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Had a somewhat odd encounter at a bar


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On 2/17/2021 at 3:49 AM, kimura89 said:

Wasn’t sure where to post this, and truth be told I’m not even sure the point of posting this (possibly COVID boredom). But I feel like telling the story anyway as it occurred to me I’ve never shared this with anyone apart from my mate I was with. May end up being a long story so apologies in advance.


This actually was a few years ago, was 27 at the time. Holidaying with a buddy in Hua Hin, ended up at a bar which name escapes me, pretty swanky place though. We were pretty early so it wasn’t that busy, I’m perched at the bar with my drink whilst my buddy’s taking a leak. I get a tap on the shoulder and I turn to find this heavyset Thai bouncer in my personal space, thinking “I’m not that <deleted> am I?!”, he seemed excitable and said to me “See that lady over there, she told me to tell you that you’re handsome and you should join her party, it’s her birthday”.


I look over, and this absolute stunner with some fairly augmented assets shoots me a smile. Given on the way over we had to pass through walking street, my first thought was Working Girl and/or Ladyboy. I just smile back and nod then get on with the night drinking with my aforementioned friend (must’ve been a long <deleted>!)


It’s not a big bar, and I felt the eyes of this woman and her group of girlfriends on me seemingly the entire time. Then she comes up and puts a rose in my shirt pocket. I’m pretty smashed by this stage and my mate and I were about to leave ironically, but I thought “<deleted> it”, let’s see what their hustle is, I’m still convinced she’s on the job. Turns out it’s her 40th birthday and she’s having a party with her sister and her friends, they ended up paying for our drinks the whole night + karaoke afterwards.


We end up parting ways, thought it was just a bit of a random encounter with some pros, though I actually hit it off more with her sister than her. My mate got the number of one of the other birds, and as we’re walking back to the hotel she calls him and says she and the birthday girl want to “go eat” (we just ate for <deleted> sake). She said to wait at the front of the hotel, they roll up in this shiny black new Range Rover. Apparently we have to go pick up something from birthday girls house, before we know it I’m in this gated community in front of this incredibly big house. Starting to question my earlier call of them being Pros.


The final stop is back at the hotel, I am absolutely three big sheets to the wind at this stage. We partner off to our respective rooms and I was somehow able to muster a performance to send her into her 40’s in style.


Crazy night. I later find out she’s married to some rich white dude (no ring, so wasn’t malicious, I don’t roll like that) and is a major alcoholic. I answered a call from her at work when I was back home not realising it was video, she pops up on my screen with her tits out and singing, a coworker saw, it was not pretty.


That story was a mess, but so was that night , and I now have a thing for 40 year old Thai women. Thanks for listening.

Well we all have a story to tell.


so that is not good news. and the funny part you made sure to mentioned that she paid for every thing.


some you win and other you lose.


now you are old you are paying now.. HAHA 5555555

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