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Retiring To Asia .. Is Thailand Still A Good Choice?


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in the last 6 months i have become more & more concerned about my planned '08 retirement to LOS.

last evening i started evaluating PIs . I have a TIVO & 150 channels & yet, nothing to watch!

the hotel sites do not list any rooms priced like what I stay in in Thailand .. nothing under $50 US & in many locals (davao, mindanaeo for 1) nothing under $75 - $100.

I like phuket in LOS & would want a sea coast local whereever.

i have gotten the feeling from the forums that the PIs were in the same price range as LOS.

what am i missing?

is the expat community in the PIs on line as much as LOS expats?

it's probably against the rules here bouts .. but .. PI forums?

big negative is tropical storms in PIs.

i just remembered that no no thailand post allowed here .. like i had on the inside of my college locker, if it's easy it's not worth it.

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PIs is much better - go there.

Where is it BTW?

On my college locker - "if it ain't hard, she's not worth it"

all thats changed is you need 800,000b in the bank 3 months before you apply for a retirement visa which you can get here or in uk :o

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in the last 6 months i have become more & more concerned about my planned '08 retirement to LOS.

last evening i started evaluating PIs . I have a TIVO & 150 channels & yet, nothing to watch!

the hotel sites do not list any rooms priced like what I stay in in Thailand .. nothing under $50 US & in many locals (davao, mindanaeo for 1) nothing under $75 - $100.

I like phuket in LOS & would want a sea coast local whereever.

i have gotten the feeling from the forums that the PIs were in the same price range as LOS.

what am i missing?

is the expat community in the PIs on line as much as LOS expats?

it's probably against the rules here bouts .. but .. PI forums?

big negative is tropical storms in PIs.

i just remembered that no no thailand post allowed here .. like i had on the inside of my college locker, if it's easy it's not worth it.


Some time ago I posted a topic."No longer dreaming of retiring in Thailand, the land that I love."

I got blasted pretty good on that one.

Reality is that there is no perfect place. Even though I love Thailand, have family and good connections there, I choose not to retire there any longer.

Right now honestly San Diego, my current home , is looking hard to beat.

I have spent a lot of time in Thailand and was married to a Thai woman for 8 years.

So I know the country and the culture fairly well.I will continue to vacation there for one month per year as always. I've got two nephews and one niece and I really like to see them on Christmas as I don't have kids of my own.

My sense of adventure I think is getting a little more conservative these days.

Just go for an extended trip and see how you feel later. Try to spend some time with the Buddhist monks. You need to find some that speak English. I'm sure you'll see things more clearly in the future.

Good Health,


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Hope you like watching DVDs and sitting in front of a computer for hours because farang social gatherings in Thailand is practically non existent.

The farang population here is mostly made up from pockets of isolated loners living inside the main cities and on the outskirts, elderly retirees looking to play an occasional card game and some iffy young or middle aged farangs who strictly keep to their own clicks.

None of the above is particularly friendly, these are not community minded people.

For farangs living in Thailand, life can be is great and enjoyed on ones own, which in most cases there is no other choice.

This is the lifestyle for farangs living in LOS. If this is acceptable, than Thailand is for you.

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Hope you like watching DVDs and sitting in front of a computer for hours because farang social gatherings in Thailand is practically non existent.

The farang population here is mostly made up from pockets of isolated loners living inside the main cities and on the outskirts, elderly retirees looking to play an occasional card game and some iffy young or middle aged farangs who strictly keep to their own clicks.

None of the above is particularly friendly, these are not community minded people.

For farangs living in Thailand, life can be is great and enjoyed on ones own, which in most cases there is no other choice.

This is the lifestyle for farangs living in LOS. If this is acceptable, than Thailand is for you.

lol, Sounds like someone is lonely.

There are plenty of cool people in Thailand, I have made a lot of friends here and continue to do so - I don't have time to see them all in fact, not a shortage of friendly people to meet here at all.

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Hope you like watching DVDs and sitting in front of a computer for hours because farang social gatherings in Thailand is practically non existent.

The farang population here is mostly made up from pockets of isolated loners living inside the main cities and on the outskirts, elderly retirees looking to play an occasional card game and some iffy young or middle aged farangs who strictly keep to their own clicks.

None of the above is particularly friendly, these are not community minded people.

For farangs living in Thailand, life can be is great and enjoyed on ones own, which in most cases there is no other choice.

This is the lifestyle for farangs living in LOS. If this is acceptable, than Thailand is for you.

This same member posted this exact message a few days ago on the Chiangmai forum.. Troll me thinks..


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in the last 6 months i have become more & more concerned about my planned '08 retirement to LOS.

last evening i started evaluating PIs . I have a TIVO & 150 channels & yet, nothing to watch!

the hotel sites do not list any rooms priced like what I stay in in Thailand .. nothing under $50 US & in many locals (davao, mindanaeo for 1) nothing under $75 - $100.

I like phuket in LOS & would want a sea coast local whereever.

i have gotten the feeling from the forums that the PIs were in the same price range as LOS.

what am i missing?

is the expat community in the PIs on line as much as LOS expats?

it's probably against the rules here bouts .. but .. PI forums?

big negative is tropical storms in PIs.

i just remembered that no no thailand post allowed here .. like i had on the inside of my college locker, if it's easy it's not worth it.


Some time ago I posted a topic."No longer dreaming of retiring in Thailand, the land that I love."

I got blasted pretty good on that one.

Reality is that there is no perfect place. Even though I love Thailand, have family and good connections there, I choose not to retire there any longer.

Right now honestly San Diego, my current home , is looking hard to beat.

I have spent a lot of time in Thailand and was married to a Thai woman for 8 years.

So I know the country and the culture fairly well.I will continue to vacation there for one month per year as always. I've got two nephews and one niece and I really like to see them on Christmas as I don't have kids of my own.

My sense of adventure I think is getting a little more conservative these days.

Just go for an extended trip and see how you feel later. Try to spend some time with the Buddhist monks. You need to find some that speak English. I'm sure you'll see things more clearly in the future.

Good Health,


Pepe, you live in a lovely part of the world. I've spent a lot of time in San Diego. Just wish it wasn't so damned expensive. I split my time between Thailand and The Land of the PX. It's a great setup for me, because you can stretch your retirement budget in Thailand, then come back to the USA for a sanity check. Fortunately, my partner can travel with me. She actually would like to live fulltime in the USA, but I truly do enjoy LOS and the people there. The key to living in LOS is to keep your ass covered at all times...watch your money and stay flexible. I feel for those folks that have everything invested in their life in Thailand. That would keep me awake at night.

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San Diego is getting better by the day because so many people are leaving because they say it's too expensive to live here.

Traffic is down as well as the price of real estate and it's well accepted that San Diego has the best year round weather in the country.

So for now LOS will simply be my playground. Things could be worse... :o

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San Diego is getting better by the day because so many people are leaving because they say it's too expensive to live here.

Traffic is down as well as the price of real estate and it's well accepted that San Diego has the best year round weather in the country.

So for now LOS will simply be my playground. Things could be worse... :o

Amen to that brother.

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And I'm already semi-retired I just didn't realize it. I just work 20 hours per week, pay the bills and have some fun money left over.

I've got a nice relationship with all the Thai monks here in San Diego and I'm happy to be their primary physician. Really good karma man.

I've also been getting into some "new relationships" with the local Thai chickies and there's no shortage... :o

It's all good bro' from Samut Diego

Good Health,


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Right now honestly San Diego, my current home , is looking hard to beat.

Didn't you used to bash America constantly a few years ago with your buddy ajarn jb? Nice to know that people change. :o

That seems to be par for the course. America is "corpulent and evil" until it's time to retreat back within the confines of its safety and decent standard of living.

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Hope you like watching DVDs and sitting in front of a computer for hours because farang social gatherings in Thailand is practically non existent.

The farang population here is mostly made up from pockets of isolated loners living inside the main cities and on the outskirts, elderly retirees looking to play an occasional card game and some iffy young or middle aged farangs who strictly keep to their own clicks.

None of the above is particularly friendly, these are not community minded people.

For farangs living in Thailand, life can be is great and enjoyed on ones own, which in most cases there is no other choice.[/b]

This is the lifestyle for farangs living in LOS. If this is acceptable, than Thailand is for you.

Yes ... And I can see why !


Edited by naka
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the hotel sites do not list any rooms priced like what I stay in in Thailand .. nothing under $50 US & in many locals (davao, mindanaeo for 1) nothing under $75 - $100.
PI hotels are expensive but renting an apartment works out cheap but then you have all the security worries but if you're retiring surely your not intending a hotel?
i have gotten the feeling from the forums that the PIs were in the same price range as LOS.

what am i missing?

Some things are more expensive, some are cheaper, some aspects are better (better English spoken) some are worse (food is crap and there's worse violent crime). You pays yer money and takes yer chances.

is the expat community in the PIs on line as much as LOS expats?

it's probably against the rules here bouts .. but .. PI forums?

With 150 channels on the TV and nothing to watch try google-ing PI expat forums or the like. Sounds to me like you've got nothing to do and all day/night to do it so do a search, try Angeles City there's loads of expats there.
big negative is tropical storms in PIs.

Yes they suffer from worse storms than Thailand. Advice : buy/rent a strong house and don't go out in the storm particularly at night.

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