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Essence of chicken


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I have thought for a long time that this stuff, the various brands, is just a kon on the Thai people.  The contents in my opinion do not justify the credibility given to it or the silly price charged for it.  There are many such products on the Thai market, various alixiers which the Thai's have come to acknowledge as special preparations for example with menstruation, that is my personal opinion are just unnecessary expensive products just saying.

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When I buy grilled chicken, I save the bones to make chicken stock for cooking rice. 


Once someone gave us a huge gift basked with many little bottles of this Essence of Chicken.  We received it in a large group of Thai people and everyone was impressed at the generosity of the gift-giver.  While I'd seen the stuff at the supermarket, I had no idea what to do with it.


Upon tasting, at home, I discovered it was very salty chicken broth.  Because of blood pressure concerns, I don't add salt to my cooking, so I used just one bottle of the stuff with my home-made unsalted chicken broth the next time I made rice.  It left a burnt residue on the bottom of the rice cooker so I put the rest of the bottles in the "recycling" area of our condo, where you put all your unwanted household stuff for the staff and other residents to claim.  The bottles disappeared quickly.


Judging by how the dilute Essence of Chicken burnt the bottom of my rice cooker, I think the stuff has sugar in it, in addition to all the salt.



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