympathy with him; though I would not have hit her. But perhaps he was shocked and acted in the heat of the moment.

She got a nice payday out of it. Happily for him, he can stay put and continue on with his life.

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23 minutes ago, prettyawsm said:

Who gives a flying <deleted>? Why is this place always full of morons like you and sadly enough gets several likes on top of that. We are talking about a big ass man attacking on a small lady period.

  Guess Santa didn't give you the present you wanted this year. When a Thai kicks a falang big or small and makes it to the news, hope its you BTW, Il remind me to not give a ________!

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8 hours ago, robblok said:

Not me, but its hard to know how the nutcases are distributed. Made more sense that it was one of the more populous expat groups. (statistics wise). I almost never see Dutch people in the news (not because we are so perfect but more because we are not that big of a group)

My observation of Dutch people is they can be very stubborn, but that probably comes from having to build dikes all the time. AFAIK the only Dutchman who became famous for combat was Anton Geesink.

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7 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

What do you think it should be?

In my book, any assault on a woman is beyond the pale. I'd be deporting him after he paid the 30K.

Never hit a woman in my life, never will. People who do are moral cowards.

Totally agree with your assesment of hitting women.


3000 baht or less.


What would a thai pay,


This women has clearly seen a meal ticket.

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