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Teeth whitening for old guy with considerable gum recission

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A bit shocked how yellow the choppers are looking (I'm over 65).  Would like to have them whitened, but wonder if it's worth it since I have quite a bit of gum rescission.

If it can be done, any recommendations of good places in BKK?


I'm older than you and though my gums are ok, I was concerned about some of the warnings regarding whitening processes, especially for older teeth that I found online. 

I decided to try the easiest method first, brushing carefully with COLGATE OPTIC WHITE toothpaste twice a day.  While the results were not as dramatic as a professional whitening treatment, within one month, my teeth were noticeably whiter; within 3 months, much more so.

Again, they aren't the brilliant white that dentists promise but they certainly look better than I ever expected they would just using toothpaste.  I only brush with the whitening toothpaste once a day now.


There are a number of brands of whitening toothpaste on the market and I don't actually know if any one of them is superior.  I just chose Colgate because I knew the brand.  

There are also over the counter methods where you soak your teeth in a whitening solution held in what looks like a plastic mouth guard.  I don't know if that method is any better but it looked awkward and time consuming to use.

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Thanks dddave.  I tried whitening toothpaste, but it really made no difference, even after a couple of months.

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I sometimes use Hydrogen Peroxide as a mouthwash which seems to help with the yellowing teeth.


Also helps if you have some mild toothache, seems to kill the germs and bacteria.




I'm over 65 by a couple of years as well, I smoked for at least 40 years & gave up just about 4 years ago, I had some fillings done a few weeks back and asked the dentist about having a dental hygienist do a scrape and polish & get rid of the tar at the back of my teeth, her response, don't bother. And yes like you my teeth are more yellow than white, not sure about tooth whitening pastes etc.


After brush my teeth I use for a very long time ago Baking soda 2 times per week, who has natural whitening properties and has been shown to be effective in removing stains from teeth and whitening the smile.  ... Numerous studies have shown that baking soda is a mild abrasive that has the ability to remove stains from the outside of teeth and of course kills germs and eliminates bad smells 100%.


Just now, Tarteso said:

After brush my teeth I use for a very long time

Baking soda 2 times per week, who has natural whitening properties and has been shown to be effective in removing stains from teeth and whitening the smile.  ... Numerous studies have shown that baking soda is a mild abrasive that has the ability to remove stains from the outside of teeth and of course kills germs and eliminates bad smells 100%.


Yes, and the mild abrasive qualities are great to strip off the enamel of the teeth too. 

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1 minute ago, jak2002003 said:

Yes, and the mild abrasive qualities are great to strip off the enamel of the teeth too. 

As I wrote not for use every days and can wash with a small spoon of BSoda in a glass of water...

22 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Just keep your mouth closed, then no-one can see them.

Who's going to see them when you're wearing a mask, anyway?


teeth naturally wear with age and as the enamel surface wears they take on a yellow tinge. Trying to whiten aged teeth is a good way to lose them altogether, destroy your gums , or produce highly sensitive teeth, Get them capped, or live with it, but capped white teeth on an older person just look weird.  


I agree that capped brilliant white teeth on an older person just look weird. 


A couple years ago I had many crowns done at the same time because of dental erosion from too-vigorous brushing and GERD.  The dentist took her time and made a temporary denture for the uppers to check the fit and appearance.  She made them the bright shade of white I selected, even though she recommended a more subdued shade of grey.  The fit was good and the new teeth made an improvement in my overall appearance, like I'd had cosmetic surgery.  But the brilliant white just wasn't right.  I'm glad she did the trial temporary denture before proceeding with the crowns because it gave me a chance to check out the color and not end up like some of my friends who look very unnatural with their new brilliant white teeth.


I'm over 60 & have been using Hydrogen Peroxide, 20 Vol.,  mixed with baking Soda for several years now, & when i first started, it took maybe 4/6 weeks using every 2/3 days to show an improvement, and now I use just 2 days a week to keep them white, also seems to help keep gums clean.


adding to whatever whitening paste etc yopu decide upon, I've heard and tried out the idea of; once your finished the brushing and spat out the froth - load the toothbrush up again and do another breushingover the teeth (but this time do not Rinse your mouth out, but spit out most of the loose froth, but keep the rest of it in your mouth. Experiment how much you can handle without gagging and swallowing. 

This is much the method used for the High-Flouride content whitening pastes, such as Colgate NeutraFluor5000 type products 


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