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More than 22,000 hospital beds readied as hundreds more cases found

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3 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

I merely commented why the Thai authorities did not manage to repeat their previous good performance in dealing with the outbreak during the first wave? No need to get your knickers all in a bunch about the current debacle. And it is a debacle, judging by the myriad of incomprehensible announcements, u-turns and confusion we are now witnessing. 

Why pretend you don't know why? Different startup, different far more virulent strain. TVF Virologists know that Thais performed miserably previously as well, so you must be joking. So far the measures are the usual and more of the same, as in other countries. Too early to judge the effectiveness, to which you may compare the effectiveness of similar measures elsewhere. 


The "debacle" is merely in your imagination so far for bashing and cred enhancement. If The Authorities had just gone for the ol' total lockdown from the beginning, w/ no hesitation, to avoid your "debacle," the howls on TVF would have filled hundreds of pages. ???? 


4 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

How is the competence and diligence  of the Thai authorities working out for all those go-go bars and other 'businesses' you like to frequent in Pattaya mate?


Not very well by the looks of things.

Ah. You've found a yet another capability for the prescient TVF Eyeballs: COVID testing. (We last discovered they have LIDAR capability.) So how many cases have you uncovered in Pattaya now owing to the incompetence and lack of diligence of the stupid Authorities? Have you reported them?????

10 hours ago, welshguy said:

Genuine question.


If   a Thai is tested positive....Must they then go to one of these "hospital beds" ......to be ...isolated? I mean , those who have tested positive, but have no symptoms at all?  Or do they isolate at home...for the isolation period?


I was talking online today, with a Thai friend, They went for a covid test today...said they will get the results in 4-5 days?!!! If they wanted  the result back in 24 hours, it would cost them 3,800 baht?


I very much doubt many many ordinary Thais can afford to pay the 3,800 baht......very tricky times for Thailand ...


I appreciate  it probably costs more , to get a faster test result turnaround...but 4-5 days.........wow thats a long time.....They could possibly infect many other people in that time.....(if they self isolate straight after taking test...as In U.K. etc...then fine   no worries.)  I somehow doubt though, the ordinary Thai can afford to self isolate? No money no food etc?


Hard times ahead, I really hope its not too serious, and they can get on top of it.

I'm in Austria at present. Can tell you that we have same situation.

A test done by govt. testing centre takes as long as it takes. Private you get result within a few hours. Until you have the result you are supposed to stay home and rest of family too in theory. There aren't even quarantine centres.

14 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Why pretend you don't know why? Different startup, different far more virulent strain. TVF Virologists know that Thais performed miserably previously as well, so you must be joking. So far the measures are the usual and more of the same, as in other countries. Too early to judge the effectiveness, to which you may compare the effectiveness of similar measures elsewhere. 


The "debacle" is merely in your imagination so far for bashing and cred enhancement. If The Authorities had just gone for the ol' total lockdown from the beginning, w/ no hesitation, to avoid your "debacle," the howls on TVF would have filled hundreds of pages. ???? 


Ah. You've found a yet another capability for the prescient TVF Eyeballs: COVID testing. (We last discovered they have LIDAR capability.) So how many cases have you uncovered in Pattaya now owing to the incompetence and lack of diligence of the stupid Authorities? Have you reported them?????

No idea why you are bothering to quote me mate, I have posted several times giving the Thai authorities plaudits for their performance in dealing with the outbreak since March. 


You seem to have taken me for some sort of serial Thai basher but you are mistaken. I give credit where credit is due, but no question that in my opinion there has been nothing short of a fumble this time around allowing inter-provincial travel and the PM announcing there would be no lockdown despite provincial governors issuing edicts contrary to that statement.


But you crack on, we'll see how this all pans out come February.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Nout said:

Your friend was not ill, showing no symptoms and had not been in contact with a covid carrier presumably. Thus the lack of urgency.

Not "ill" as such, said they had a "cold" and a headache?


I of course, hope they (and everybody else in Thailand) will be fine....I just "think". Covid has been around long enough now, (I mean there is plenty of evidence/date/experience etc on testing etc).... so surely its best to get/use the fastest test returns available?

4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I saw people even on motorbikes wearing a mask.

but  no  helmet ,  ironic with their 65+ a  day REAL  deaths

  • Sad 1
8 hours ago, rabas said:

The primary difference between now and then is the current outbreak is due to the G614 strain, which ravaged the West. It tends to produce big clusters as we are seeing now. The first wave in Asia was a slow poke D614 strain.


This may be beyond Thai COVID-19 controls but I wish them all the luck.


I read somewhere that D614G has been around for a while, still the virus sequenced from a case connected with Burma was still the D614G variant but via India. So no chance that either the UK or South Africa variants are here? China is reporting an arrival of the UK variant. With all the sudden upsurge around Asia, is this all due to Covid fatigue and holiday cheer? 

9 hours ago, bodga said:

but  no  helmet ,  ironic with their 65+ a  day REAL  deaths

correct, in the village, but I have noticed in the market town 17 km from me more and more of late are wearing helmets.

22 hours ago, starky said:


   There are really no definitive statements that can be made with this pandemic only hopeful ones.

  Regardless of the heavy anti Thai rhetoric on this forum Thailand has done an amazing job. the US just passed 20 million cases and near 340 000 deaths. And people want criticise Thailand's covid response. Or infer there is some huge conspiracy country wide regarding the amount of infected or covid deaths?

IMO it's best to: separate Thai people from the generalization 'Thailand' because: In my experience working with Thais, their jobs simply don't provide what farangs consider only civilized. For instance: once I scalded myself at work & there was no 1st aid kit. No burn ointment, etc. Such things made me sympathetic & respectful.  How tough Thais are! Those thin hospital beds in wards have a different meaning to the citizens than they do to farangs. (I looked at the photo & immediately made plans for buying a mattress at Kad Luong, just in case I'd end up there.) BUT when I've gone to -- yes! A government hospital, I've received excellent care if I've been a little patient.  More extensive testing than in the US, for one thing. Also, it's good to read a little history about Thailand. I should read more.


Well if you see some hospitals in California, there are patients in all the hallways as the rooms

are all full, and a lot  more people still getting sick every day.  I feel sorry for all the workers

at the hospitals and medical places in the USA.  They would all like a field hospital to be in

instead of hall way beds, that for sure.

  Good Luck Thailand, this covid virus pandemic is far from over.


On 1/1/2021 at 4:23 PM, kingdong said:

The thais won,t make a drama out of a crisis.

Of course not, most Thais are sensible and don’t want COVID19. 

On 1/2/2021 at 6:08 AM, scubascuba3 said:

They were doing OK until the illegal border crossings, but if there was a decent press in Thailand that would have hit the news months ago

I stay on the borders - there have ALWAYS been illegal border crossings.  Stolen or unpaid motorbikes etc are trafficked accross borders regularly as well as people 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Well if you see some hospitals in California, there are patients in all the hallways as the rooms

are all full, and a lot  more people still getting sick every day.  I feel sorry for all the workers

at the hospitals and medical places in the USA.  They would all like a field hospital to be in

instead of hall way beds, that for sure.

  Good Luck Thailand, this covid virus pandemic is far from over.


They were using corridors as rooms when I visited my wifes relatives a few years ago - what will the do now ?


On 1/2/2021 at 6:08 AM, scubascuba3 said:

They were doing OK until the illegal border crossings, but if there was a decent press in Thailand that would have hit the news months ago

Illegalorder crossings have been happening for years - undoubtedly aided by corrupt authorities. This is where the problem came from. Infection spread from Bangladesh to Myanmar, now to Thailand 0 and probably to Cambodia who are recordings. 


I mentioned ages ago, that the spread would come from Myanmar once their numbers increases. Authorities must have seen this as being a risk. And they did nothing. There should have been mass testing of migrant workers once numbers started to increase and cases came close to the Myanmar border. 


Then we have illegal gambling dens (I couldn't imagine a situation being more infectious than this - handlign cards, dice, money, ally while shoulting and probably unmasked) that have been allowed to operate all this time. Now the little tea money jar will be depleted  until this wave is over, at least. 



23 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Considering your comments are based on the non-testing of Thais compared to other places like the uk that test something like 780,000 more per million, your comment seems kind of more misled than mine ! Indeed your comments are based on the same figures on worldometer showing how bad Thailand is doing in testing, but your cherry picking the good bits ! 

Msss testing is required in teh UK aand US as their cases are completely out of control. Until Now, Thailand has not required it - waste of money. Even after 7000 tests in Rayong after that infected soider was out in public yeilded ) positive results (which hence showed there were no asymptomatic carriers as well).

Even now, testing should be focussed on certain at-risk groups in Thailand. Unless the test is free, mass testing just isn't going to happen here. 


On 1/2/2021 at 6:08 AM, scubascuba3 said:

They were doing OK until the illegal border crossings, but if there was a decent press in Thailand that would have hit the news months ago


Agree with you. But would add in addition that, IME, people were becoming complacent in certain areas. Not bothering with masks etc anymore. Thinking the problem had gone away. 


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