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6 million British tourists may travel to Thailand in 2021: Survey

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I simply despair at the utterly pathetic neediness of absurd calculations like this. 

But of course it gives media outlets like you wonderful clickbait (it's utterly unbelievable, yet given headline prominence by a supposedly trustworthy webnews outlet: "we didn't say it, we're only reporting it (oh, in our daily major headlines)" 

Can't you just make your headline stories stuff we need to see, and not jokes?

Why give such a totally absurd tale prominence in your 'headline stories'? Her, I guess you're desperate too.... 

5 hours ago, colinneil said:


Amazing absolutely amazing, where on earth do they find these clowns?

6 million my a++e, nobody in the UK got any money to spend flying to Thailand.

probably physically impossible to get 6 million people out of the UK using traditional routes between time TAT open up and floodgates and the end of the year....Thai maths at it's very best


Based upon the survey they should have also asked the same group this question


How many people want to become millionaires?  I’m pretty sure they would get a 100% positive response.  But that doesn’t mean that any of them will. 

Thai have been thought from a very early age NEVER to question anything. So whatever nonsense an official says they all believe it to be true without questioning. 

There is no such thing as 100% of a survey is accurate.  You have to take a 50% accuracy at best. if you did the correct math, you would arrive at figure of less than 100,000 brits. That’s a far cry from 6M. But go ahead. Best the bank on it!


all I can say is T.I.T.

4 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Hmm, I the articles I have seen? That non-essential travel is illegal in the UK under threat of heavy fines, quarantine is required on return, also hill walkers publicly shamed by Police drone footage for walking their dogs in wide open spaces with total social distancing, etc.


Guess it is all fake news and 6 million Britons will visit by Xmas!


You are basically correct, but in the interests of accuracy:


IF (!) the current proposals from UK Gov are enacted, all such restrictions should end in June.

Big IF of course but planned if Covid numbers keep coming down due to vaccinations 

The "hill walkers publicly shamed" incident was one very over-enthusiastic police force (Derbyshire I think) which has since apologised for its behaviour.


Having said that, 6 million is still risible ???????? and there will be ZERO if the Thais don't abandon quarantine for vaccinated people.

5 hours ago, colinneil said:


Amazing absolutely amazing, where on earth do they find these clowns?

6 million my a++e, nobody in the UK got any money to spend flying to Thailand.

Not quite true - many of the people who travel from UK to Thailand regularly, are self-employed, or better, retired. 


I have been in both camps over the years and I think we make up a vary large proportion of those who travel for leisure. 


In fact everyone I know is financially better off than 6 months ago - even the ones working from home, because they have had no work travel expenses, and none of us have had much leisure expenditure over the past 10 months. 


WE are now champing at the bit to get our vaxxes, (1 done, 1 to go!) and jump on a plane.


But as I said above "6 million is still risible and there will be ZERO if the Thais don't abandon quarantine for vaccinated people."

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I have a friend who regularly holidays in Thailand and he has told me that he is willing to pay £1000 return flight to UK but not a penny more

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absolutely...I would say at least 6 million....thats about 10 % of the society...this means proportionally another 130 million tourists from India and 130 million tourists from China !!! And all have to fly Thai Airways ! I love to budget this way....hopefully it will not be translated to thai....

3 minutes ago, VBF said:


You are basically correct, but in the interests of accuracy:


IF (!) the current proposals from UK Gov are enacted, all such restrictions should end in June.

Big IF of course but planned if Covid numbers keep coming down due to vaccinations 

The "hill walkers publicly shamed" incident was one very over-enthusiastic police force (Derbyshire I think) which has since apologised for its behaviour.


Having said that, 6 million is still risible ????????

Using my TAT logic calculator, I can see that:

6 million divided by 300 passengers per flight =20,000 flights

divided by 180 days for the last six months of the year = 111 flights per day

divided by 18 hours, flights per day = 6 flights per hour.

Is no problem, Mr Fawlty.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, bluesofa said:

Using my TAT logic calculator, I can see that:

6 million divided by 300 passengers per flight =20,000 flights

divided by 180 days for the last six months of the year = 111 flights per day

divided by 18 hours, flights per day = 6 flights per hour.

Is no problem, Mr Fawlty.


This @bluesofa, this slap on 'ead  ????????

I did say it was risible, now didn't I........Senor? 


Why would they come here, sex tourists excepted? Far better, safer and culturally enriched in Europe, Italy, Spain Greece, all more attractive destinations than Thailand.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Orton Rd said:

Why would they come here, sex tourists excepted? Far better, safer and culturally enriched in Europe, Italy, Spain Greece, all more attractive destinations than Thailand.

Agreed...during the summer, but I for one like Thailand in the months December to April when Europe is not at its warmest and Thailand is at it best, weather-wise.

So IF UK restrictions are lifted in June, and IF Thailand removes quarantine, I see bookings commencing for (say) November onwards.

I certainly hope to go to Greece or The Balkans this summer.

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3 minutes ago, Anna Rak said:

Just to update on U.K. vaccine progress, I am a relatively healthy male just under my mid 60's and am due to have my first vaccine next week and my second is booked for the end of May. My Thai wife is in her 40's and we are expecting her first jab by the end of March followed by her second some 12 weeks later.

We both have stated that we will not undertake any sort of quarantine so lets hope we can return to Thailand in August as planned.


Vaccine rollout is moving on nicely, Thank you, so let's hope the clowns in charge get their ducks in a row quickly and lift the stupid restrictions.  ????????????

Not to take this too far :offtopic: but similar here - age 65, first vac done, second on May 6th. Good friend age 62 got a call from his GP last week for his first one.

If there's one thing UK Gov is doing right it's the vaccinations!

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Off course we wish that could happen  ! but unfortunately this is absolutely pure TAT BS. All my large family and friends plus business associates in the UK  are of the general consensus that Thailand is a NO GO until quarantine is removed apart from all the other issues:-

Dual pricing, rip of taxes & tuks, pollution,  lack of road safety and non existent meaningful marine  safety / oh sorry forgot Bangkok protests

11 minutes ago, wewillwewillrockyou said:

Certainly not. Their GBP currency is tanking. THB is appreciating to the Moon. 


From TWise January 2020 1 GBP = 40.1367 THB

Today from web 42.278

  • Like 2
2 minutes ago, VBF said:


From TWise January 2020 1 GBP = 40.1367 THB

Today from web 42.278

Just beat me to it. GBP up against all major currencies (and the Thai Baht) this year.

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, LewisPhuket said:

Off course we wish that could happen  ! but unfortunately this is absolutely pure TAT BS. All my large family and friends plus business associates in the UK  are of the general consensus that Thailand is a NO GO until quarantine is removed apart from all the other issues:-

Dual pricing, rip of taxes & tuks, pollution,  lack of road safety and non existent meaningful marine  safety / oh sorry forgot Bangkok protests

Agree it's TAT BS....shock, horror!

The big deal is quarantine, quarantine, quarantine!

BUT.... everything else you mention has been the case for years - enthusiastic visitors to Thailand just accept it all. ????


The TAT did the survey. I wonder who was surveyed? Probably those on their mailing list, in other words those that have already visited Thailand or expressed an interest in visiting Thailand. I don't think they'll have been polling on the street in the current circumstances!

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