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UK Travel Ban

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


What do you actually think might happen ????? 


Are you concerned that while on the road to the airport the Police will arrest you?


Or, do think the Police will be on the doors at the airports, checking declarations and preventing people from checking in?


Or, will the airlines be collecting this ‘declaration’ ???




While there have been announcements, there is nothing physically in place to stop you. I’m wondering if you are not over-interpreting the announcements and creating your own road block. 



Guy flew on 28/29th and there were police at the airport who asked him where he was going and what was the reason  . He said Thailand for two months for business and marriage. They said ok no problem have a good trip and keep an eye on travel restrictions while he was away and that he might have to do 10 days quarantine upon return depending on conditions . 

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:


That is exactly what Priti Patel said - that the police will be checking people at airports. When challenged by a reporter over the claim that Border Force had only checked on 3% of previous entrants to ensure they were in their place of home quarantine, she said that this rule would be strictly enforced. Boris Johnson added that there will be no exceptions. Should I ignore that then?


I'm not creating any road blocks at all - I actually support the fact that the government has made a start at closing the borders. I am simply trying to find out if visiting wives or family abroad will be considered essential travel. I am also seeking answer as to why, under these new rules, it appears that I can't visit my wife but my wife can visit me here.


However, to add to the confusion, there are unconfirmed reports in some newspapers that it will be the carriers that will carry out the checks and that the police will simply have an inreased presence at airports and may check more travellers. Also some reports appear to be suggesting that Priti Patel has given a somewhat watered down explanation of her televised statement.


This is just one of those - from the Daily Mirror.


She said people will have to declare their reason in advance to the airline or carrier they book with.

There will be more police at ports and airports - and people without a valid reason for travel will be sent home or fined for breaching lockdown.

But she did not give any detail on when the restriction will come into force, or give a full list of valid reasons.

She said airlines and carriers will now have liability for checking travellers - and will face fines themselves if they do not comply.




God knows what to think.  I know that on Thursday and Friday, neither Etihad or Emirates had any knowledge of any checks.


However, from the beginning of this Pandemic, lack of detail and enforcement has been a feature of this government's policies.


You clearly are creating your own road blocks. Other people have said so too. 


You have created so many negative ‘What if’s’ in your mind that you will never get anywhere.


There have been announcements, but you are exaggerating the situation as if there is some form of Marshal Law in place and police are turning people away from airports.


This is simply about preventing holidayers from abusing regulations. 


If you think you are a holidayer don’t travel. If you can justify your need to travel to your home in Thailand, travel. 

Everything else is somewhat made up paranoia in your mind. 




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18 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

Guy flew on 28/29th and there were police at the airport who asked him where he was going and what was the reason  . He said Thailand for two months for business and marriage. They said ok no problem have a good trip and keep an eye on travel restrictions while he was away and that he might have to do 10 days quarantine upon return depending on conditions . 

Well that's go to be good news - lets just hope the government don't brief the police to clamp down further. I spoke to Manchester Airport Police, I think it was on Thursday and although they were aware of the government's announcement, they said they hadn't had any instructions.


I'm planning to go in April, things could change between now and then. The government may clrarify the situation or we may find that despite their claims, the rules are not being enforced. I've decided that if things stay as they are, I'm going to contact the Airport Police again and ask them if I will be allowed - before I have my PCR test and obtain my Fit to Fly certificate. If the government do impose these checks and we are not allowed to travel - the airlines will probably cancel their flights by that time in any case.

5 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Well that's go to be good news - lets just hope the government don't brief the police to clamp down further. I spoke to Manchester Airport Police, I think it was on Thursday and although they were aware of the government's announcement, they said they hadn't had any instructions.


I'm planning to go in April, things could change between now and then. The government may clrarify the situation or we may find that despite their claims, the rules are not being enforced. I've decided that if things stay as they are, I'm going to contact the Airport Police again and ask them if I will be allowed - before I have my PCR test and obtain my Fit to Fly certificate. If the government do impose these checks and we are not allowed to travel - the airlines will probably cancel their flights by that time in any case.


A lot may change between now and then. 


More than any concern about the UK government preventing people from travelling to their overseas homes is the fact that the overseas countries may be blocking arrivals from the UK. 


Thailand currently is not currently blocking arrivals on flights directly from the UK, but a lot of countries have. 

It could be only a matter of time before Thailand does. 


This may well have all passed in a few months.


But more realistic than the very slim possibility that the UK prevents someone from departing is Thailand preventing a Brit from arriving, that is perhaps where you should focus your concerns. 


Then again, it's all out of your control, so you can’t worry about that which you have no control over.


Thus: as advised, make your plans, but be prepared to have to cancel. 

Take out travel insurance which covers the cost of cancellation of flights etc for any reason. 

Book fully refundable ASQ with agoda etc.


Regarding Covid-19 test etc... there is no point worrying about that so far out, deal with what you can deal with first. 

Closer to the time you will know more. 



You e-mails the Shadow home secretary to ensure to ask for clarity on the rules etc...  but the regulations are in state of flux anyway. So what is good this week is not next.


All you can do so make your plans and protect yourself at the same time, no one is going to give you the perfect answer you want, because it doesn’t exist. 





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3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

You clearly are creating your own road blocks. Other people have said so too. 


You have created so many negative ‘What if’s’ in your mind that you will never get anywhere.


There have been announcements, but you are exaggerating the situation as if there is some form of Marshal Law in place and police are turning people away from airports.

I am not creating road blocks at all and neither do I have any what if's in my mind.  I am purely reacting to what both the Home Secratary and the Prime Minister said on TV. Reporters and opposition MP's challenged them that they had not enforced other restrictions - such as contacting entrants to make sure they were quarantining. Their reply was that the rules will now be rigorously enforced! So you'd recommend ignoring that would you? And yes, Priti Patel did say the police will be patroling the airports - what should anyone take that to mean? They won't?


Was it you who claimed that you'd had an easy time applying for your COE when thousands of others couldn't even get a reply from their Thai Embassy?


I repeat, I am not exaggerating anything, I am simply stating what the government has said. Whether they stick to their word will only become clear as time goes by.  People can make their own decisions and be responsible for any risks they may take. I'm just reporting what the government has said. 


You are basically accusing me of scaremongering - how is repeating a government announcement scaremongering.  I don't really care that others have made similar comments, that doesn't change the facts. You might note that one of those accepted he had not read my post properly.


One thing that I believe will have an impact on how things go is that the press are out for Johnson's blood at the moment.  If they find that the government are not enforcing the rules in the way they have stated, you can be sure the press will report it.


There is also a good likelihood that the government will clarify what they class as 'Essential Travel' - Patel is being pressed on that at the moment.

2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

More than any concern about the UK government preventing people from travelling to their overseas homes is the fact that the overseas countries may be blocking arrivals from the UK. 

And if they do that, the airline has to refund the flight.

3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

You e-mails the Shadow home secretary to ensure to ask for clarity on the rules etc...  but the regulations are in state of flux anyway. So what is good this week is not next.

I am not the only one asking for clarity. Several reporters have also pressed Patel to be clear on what is consdered 'Essential Travel'.


Johnson is facing increasing criticism for not 'cracking the whip' hard enough and acting too little too late.  The likelihood is that restrictions will get tougher not easier.

7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Then again, it's all out of your control, so you can’t worry about that which you have no control over.

Do you have a terminal illness? Are your days numbered?  Of course I worry, I would like to have as much time with my wife as possible.

34 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

There have been announcements, but you are exaggerating the situation as if there is some form of Marshal Law in place and police are turning people away from airports.

Let's put this a different way.  I have reported what 2 government ministers have stated - verbatum.  Please tell me which part of that I have exaggerated? Exactly where have I added things to the goverment's statements?



Khao Yai.... 


You are quite right. You would wait for a personalised letter of assurance from the Shadow Home Secretary that you will not be blocked from departing the UK. 


While you are at it, you should write to the head of Thailands Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ask that he guarantee your entry to the Kingdom of Thailand. 












34 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:
36 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

More than any concern about the UK government preventing people from travelling to their overseas homes is the fact that the overseas countries may be blocking arrivals from the UK. 

And if they do that, the airline has to refund the flight.


My flight was cancelled... it took the Airline nearly 4 months to refund. 

29 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:
37 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Then again, it's all out of your control, so you can’t worry about that which you have no control over.

Do you have a terminal illness? Are your days numbered?  Of course I worry, I would like to have as much time with my wife as possible.


Sorry if you are unwell.. Surely, all the more reason to get on with it and get back rather than worry about a vague announcement. 


No one has been prevented from returning to Thailand (that we have heard of on this forum).

10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Sorry if you are unwell.. Surely, all the more reason to get on with it and get back rather than worry about a vague announcement. 


No one has been prevented from returning to Thailand (that we have heard of on this forum).

I totally agree, as i mentioned in a earlier post, he's making more issues than their is IMO.


Up to him, can't tell him anything, everything is impossible in his eyes.

39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I am not creating road blocks at all and neither do I have any what if's in my mind. 


You are, otherwise you’d have bookings already. 

- ASQ fully refundable

- Flights with travel insurance

- Insurance (not expensive) 


Instead you are wanting guarantees you will not get. 



39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I am purely reacting to what both the Home Secratary and the Prime Minister said on TV. Reporters and opposition MP's challenged them that they had not enforced other restrictions - such as contacting entrants to make sure they were quarantining. Their reply was that the rules will now be rigorously enforced! So you'd recommend ignoring that would you? And yes, Priti Patel did say the police will be patroling the airports - what should anyone take that to mean? They won't?


You are over reacting and allowing your paranoia to imagine the worse case scenario and thinking that will happen. 

The police are not stopping anyone from travelling with reason. 



39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Was it you who claimed that you'd had an easy time applying for your COE when thousands of others couldn't even get a reply from their Thai Embassy?


Yes...  I got a reply from the Embassy when I asked for the requirements, so did everyone else. 

Many may not have received a ’tailored response’... some people get upset when they are not spoon-fed. 


39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I repeat, I am not exaggerating anything, I am simply stating what the government has said. Whether they stick to their word will only become clear as time goes by.  People can make their own decisions and be responsible for any risks they may take. I'm just reporting what the government has said. 


Over reacting...  slightly different from exaggerating, but you are most definitely over-reacting. You can see that because you are buried so deep in paranoia you havent taken a step back and looked at the issue from a better perspective. 


39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

You are basically accusing me of scaremongering - how is repeating a government announcement scaremongering.

Nope - just over reacting. 


39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I don't really care that others have made similar comments, that doesn't change the facts. You might note that one of those accepted he had not read my post properly.


One thing that I believe will have an impact on how things go is that the press are out for Johnson's blood at the moment.  If they find that the government are not enforcing the rules in the way they have stated, you can be sure the press will report it.


You are worrying about maybe’s and what-ifs.....  So what if the UK full closes, what then? 


Its out of your control.... What is within your control, right now is doing what you can to get back right now?


Waiting for assurances is not good whatsoever....  Take care of your bookings and make sure they are refundable or you have insurance which covers cancellation.


The world is way too fluid at the moment, nothing is fixed and there are no assurances. accept that an do what you can where you can - thats all you can do. 



39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

There is also a good likelihood that the government will clarify what they class as 'Essential Travel' - Patel is being pressed on that at the moment.


And whatever clarifications are announced will still be somewhat ‘generalised’ and won’t suit your situation perfectly and you will still be here complaining the you are uncertain...  


.... Or you can just get on with it. 



3 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

I totally agree, as i mentioned in a earlier post, he's making more issues than their is IMO.


Up to him, can't tell him anything, everything is impossible in his eyes.


If ever there was a glass half full character... so much of a ‘can’t do attitude’... 


Almost as if his subconscious doesn’t really want to go back to Thailand and he’s using any excuse not to. 



Since the initial lockdown it's never been easier for anyone to get back to Thailand.


With proof that he lives in Thailand (Bank account, accommodation, vehicle, driving licence etc) there is no way the police would stop him unless there is a 100% travel ban on anyone leaving (which will never happen).



  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


If ever there was a glass half full character... so much of a ‘can’t do attitude’... 


Almost as if his subconscious doesn’t really want to go back to Thailand and he’s using any excuse not to. 



Since the initial lockdown it's never been easier for anyone to get back to Thailand.


With proof that he lives in Thailand (Bank account, accommodation, vehicle, driving licence etc) there is no way the police would stop him unless there is a 100% travel ban on anyone leaving (which will never happen).



Totally agree.


I could ( possibly ) understand giving up whilst it was only repat flights due to the limited seats and embassy process of getting a seat but as soon as commercial flights became an option it's been pretty straight forward.



I've been following the topic. I urge you to press ahead with getting to Thailand. Make that your focus. Deal with any complications as they actually occur. Time is precious and you will never know until you try. If you don't try you will never succeed. Never take no for an answer. Get on with it man and you will benefit mentally and physically. Think about your wife, do you want to see her? 

Best wishes. 


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20 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Totally agree.


I could ( possibly ) understand giving up whilst it was only repat flights due to the limited seats and embassy process of getting a seat but as soon as commercial flights became an option it's been pretty straight forward.


Perfectly exampled by KhaoYai’s response below. 


Back in July there was very little information and the Thai Embassy responded to my e-mail with a list or requirements. I got the documents together and responded with my application very quickly.


Other people on this forum were complaining - How can we book a flight if we are not allowed to take that flight etc etc  I just booked a flight and submitted the details with the CoE application (at the time I didn’t know I couldn’t use that flight).

Done, CoE approved - only Embassy organised repatriation flights could carry passengers at that time so my original flight was no good to me, it was cancelled, it took 4 months to get a refund (not happy about that and I had to get ABTA involved, but the goal of getting back to my family was achieved). 


At the time I could have wasted time and kept e-mailing the Embassy to obtain clarification, or I could get on with it. 


Asking for tailored information at a time of chaos when only general and conflicting information is available is always going to be a fruitless task.


It's easier and much better to get on, do what you can do and take steps towards your goals than to never cross the start line because you are worried you might not reach the finish. 



Below is an example of KhaoYai’s disbelief that following instructions was easy.

1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Was it you who claimed that you'd had an easy time applying for your COE when thousands of others couldn't even get a reply from their Thai Embassy?


By the way: I never said applying for the CoE was easy. There was a lot of paperwork to sort out - but it wasn’t impossible either. 


I have just arrived from the UK via Frankfurt. As long as you have all the correct paperwork, the COE process was very quick. Upon receiving my visa, the process of booking tickets for flights and ASQ was completed and the COE was issued within 2 hours. I found the Embassy staff very helpful with e-mail enquiries, which were all answered the same day.


The major problem for everyone is the result of the RT-PCR test. If it is positive for SARS-CoV-2 then you will be unable to travel and this will give you major problems. If it is negative, then you are Fit to Fly. There was a requirement for a 48 hour negative test for Germany and a 72 hour negative test for Thailand. The test result document was requested the most times in all three countries.


Nobody asked me about my reason for travelling but my company had written a document about work activities, but this was not needed.  However, with Patel's recent comments, everything could change and I would suggest to have all areas covered and I wish you luck.

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@richard_smith237 and @HashBrownHarry


I am tired of stating the same old things. The fact that you resort to ridicule speaks volumes.


For the last time because I'm done with the pair of you, I AM NOT POSTING PERSONAL OPINIONS, MY GLASS IS NOT HALF EMPTY AND I AM NOT EXAGGERATING ANYTHING (I note you failed to reply to my previous question asking what I'd exaggerated.


I have reported exactly what the UK government have announced.  They have announced plenty of things before which have meant nothing in the end. However, on this occasion they were specifically challenged about their track record on enforcement and replied that the measures they have introduced and those that already exist will be strictly enforced. The Home Secretary has so far refused to give precise details on what constitutes 'Essential Travel'.


The nature of my business means that I have to completely shut down to take 1 month off. That can only be done at certain times in the process and takes time.  It also means that I have to re-start everything when I return - it will be 9 weeks minimum but more likely closer to 14 before I get any income when I return.  My normal visits are for 2 weeks which can be dealt with but I now need to take at least 4 weeks off to cover Thailand's quarantine requirements - so its a shut down. And no, I can't just hand over to someone else, I work alone. If I shut down and am subsequently not allowed to travel, I will lose a large portion of my money for no reason. Once I begin the shutdown, it can't be reversed so I have to plan very carefully.


I am also a landlord but that income is spoken for and in any case, most of my tenants are back on rent holidays due to the lockdown. That has seriously affected my income in the last 10 months and another reason why I won't take unnecessary risks.


The result of all that is that if I travel, I am likely to have no income for a minimum of 13 weeks - possibly 18.  I can live quite cheaply but even so, the cost of travel, ASQ, Insurance etc. + what I need to live on will be at least £10,000, maybe more. £10,000 is a lot but worth it if I can travel - if I can't its a huge waste. £10,000 is also what it will cost me, the actual lost income is far more.


I do want to see my wife but I am not prepared to lose  cash by taking unnecessary risks.  I am fully aware that the Thai government could impose a ban at any time and was prepared to take that chance. Why? that's a maybe - the UK government's announcement as its stands, IS LAW.


I find it interesting that you think I should ignore a law imposed by my own country but suggest that trips could be banned by the Thai's at any moment.  Based on your way of thinking, if the Thai government announced a ban I should ignore it and buy a ticket in any case.


I am not negative at all - quite the opposite actually.  When you get a terminal diagnosis you have 2 choices, you can either sit with your head in your hands and go downhill or you can enjoy the life you do have left.  Once I got over the initial shock, I chose the latter - which is probably part of the reason I'm still here almost 6 years later when I was told I had between 2 and 4 years.  You will find fewer more positive people than me - I take risks every day but they are balanced risks. I will not take a risk that is heavily weighted against me - which is why, all I'm wanting is clarification of the details announced by the UK government.


If, on balance others decide to take that risk, that is up to them but until I get clarification, I won't be booking anything.


You try to ridicule me by saying I'm waiting for a personalised, tailored reponse. Please tell me where I have stated that.  I have simply asked for clarification on whether visiting wives and families abroad will be considered as essential travel - what's so wrong with that?  I have already had one phone call from the Home Office with a promise that they will get back to me.  I suspect that the fact is they haven't worked the details out yet - much like they announced that some UK entrants will have to quarantine in hotels before they had even made arrangments with any hotels.  I really don't see what's personalised or tailored about what I'm asking.


I note you have already made your visit and wonder if you would have made your bookings in the current circumstances - I have absolutely no doubt that you will no doubt claim you would but we will never know will we?  Its easy to talk of risking large amounts of money when its not your money you're talking about.


Regarding the Thai Embassy and COE, take a look at posts on Thaivisa, Facebook and other sources around the time they first started letting some categories fly.  They were absolute barstewards - they failed to respond, gave out ridiculous replies and failed to carry out what the MFA announced. When I sent a simple e-mail asking what the procedure was for me to travel, I was told to buy a ticket and book ASQ. Yet they had already sent me an e-mail stating that they would not allow privately booked flights. When I responded 'thank you, what date should I book for' they simply repeated the first e-mail (again and again).  They complained they were overwhelmed with phone calls and e-mails - hardly surprising, if they'd simply given the procedure, they might have been able to cope.  Your story conflicts with most people's experience of the Thai Embassy in London at the time and from what I was reading, that of most people who were applying to other Thai embassies around the world.  There were several Facebook pages last year - full of confused people who were getting no information from their embassies. The correct information actually existed at the time, there was even an application available that was issued by one of the Thai embassies/consulates in the USA - I was shown it and it all seemed very simple.


The Thai Embassy in London even gave my wife a hard time when she applied for COE.  She's normally a very laid back person and rarely gets upset but she lost it with the Thai Embassy and realised why I'd got so pee'd off with them.  The Thai procedure involves downloading an application and once registered a password has to be chosen.  There is no given format for the password - you just have to take pot luck. My wife tried several times but couldn't enter one - she e-mailed the embassy for help but was told they couldn't help her with technical issues!!! She finally found a format from another applicant who'd tried literally hundreds of times.


If you had a good experience, it wasn't typical.


You can diss me all you want, its water of a duck's back. Until I hear different, I am basing things on what the UK government says and not the words of a forum member who has no authority and bases everything on his personal opinion.


If members that travelled after the governments announcement start posting that they haven't been checked or that they were and stated they were visting their wives and/or families and were allowed to travel, I'll happily listen to that and take heart from it - until then I'll be dealing with the facts.


This comment of yours illustrates just how weak your argument is:


All you can do so make your plans and protect yourself at the same time, no one is going to give you the perfect answer you want, because it doesn’t exist. 


What am I doing but protecting myself?  I am making my plans, I plan to go in April but in the circumstances I won't be booking anything until nearer the time.  What is this imaginery 'perfect answer' you talk about?  Asking if travelling to see wives and families qualifies is something out of the ordinary?  Seems quite simple to me.






I too am trying to get back to see my wife

in thailand and want to travel within a few weeks.

I called british airways and they stated i shouldnt have any problems leaving .

I was happily suprised.

Still not convinced,think i will wait and see .If no real clarification on what is essential travel i will chance it.

Not seen my wife in a year what the hell

got to show her i tried.



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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

@richard_smith237 and @HashBrownHarry


I am tired of stating the same old things. The fact that you resort to ridicule speaks volumes.


For the last time because I'm done with the pair of you, I AM NOT POSTING PERSONAL OPINIONS, MY GLASS IS NOT HALF EMPTY AND I AM NOT EXAGGERATING ANYTHING (I note you failed to reply to my previous question asking what I'd exaggerated.


You’ve exaggerated pretty much everything ‘making a mountain out of a molehill’.



1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I have reported exactly what the UK government have announced.  They have announced plenty of things before which have meant nothing in the end. However, on this occasion they were specifically challenged about their track record on enforcement and replied that the measures they have introduced and those that already exist will be strictly enforced. The Home Secretary has so far refused to give precise details on what constitutes 'Essential Travel'.


You’ve said it: they have announced things before which have meant nothing in the end. They are not going to stop people visiting family - that is essential travel. 



1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

The nature of my business means that I have to completely shut down to take 1 month off. That can only be done at certain times in the process and takes time.  It also means that I have to re-start everything when I return - it will be 9 weeks minimum but more likely closer to 14 before I get any income when I return.  My normal visits are for 2 weeks which can be dealt with but I now need to take at least 4 weeks off to cover Thailand's quarantine requirements - so its a shut down. And no, I can't just hand over to someone else, I work alone. If I shut down and am subsequently not allowed to travel, I will lose a large portion of my money for no reason. Once I begin the shutdown, it can't be reversed so I have to plan very carefully.

Self imposed road block - you either come or you don’t. A lot of things can go wrong you are really concentrating on this one facet when others are more realistic.

- Thailand travel ban flights from UK

- Airline cancels flights

- UK locks down and can't return 


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I am also a landlord but that income is spoken for and in any case, most of my tenants are back on rent holidays due to the lockdown. That has seriously affected my income in the last 10 months and another reason why I won't take unnecessary risks.


The result of all that is that if I travel, I am likely to have no income for a minimum of 13 weeks - possibly 18.  I can live quite cheaply but even so, the cost of travel, ASQ, Insurance etc. + what I need to live on will be at least £10,000, maybe more. £10,000 is a lot but worth it if I can travel - if I can't its a huge waste. £10,000 is also what it will cost me, the actual lost income is far more.


IF this is such a huge financial risk, why not wait for the UK to open up and have your Wife visit you.


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I do want to see my wife but I am not prepared to lose  cash by taking unnecessary risks.  I am fully aware that the Thai government could impose a ban at any time and was prepared to take that chance. Why? that's a maybe - the UK government's announcement as its stands, IS LAW.

Every journey is a risk and there are no guarantees at the moment. 

I was stuck away from my family for 5 months due to lock-down. I am currently outside of Thailand away from them again. 

There are no guarantees but I can’t make decisions on what may or may not happen - things are just changing to quickly. We just plan what we can. 


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I find it interesting that you think I should ignore a law imposed by my own country but suggest that trips could be banned by the Thai's at any moment.  Based on your way of thinking, if the Thai government announced a ban I should ignore it and buy a ticket in any case.

If you think your travel is not essential then its not. If you think getting back to your Wife is essential travel and can prove that you are married, have accommodation, overseas bank accounts etc you are within any law. 

If you can’t and are just going for a 2 week holiday, then you are breaking the law.

Visiting your Wife cannot be considered a holiday by any stretch.



1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I am not negative at all - quite the opposite actually.  When you get a terminal diagnosis you have 2 choices, you can either sit with your head in your hands and go downhill or you can enjoy the life you do have left.  Once I got over the initial shock, I chose the latter - which is probably part of the reason I'm still here almost 6 years later when I was told I had between 2 and 4 years.  You will find fewer more positive people than me.

Sorry about that and congratulations on the fight so far.

IF you are so positive stop moaning on a forum and do what it takes to get to Thailand instead of worrying about what might happen if you are stopped along the way. 


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

- I take risks every day but they are balanced risks. I will not take a risk that is heavily weighted against me - which is why, all I'm wanting is clarification of the details announced by the UK government.

This is not a heavily weighted risk against you - thinking like this is the road block you are putting up against yourself .



1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

If, on balance others decide to take that risk, that is up to them but until I get clarification, I won't be booking anything.


You try to ridicule me by saying I'm waiting for a personalised, tailored reponse. Please tell me where I have stated that.  I have simply asked for clarification on whether visiting wives and families abroad will be considered as essential travel - what's so wrong with that? 

Sounds like a tailored response to me.

Travelling to Wife and immediate family is obviously essential travel. 


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I have already had one phone call from the Home Office with a promise that they will get back to me.  I suspect that the fact is they haven't worked the details out yet - much like they announced that some UK entrants will have to quarantine in hotels before they had even made arrangments with any hotels.  I really don't see what's personalised or tailored about what I'm asking.




1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I note you have already made your visit and wonder if you would have made your bookings in the current circumstances - I have absolutely no doubt that you will no doubt claim you would but we will never know will we?  Its easy to talk of risking large amounts of money when its not your money you're talking about.

It was my money and it was a large amount.

I’m currently overseas again and am already holding refundable ASQ bookings and a flight to return. 

I have not, not booked anything because of a possibility of a travel ban.



1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Regarding the Thai Embassy and COE, take a look at posts on Thaivisa, Facebook and other sources around the time they first started letting some categories fly.  They were absolute barstewards - they failed to respond, gave out ridiculous replies and failed to carry out what the MFA announced. When I sent a simple e-mail asking what the procedure was for me to travel, I was told to buy a ticket and book ASQ. Yet they had already sent me an e-mail stating that they would not allow privately booked flights. When I responded 'thank you, what date should I book for' they simply repeated the first e-mail (again and again).  They complained they were overwhelmed with phone calls and e-mails - hardly surprising, if they'd simply given the procedure, they might have been able to cope.  Your story conflicts with most people's experience of the Thai Embassy in London at the time and from what I was reading, that of most people who were applying to other Thai embassies around the world.  There were several Facebook pages last year - full of confused people who were getting no information from their embassies. The correct information actually existed at the time, there was even an application available that was issued by one of the Thai embassies/consulates in the USA - I was shown it and it all seemed very simple.


Exactly the same for me:

I e-mailed the Thai Embassy, received the same list of requirements as everyone else - contradictory and circular. I didn’t e-mail the the Embassy and ask for clarification or question the need for a ticket I couldn’t travel on or ASQ booking I didn’t know I could make etc.. (I just ensured the flight and ASQ was refundable - flight refund took over 4 months).

I just got on with it and met the list of requirements and submitted all those requirements - I was on an embassy organised repatriation flight a couple of weeks later.


Instead of calling and sending e-mails asking for clarification and getting upset because the details were confusing and not specific I just provided the Embassy with what they asked for - it was simple, I didn’t make any barriers for myself, I just got it done and got home. 


I’m the process of doing the same again - its not hard if you don’t make it hard.



1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

The Thai Embassy in London even gave my wife a hard time when she applied for COE.  She's normally a very laid back person and rarely gets upset but she lost it with the Thai Embassy and realised why I'd got so pee'd off with them.  The Thai procedure involves downloading an application and once registered a password has to be chosen.  There is no given format for the password - you just have to take pot luck. My wife tried several times but couldn't enter one - she e-mailed the embassy for help but was told they couldn't help her with technical issues!!! She finally found a format from another applicant who'd tried literally hundreds of times.


If you had a good experience, it wasn't typical.


I didn’t have a good experience. I just didn’t allow it to become a bad experience by expecting to be spoon-fed and get hung up at tripping points. 



1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

You can diss me all you want, its water of a duck's back. Until I hear different, I am basing things on what the UK government says and not the words of a forum member who has no authority and bases everything on his personal opinion.

You are basing things on an unclear announcement and moaning about it. 

You may receive the clarification you want. But what happens when there is a new vague announcement next week or the week after |?


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

If members that travelled after the governments announcement start posting that they haven't been checked or that they were and stated they were visting their wives and/or families and were allowed to travel, I'll happily listen to that and take heart from it - until then I'll be dealing with the facts.


This comment of yours illustrates just how weak your argument is:


All you can do so make your plans and protect yourself at the same time, no one is going to give you the perfect answer you want, because it doesn’t exist. 



Thats all you can do, instead of moaning about it. Make plans and ensure you are protected for loss of flights etc if things change. Regarding your business, no one can help you there, thats a risk that is always going to be present at a time like this. If that is a risk not worth taking, you shouldn’t travel. 


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

What am I doing but protecting myself?  I am making my plans, I plan to go in April but in the circumstances I won't be booking anything until nearer the time.

Don’t be stubborn - Book an ASQ, they are fully refundable. Put something in your back pocket.

Don’t wait until the last minute then come back on this forum complaining only the expensive ones are available. 



1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

What is this imaginery 'perfect answer' you talk about?  Asking if travelling to see wives and families qualifies is something out of the ordinary?  Seems quite simple to me.



You want to be told. Yes, you can travel to Thailand to see your Wife.

You want to see another announcement on the news that states...the UK will not stop people travelling overseas to their family.


I get that. But really, thats where you have really over thought all this and really got yourself wound up. 


Announcements such as this are always deliberately vague to allow for wiggle room for those scenarios unforeseen or not covered. i.e. What the announcement ultimately means is ’travel for pleasure’ (i.e. holidays) is not permitted. 


If you are still panicking about this and can’t take a common sense approach you really can’t be helped, you must exhaust yourself with all this incessant worry, self imposed problems and issues. 


Good luck. 





1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

You want to be told. Yes, you can travel to Thailand to see your Wife.

You want to see another announcement on the news that states...the UK will not stop people travelling overseas to their family.

And that's so unusual?


Your entire reply is simply wrong. Nowhere have I moaned, nowhere have I exaggerated and nowhere have I asked for any perfect, personalised, tailored answers. 


I simply reported an announcment by the British Government that, until clarified may impact on members here. I stated that I wasn't prepared to take the risk and that I had asked for clarification. I said I'd contacted several organisations trying to get clarification - that's moaning?


I acknowledged that the UK government had not enforced this travel ban previously but they had stated they would be doing now - that's moaning?


I said it would be interesting to hear from people that had tried leaving the UK since the government's announcement - that's moaning?


I have not posted any wrong or misleading information and on several occasions I have said that it was up to members to decide if they want to take the risk but I wasn't prepared to - that's moaning?


Since when did notifying members of a law that affects them and expressing a personal intention become moaning? If that's the case, there is no purpose to this forum, Thaivisa might as well just post news with no space for comment or allowance for members to post their own news.


If anyone says anything that goes against your views, you call it moaning.

8 hours ago, supersomchai said:

I too am trying to get back to see my wife

in thailand and want to travel within a few weeks.

I called british airways and they stated i shouldnt have any problems leaving .

I was happily suprised.

Still not convinced,think i will wait and see .If no real clarification on what is essential travel i will chance it.

Not seen my wife in a year what the hell

got to show her i tried.



Don’t think of using British airways to get to Bkk . They have been advertising and cancelling flights to and from Bkk to lhr since April but taking money from customers and fobbing them off with vouchers instead of refunds . I was looking at going to Bkk in feb/mar and on the Ba site I seen they were doing one way economy for £260 compared to a Thai asking £690 at one point . But I can bet my last breath they won’t be flying . The only option I did see that seemingly runs was Ba to Singapore and from there to Bkk .

12 hours ago, supersomchai said:

I called british airways and they stated i shouldnt have any problems leaving .

I was happily suprised.

The airlines have not been told anything yet - and may never be.  The government first said the police would be enforcing the regulations - you would be asked to complete a travel declaration that would be checked by the police - certainly last Thursday, the police at Manchester Airport hadn't received any instructions.


Since then they appear to be saying that it will be the airlines that do the checking - I've spoken to 3 airlines and none of them have had any notification about who they should refuse.  I would also doubt that the airlines would want to get involved in that.


The fact that the police have no information and that the airlines haven't received any instructions brings the government's claims that the travel ban will now be strictly enforced into question.


I agree with Ronaldo though, that BA regularly cancel flights - I would avoid them too.  Etihad have also cancelled flights to and from the UK temporarily but say they will start again next week.


I'm guessing but I think that throughout the whole Pandemic, Qatar have been the most reliable airline for getting to and from Thailand.  You can check particular flight numbers and get 7 days flight history without subscription on:




Click on 'search' enter the flight number then choose 'Recent or Scheduled' flights.



What should really be implemented is a "travel authorisation" made in advance with an authority so that one knows whether or not travel is permitted. This would remove any ambiguity and potential misinterpretation of the rules by travellers, airport staff, airline staff and police.


  • Like 1
3 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

The airlines have not been told anything yet - and may never be.  The government first said the police would be enforcing the regulations - you would be asked to complete a travel declaration that would be checked by the police - certainly last Thursday, the police at Manchester Airport hadn't received any instructions.


Since then they appear to be saying that it will be the airlines that do the checking - I've spoken to 3 airlines and none of them have had any notification about who they should refuse.  I would also doubt that the airlines would want to get involved in that.


The fact that the police have no information and that the airlines haven't received any instructions brings the government's claims that the travel ban will now be strictly enforced into question.


I agree with Ronaldo though, that BA regularly cancel flights - I would avoid them too.  Etihad have also cancelled flights to and from the UK temporarily but say they will start again next week.


I'm guessing but I think that throughout the whole Pandemic, Qatar have been the most reliable airline for getting to and from Thailand.  You can check particular flight numbers and get 7 days flight history without subscription on:




Click on 'search' enter the flight number then choose 'Recent or Scheduled' flights.

I agree Qatar airlines is one of the more reliable airlines through this pandemic but i believe Qatar have a stake in British Airways and when u book a BA flight to thailand at present they are actually using Qatar airlines.

problem is you have to stop at Doha not good more contacting people,there dont seem to be any direct flights.

Thai dont seem to be taking any bookings right now as far as i could see.

Anyway i will go with Qatar in march/april.????????????

1 hour ago, soi3eddie said:

This would remove any ambiguity and potential misinterpretation of the rules by travellers, airport staff, airline staff and police.

Quite agree, when I spoke to Manchester Airport police on Thursday, they said some form of meeting was taking place that afternoon, they didn't know the content but thought it could possibly be about the recent government announcement.  The officer I talked to suggested I call hime back today as he would be on duty. I did and he said that they still hadn't received any instructions and he couldn't tell me what the 'legally permitted' reasons are.


One comment he did make is that at the moment, no-one should rely on what they hear has happened with any particular traveller. As there is no clear guidance, if someone is checked (and he commented that they are checking a few), the officer will make their own decision at the time and as there is no clear guidance, the matter is open to interpretation. One officer may well let someone travel for a particular reason whilst another might not.  Crazy situation but that's from the horse's mouth.

  • Thanks 2
28 minutes ago, supersomchai said:

I agree Qatar airlines is one of the more reliable airlines through this pandemic but i believe Qatar have a stake in British Airways and when u book a BA flight to thailand at present they are actually using Qatar airlines.

problem is you have to stop at Doha not good more contacting people,there dont seem to be any direct flights.

Thai dont seem to be taking any bookings right now as far as i could see.

Anyway i will go with Qatar in march/april.????????????

Just looked on Thai airways uk site and there are direct flights to Bkk  . They only fly out Sunday’s as far as I’m aware . I’m on one on 14th and 21st is available also I found on a random check .

  • Thanks 1
30 minutes ago, supersomchai said:

Thai dont seem to be taking any bookings right now as far as i could see.

You could try a Sunday flight with Thai - that's the day they run the repat flights for the embassy.  Things could have changed, if the repat content doesn't fill the flight, they may possibly be letting 'normal' passengers on.  However, if the one way repat flight is anything to go by, a 2 way is going to be damned expensive with them.

  • Thanks 1

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