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shoulder/arm update.. and continued issue


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I visited Dr. Chantakarn as recommended and found him quite good. I am trying to follow-up but he is out sick.. and yes I will re-visit but thought I would run some issues here..


The pain is mostly in my bicep and relatively constant dull pain, but very annoying. If you got punched in the arm, hard, it is that same after effect feeling, but continual. 


We did a cortisone shot which had no effect. X-ray showed nothing, I want to do an MRI.


At different angles my arm can get numb/tingly down to my fingers.. Does this indicate nerve?


Ice is quickly painful.. Heat feels good.


There is no comfortable way to position my arm in bed so mostly sleeping in a recliner... mornings are better I think because any jostling has a bad effect... 


Any ideas? 


Thanks all.

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6 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Have a similar issue, but more towards the shoulder joint......I found that swimming has virtually made it disappear!!!


If I stop swimming for a week or two I am quickly back to square one.

Funny, I think swimming is what caused it... or aggravated it... pulling too hard through the water w/my left arm to swim faster... 


but thanks... 

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What was Xrayed? As this could be a problem in the shoulder or in the cervical spine.


The numbness/tingling does indeed suggest nerve compression somewhere. Is it brought on by a change in position of your arm or position of your neck?


I have a feeling an MRI of the cervical spine may be needed.

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3 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

What was Xrayed? As this could be a problem in the shoulder or in the cervical spine.


The numbness/tingling does indeed suggest nerve compression somewhere. Is it brought on by a change in position of your arm or position of your neck?


I have a feeling an MRI of the cervical spine may be needed.

shoulder was x-rayed... 


change in arm position brings on the tingle/numbness...


My shoulder has gotten tight but I think that is from the stress of constant pain...

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Could it be referred pain from AC joint problem? Or even partially torn tendon?


One test to find out if it might be a partially torn distal bracchi tendon is to get someone to hold your hand (with your thumb pointing up, palm vertical) between their two hands tightly while you try and rotate your hand against their resistance.


If it causes any pain, it often points to tendon damage.


Of course, always best to see a doctor.

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