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UK judge rejects extraditing Assange to U.S., citing suicide risk


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5 hours ago, fxe1200 said:

Looks like some posters are not familiar at all with the Assange cause. In case of his conviction, no journalist would be safe, when publishing the wrongdoing of a government. Besides Assange informed the New York Times and the Guardian of the war crimes and also asked to handle this information sensitively. Both papers never ever had been charged with the publishing of those crimes. From the very beginning it was a man hunt by the U.S.aiming to kill free journalism.

indeed, let's not forget how he revealed the illegal activities of the Pentagon and the CIA, two organizations that do not answer to anyone, not even to the POTUS when it can

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19 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

Yeah, Yeah. Please do not send me to the USA - I might have to kill myself!

So why is he not dead?

This scumbag is a con artist and he has conned again. More expense to the UK taxpayers.

He screwed his lawyer and she had two kids.

He has screwed the UK legal system for a few million £ more.

He is not a journalist and he is not innocent.


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19 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

Yeah, Yeah. Please do not send me to the USA - I might have to kill myself!

So why is he not dead?

This scumbag is a con artist and he has conned again. More expense to the UK taxpayers.

He screwed his lawyer and she had two kids.

He has screwed the UK legal system for a few million £ more.

He is not a journalist and he is not innocent.

And this comment neatly summarizes why he should not be sent back to a crippled society that imprisons more of its own people than Iran or China and subjects them to cruel and inhuman treatment.

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

Do you understand that a military court judges only military personnel and NOT civilians.

Have you ever been court martialed, I have. Some countries abolished military courts and now military people are judged by civilians, is that fair?  As it is US and military related  my comment  is an American way of thinking answer, even I'm not American.

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53 minutes ago, billd766 said:



3 hours ago, dexterm said:
So you approve of a gung-ho US Apache helicopter crew mowing down 11 innocent civilians, then their superiors covering up the war crime, do you? Have any of them been charged in a military court?


So who, in your opinion ordered the gung-ho US Apache helicopter crew to mow down 11 innocent civilians, then their superiors covering up the war crime?


The politicians, or the guys who completely ignored the rules of war and their military superiors who covered up the war crime.

The crew of Enola Gay was never imprisoned. Erich Hartmann on the other side was. Those who bombed Dresden, same thing. I don't want to defend that crew but once a war start dirty things will happen. And why these people become monsters? The time that we had only battlefields where only soldiers were slaughtered are long gone. The time they stopped for tea does not exist anymore. More and more civilians will be killed in the new conflicts as they are not military trained nor equipped. If you want to stop all this abolish the UN the worst members have all a veto right. 

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Governments should not be able to hide their law breaking and evil deeds. Assange is a hero, alongside Snowden and Chelsea Manning. The US is constantly breaking international laws, and the CIA has to be the most thuggish and evil organisation on earth.

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4 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

Have you ever been court martialed, I have. Some countries abolished military courts and now military people are judged by civilians, is that fair?  As it is US and military related  my comment  is an American way of thinking answer, even I'm not American.

That was probably due to you breaking serious military law.


In my 25 years in the RAF I know of nobody who was court martialed. I assume that there must have been but in my postings to 12 different stations both in the UK or abroad I never came across it.

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6 hours ago, Pilotman said:

so the 'logic' of this judge and this decision is that Assange has a case to answer in law and  therefore the application for extradition is correct.   The US consider him a flight risk, which he has proved that he is, therefore he must be kepi under maximum security.  Maximum security means he may want to kill himself, (his choice) therefore he can't be extradited to face justice unless he is under less security, where he may push off (which he will) .  So, he has a case to answer, but he will not answer for it because the poor didums may top himself. The law is an ass. 

Wrong again. It was an extradition case, not a judgment of guilt or innocence.


The judge never made a dtermination of guilt, she cannot do that.


It is not his choice on suicide. When in custody it is the responsibility of the govt to prevent it.


Your opinion on the law is diametrically opposed to hundreds of years of precedence.

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5 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

Have you ever been court martialed, I have. Some countries abolished military courts and now military people are judged by civilians, is that fair?  As it is US and military related  my comment  is an American way of thinking answer, even I'm not American.

No it is a govt charging him, not military.


But since you have been court martialed i give your opinion the respect it deserves, zero.

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18 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Wrong again. It was an extradition case, not a judgment of guilt or innocence.


The judge never made a dtermination of guilt, she cannot do that.


It is not his choice on suicide. When in custody it is the responsibility of the govt to prevent it.


Your opinion on the law is diametrically opposed to hundreds of years of precedence.

That's not at all what I said.  Read it before commenting, then read the judgement, which clearly you have not.  

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