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Visa To China - Embassy Bangkok

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Does anybody in here have a RECENT experience with the Chinese Embassy in BKK ? Are they easy to deal with ? How long it takes to get the regular "L" Visa there ? and how much is the fee for the single entry 30days ?

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  • 4 months later...

A standard visit visa costs 1,100 baht and takes 4 days (ie if you submit on the Monday it is ready for collection on Thursday). It can be done quicker but it costs more depending on how quickly you need it. The Chinese Embassy in Bangkok does have a web site but it's not updated very frequently, I think the opening times on it are correct though. However, the application forms on-line are out of date and you will need to visit the Embassy to get the current form (same form for all types of applications).

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This is one of the better embassies I have dealt with.

I payed for a 30 day single entry visa and it was to be ready in 3-4 days.

The cashier lady told me to come back in 1 day and it was ready.

No problems.

Edited by pampal
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as some other members did bring this topic back to the public, me as the OP would like to report about my recent trip which included China.

due to my itinerary, I did not apply for the Chinese Visa in Bangkok, but I am not surprised to hear positive comments about the embassy there.

KUDOS to the Chinese immigration and Consulats, everything 100% correct, friendly, quick, reliable. moderate Visa fees, speedy processing, smooth operations and modern comfortable facilities on both my entry (Shenzhen Port) and exit point (Pingxiang land-border in Guangxi province). super-friendly lady in Macau at the office of the state-owned China-Travel-Service, which others had recommended to obtain a Visa, got it within 24 hours with no extra fee.

the corrupt, rude and lazy immigration-B*stards of China's socialist brothers in Vietnam (where I arrived after China and felt like being on another planet or galaxy) could learn a huge lesson on how to treat travellers (which usually bring money and therefore wealth to the country)

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  • 10 months later...
A standard visit visa costs 1,100 baht and takes 4 days (ie if you submit on the Monday it is ready for collection on Thursday). It can be done quicker but it costs more depending on how quickly you need it. The Chinese Embassy in Bangkok does have a web site but it's not updated very frequently, I think the opening times on it are correct though. However, the application forms on-line are out of date and you will need to visit the Embassy to get the current form (same form for all types of applications).

An out-of-date form and no opening hours.


its all part of the fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Any recent experiences at the BKK embassy?

Any opening hours info?

Pricing info? From what i gathered at eu embassy sites its about 2000 for single entry tourist visa.

And how long do they process the applications? Express service available?


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I went there 6 months ago, (not recent, but things like that don't change that much).

The visa application room is located in the AA building, corner Ratchadapisek and Ratchada soi 3. Take subway and get off at Rama IX, then continue north on Ratchadapisek (left side of the road).

Fee is 1100 baht for standard service, and double price for same day service. Us citizens pay double.

Apply in the morning (before noon) you can collect your visa after 3.30 Pm.

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Beware.. I got there early to make sure I did not have to hang around long. The embassy, no problem good swift service, but the visa agents nip in the back way upon opening and run up the stairs and then try to process dozens of application whilst everyone else queues up behind them.

Apart from the time it takes to process each application if 1 of the applications has a problem as it did on my day we all waited whilst the agent got on his mobile to sort it out.

Just annoying when he is 1 individual applying for 20 odd visas whilst a further 20 odd people queue up behind him.


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  • 1 month later...

Just to update on the China visa situation. Went there today, for non-Thai passport holder, somehow they requested Thai resident permit (upon further clarification they mean 1 year extension of visa), $100 traveller cheque, airline ticket and hotel reservation. This has not been the condition last year when I applied for it.

So, it's no go for me. Pretty upset about the changes they made. So unless you got a Thai visa with 1-year extension of stay, basically can't apply here.

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Just to update on the China visa situation. Went there today, for non-Thai passport holder, somehow they requested Thai resident permit (upon further clarification they mean 1 year extension of visa), $100 traveller cheque, airline ticket and hotel reservation. This has not been the condition last year when I applied for it.

So, it's no go for me. Pretty upset about the changes they made. So unless you got a Thai visa with 1-year extension of stay, basically can't apply here.

Thanks for the update. Mind if I ask what passport you hold? And what type of Thai visa do you have?

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  • 1 month later...

I can’t open the form. Here is all I get:

Adobe Reader could not open ‘P02… (file name).wps’ because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn’t correctly decoded).


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  • 1 month later...

I just went there. There is a notification they don't accept the old form.

The new form is (I noted down from their notice board)


I have downloaded to I attach here for you


If you come there, they'll give you the new form. It took me about 10 minutes in total from filling in the form to getting a receipt after submitting. I came a bit after 9am.

They have different fees for 1 day, 2-3 days and 4 days, single entry, double entry, half year multiple and one year multiple, posted clearly on the wall.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just went there. There is a notification they don't accept the old form.

The new form is (I noted down from their notice board)


I have downloaded to I attach here for you


If you come there, they'll give you the new form. It took me about 10 minutes in total from filling in the form to getting a receipt after submitting. I came a bit after 9am.

They have different fees for 1 day, 2-3 days and 4 days, single entry, double entry, half year multiple and one year multiple, posted clearly on the wall.

Thanks very much Koo82! I'll be doing this in couple of weeks, will report back if any changes.

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I have over the years applied for with success the three month multi entry business visa, however I am now looking at being located in China full time as a Director of a Chinese registered company but I cannot find a visa that will allow me to stay for more than 30 days, meaning leave and return every 30 days which will be a total pain as well as expensive.

Anyone have any info on the wayu forward here. ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on getting a tourist visa to China in BKK:

Super easy - just filled out the forms, picked it up later that day. They didn't ask to see hotel bookings, flights or anything extra. Like someone said earlier, just the usual drop it off, pay your money situation. Americans pay almost double and need 2 forms and 2 photos.

Drop off is 9-11:30, pick-up is 3-4 (considering Bangkok traffic, seems like a small window, as one can easily sit in traffic that long).

Didn't have to wait long, despite there being lots of other people.

Plenty of visa agents hovering, pretending to be official, is the only caveat - I almost got sucked in. This guy waved me through security, was at the little reception desk, and I was thinking, wow, this is great service! That is, until I realized he was just an agent and the actual office was upstairs.

So yeah, for those wondering what the situation is like lately, in my experience, no sweat.

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  • 8 months later...

yup, that's correct, it's the third builing after the fortune tower (there's a soi off of ratchada, left you have the visa offices, right the embassy). walk up to the first floor and you get your visa processed in no time

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  • 2 months later...

anyone every applied for a chinese working visa in Bangkok? I imagine it is the same process as getting a tourist visa, just with a lot of extra requirements (employment license, letter of invitation from chinese company, etc.). im planning on applying for one right after the chinese new year. which brings me to my next question

how many days does the embassy's visa section take off for the chinese new year? other places (usa) is 3 days: the actual chinese new year and two days after, but i don't know about thailand. the new year is on February 14th this year and I wanted to apply for my visa on February 22nd. would that work?


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  • 3 weeks later...


We would like spend 2-3 months in China.

I can understand there are single entry, double entry, etc. visa, but I couldn’t find any information about how long we can stay in China with different visa type.

For example a single visa is enough for 2-3 months or need a double visa? If we apply for double tourist visa (in BKK), we need air ticket or something to prove we really need double entries?


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  February 22nd should be a perfectly fine date to apply to any PRChina embassy/consulate anywhere for a Visa. When you do get the Visa, however, I'd recommend to double check all of the data and information on it because while on the 22nd PRC embassy and consulate offices will be open, they'll be short staffed and much overworked, so mistakes can be made. Last year at this time, for example, I received my new China Residence Permit from here in the PRC but the bureaucrat left one digit out of my passport number entered on the RP, so we had to return the RP to be canceled and another issued (the next day). 


I dunno about applying from/in Bangkok.

I did know of, and I did obtain a 60-day single entry Tourist Visa from the travel agent authorized to operate at the Hong Kong Airport (can't remember the name these 3 years later, but there are only 2 or 3 travel agents authorized to operate at the airport itself). Using that HKG airport travel agent cost me HKD $2,700, or more than double the cost of successfully trying to convince the Visa Office itself of your invaluable tourist presence in the PRC for 60 consecutive days.

In other words, whether in Bkk or the PRC, dealing directly with the PRC Government to get a 60 day, single entry Tourist Visa is a burden not many foreigners can meet. The government usually give the 30-day, double entry Tourist Visa (60 days). Same if applying for a Business Visa.

((removed illegal activity suggestion))

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For many years I got six month multiple entry visas for China. Stopped fairly recently when I semi retired.

But I never got the visa here in Bangkok because it was much easier in Hong Kong, my office there took my passport and aphoto to a visa agent (luckily in same HK office building), then went back to pick up the passport with 6 months multiple entry visa within normally one hour. Only thing to watch for was to submit before 3.00pm.

Re Vietnam, I've recently applied for 30 day visa several times at Vietnamese embassy on Wireless Road. Staff couldn't have been more polite, friendly, professional and helpful, and next day service for a slightly higher posted fee.

Off topic, last time I went there an old fraile Thai Chinese man was asking for them to let him visit Hanoi to visit an old long lost relative.

He didn't have a passport (any passport) and couldn't understand why they wouldn't let him visit for ' just a couple of days' without a passport, which he said he couldn't afford.

Quite sad situation, but the Vietnamese embassy staff treated him with respect and care and eventually another customer (an older Thai lady who had been helping with translation) offered to drive him home.

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Well, this might be a bit off topic, but two days ago I was in Hong Kong for a new Work Visa when with my gf we stopped at a small shop to buy some water. I noticed high on the back wall of the small internationally stocked shop of foods and condiments posters of the king and family to include the late beloved Queen Mother standing with HM.

The sole lady in the shop certainly didn't appear Chinese so I asked her in my rusty Thai about the posters. She said she'd been in HKG for ten years and was from Chiang Rai. (She said in excellent Cantonese (according to the gf) that HKG had changed for the negative during the recent years of reversion to Beijing sovereignty). The shop keeper and I exchanged some Thai chat (mine truly being rusty), which I enjoyed so very much.

A nice touch to a Visa visit to HKG from the mainland - the gentle, polite and sweet Thai old lady and the posters of the Royal Family in direct view on the back walls of her small shoppe. 

I can't wait for my next visit to LOS the last week of February (if the country still exits during that ominous time).


Sawasdee Karb.

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  • 8 months later...

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