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Blood Glucose Test


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Just bought a Blood Glucose Test kit. My Blood Sugar is not particularly high but my Heart Specialist keeps going on about it,  I went to use it this morning for a Fasting Test. I couldn't get enough blood from my fingertip. Tried another finger and made sure that the setting was n maximum depth. Anybody know what the best alternative site is. I shouldn't really have a problem because I  take a Blood Thinner.

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What were the words of wisdom from the heart specialist,?


Even though type 2 diabetic and with a few heart arrhythmias  problems my heart doctor has never mentioned blood sugar levels.


i find the top of the finger but on the left side is pretty durable for daily blood tests.

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21 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Tip of the finger. Massage a bit first then <deleted>. Hold the finger downward so that gravity works with you and can gently squeeze to help the blood flow.

For "<deleted>", read p_rick. (Side effect of the profanity filter)

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