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Is WP needed to purchase bike from private party


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No. In all of Thailand you don't need a work permit to purchase a vehicle. Doesn't matter either from who you buy it. You can buy it even without a driving license. All you need is a proof of address in order to register it. That's why many claim you need a work permit, because that's the only address proof they've known. But there are other address proofs like a yellow tabien baan or a certificate of residence from immigration. New digital work permits don't even show your address anymore so can't even be used to register a vehicle.

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2 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

No. In all of Thailand you don't need a work permit to purchase a vehicle. Doesn't matter either from who you buy it. You can buy it even without a driving license. All you need is a proof of address in order to register it. That's why many claim you need a work permit, because that's the only address proof they've known. But there are other address proofs like a yellow tabien baan or a certificate of residence from immigration. New digital work permits don't even show your address anymore so can't even be used to register a vehicle.

Only time a work permit could come into the equation is if you want to buy using finance

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52 minutes ago, TLT said:

Thanks, they sure seem to be convinced here that you need a WP.


I bought one from the Honda shop, they registered it in my name, I didn't have a work permit or even a Thai motorcycle license, I did however have house "yellow Book".

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Knowledge depends on where you go. I bought a new Honda click from an authorised Honda dealer only a few months ago. Clear and good information


Work permit is not needed, however, some kind of proof of identification is required. I used my blue tabien Baan, yellow one is also OK, pink I'd card is good too. If you don't have any of those, then you can use a WP or certificate of residency. 


New: I used to buy without a driving license too in the past but they have introduced a law that you must have a driving license for the vehicle you buy. 

Edited by MikeyIdea
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2 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:

New: I used to buy without a driving license too in the past but they have introduced a law that you must have a driving license for the vehicle you buy. 


I don't believe it, got a source? There was some news article on TVF not long ago but looked like the "journalist" got some things lost in translation. Simple reason for not believing being that a juristic person can buy a car and a juristic person can't have a license.

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21 hours ago, eisfeld said:


I don't believe it, got a source? There was some news article on TVF not long ago but looked like the "journalist" got some things lost in translation. Simple reason for not believing being that a juristic person can buy a car and a juristic person can't have a license.


One Thai person in the office also said the same, you need a driving licence (for that vehicle type) to transfer a car to your name now-a-days. He also said that the bank wanted to see the driving license too before approving. This is in Bangkok. I can certainly believe that implementation varies, Bangkok Yes, upcountry, who knows. Both actually said "Rule", not law. It could also be a local rule implemented in Bangkok without there being an actual law, doesn't make any difference , does it?


I must say that I find that the dealer in question very knowledgeable. Big authorised dealer and I have bought several motorcycles there over the years, all without driving licence. I always use my blue tabien baan but this time a few months ago they specifically told me that they need a copy of my Thai driving licence too because of a new rule.


That broke my record. I've been driving in Thailand for 30 years on my Swedish license and now I had to get a Thai one. I was hoping to drive 50 years without a Thai driving license but that wasn't to be ????



Edited by MikeyIdea
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