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Fewer tourists entered Thailand in the last six months than would normally enter in a single day pre COVID-19


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9 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

Government is doing the best it can on the issue of  tourism. I think government  do the right  policy and should stay the course. To all the critics who want no quarantine, no controls, what is the alternative to the heavy costs that will occur when infections explode in numbers? Show your plan first.  Yes Thailand can open up, but look at what happened with Dubai. Now they have big problems and this was in small city state. All i hear is  about lost revenue for tourism sector. Never any position for costs to nation if Thailand have EU or USA experience.


You should know better than to ask the TVF bashers for an actual plan - they don't have one, they only want to criticise.  I guarantee you the same people bashing Thailand for overreacting, for letting the country go to ruin, for putting people out of work etc etc would be the same people bashing Thailand if they threw the doors open and let tourists come flooding in putting the country at great risk.  Terms like "typical Thai greed", "profits before people", "chasing the almighty baht", "money is king" and a hundred other cliches would be clogging up the servers before you knew it.

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30 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

You should know better than to ask the TVF bashers for an actual plan - they don't have one, they only want to criticise.  I guarantee you the same people bashing Thailand for overreacting, for letting the country go to ruin, for putting people out of work etc etc would be the same people bashing Thailand if they threw the doors open and let tourists come flooding in putting the country at great risk.  Terms like "typical Thai greed", "profits before people", "chasing the almighty baht", "money is king" and a hundred other cliches would be clogging up the servers before you knew it.

You could not be more wrong, and your comments are further from the truth than reality.  Additionally your comments show what a true government supporter of human rights violations you are.  Enjoy your day

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15 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Those of us who have been in Thailand a long time all know that tourism and the attraction of Thailand was on it's way down way before C19 turned up.  Whoever's running the country should know that people do not, and will not jump through hoops in mindless military fashion.  Thailand (WAS) always an easy place to travel to and enter, it was cheap, good fun, good food, and it drew millions from all over the world and Thailand and those in the tourist industry were making a mint. 

Now the present situation under let's say military rule, because we all know that's what it is, has driven away those millions of tourists from all backgrounds who brought money into the country and happily spent it.

I'm not buying into the sympathy pitch the Gov and the TAT's coming out with, as far as i'm concerned it's all of their own making, very similar to bar girls years ago that were given everything on a plate and then lost it all through stupidity, then you used to see them slicing their arms with a carving knife in mad frustration of how stupid they'd been....... I find it amazing that individuals were given (Stolen) such a money maker as Thailand and have thoroughly destroyed it, and all that's left of the farangs is the married, hard liners that won't admit the end, and those who can't leave because they've put too much into the country...........The happy go lucky characters that made Thailand so interesting have all moved on, or should i say pushed out, and what's left is hardly worth jumping through all the raping hurdles the Gov has set up..............  What a shame....... 



This is the best summary I've seen of Thailand right now.  

They have gone after some pretty dodgy countries and want those tourists instead.  It's sad, but things change and not always for the better.  

I couldn't see myself moving there now.  It's too disorganized.  It's too hard to understand expectations.  It's too hard to run through the visa machine, not to mention too stressful.  

Most importantly, it thinks like it's a first world country and in many ways it is most certainly a third world country.  

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

You could not be more wrong, and your comments are further from the truth than reality.  Additionally your comments show what a true government supporter of human rights violations you are.  Enjoy your day

Ha ha ha, calm down and untwist your knickers. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of many here who just bash away and don't offer solutions, only criticism no matter what. 


How on earth do you go from there to saying I support human rights violations?? That's quite a stretch even by TVF logic. I didn't mention supporting anything or anyone. Weird. 

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On 2/10/2021 at 7:44 AM, herwin1234 said:

what a mess! if other mostly western countries just would have acted more resposible and swift, and would have controlled this pandemic from the start, the world would be pretty normal by now.

instead, western countries its leaders make weak decisions based on politics and a little bit science, and its citizens have confused individualism with stupidity; violent protests and encounters, and a massive online wave of the most dumb anti vaccin and conspiracy theories.

facts are, countries like Thailand and China, act resposible, other many western countries, not so, and thanks to them  responsible countries like Thailand have to suffer economically.


I find it hilarious.


Call Covid-19 the  CHINA VIRUS


and the China sympathisers come out in defence of the beloved China.


Call a variant "Brazilian" or "English" or "South African" and the media love it.......China loves it.........its approved !!!!!!!!!



Just dont call the original the China virus cause thats not ok................






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But it does no seems to have the smallest influence on the Strong Bahts ????

but I suppose amongst the more interested in a strong Baht it is the army  otherwise they would stick their tongues out to buy all their beautiful brand new equipment from their Chinese friends

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How is this for a plan...


1/ Require a covid test proof before flying.

2/ One week quarantine upon entry. Another negative test upon end of quarantine.

3/ No silly "fit to fly certificate" or "certificate of entry" or "special insurance" nonsense

4/ 90 day visa waiver for safer countries like Australia, Japan, Malaysia, etc.

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On 10/02/2021 at 15:27, Raphael Hythlodaeus said:

Je voudrais voir une ventilation des chiffres entre les touristes, les affaires, la santé, les retraités et le mariage.

Ici à Cha-Am, je connais 5 expatriés qui sont revenus et ont été mis en quarantaine. 4 sont des résidents de longue durée qui possèdent ou louent une propriété et 1 seul peut être décrit comme un touriste (un retraité qui préfère rester en Thaïlande plutôt qu'au Royaume-Uni).

Here is the breakdown for tourists, source Ministry of tourism and PIBCIS data base IN-OUT of immigration  image.png.8575e22115c69011bb8934eee466bb3e.png

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I can see that many here want 100% guarantees.  Vaccines, like life, NEVER offer 100% guarantees...so if you want to "guarantee" you won't die, sit at home in your house and never leave it...don't drive a car, don't walk down a street, don't ever see or talk to anyone...that's as close as you can get.  The rest of us will get vaccines and go about our normal business.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Once you're in here, you can't wait to get out.What's the logic i ask myself countless number of times during this bloody pandemic. 

Wouldn't recommend anyone in the right frame of mind to even consider stepping into LOS.It's lost its charm and whatever fantasies you had before.

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