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Thai business group says Sinovac shots ordered for private vaccination scheme


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I'd prefer J&J or Sputnik to either AZ or Sinovac. A lot of science still to shake down. For example, can one double up two different vaccines? Will a vaccinee with Moderna, have to stick with Moderna next year, and so on.

Only advantage to Sinovac I see is traveling freely in China, if one has the need or desire.

What a mistake Thailand made, building its economy around tourism.

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27 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Norway specialist today says that the astro vaccine  maybe does have a problem, concerning the blood clots.  I tried to download the story

but could not, but it was on twitter.

Ah, Twitter, that wonderful source of misinformation.  Both the European Union and the WHO have said that there is not a problem concerning blood clots.  In fact the incidence of blood clots in the vaccinated is less than would be expected in a comparable unvaccinated population.

Spreading misinformation about the vaccine, creating doubt in people's minds, is unhelpful.

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On 3/19/2021 at 10:39 AM, pookiki said:

I think you missed the point - I'm talking about oversight of the administration of an approved vaccine. I know that the SINOVAC vaccine has been approved by the Thai FDA.

I know that the SINOVAC vaccine has been approved by the Thai FDA.

So what does that actually mean; they read some Chinese paper on the vacinee. 

WHO has not approved SINOVAC yet so how did the Thai FDA approve it.  

The World Health Organization (WHO) said Friday that approval for emergency use of China’s Sinovac vaccine against COVID-19 is likely to be given by the end of March.

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On 3/19/2021 at 9:55 AM, Oxx said:

... whilst the AstraZeneca vaccine costs under $4.  

Someone must have some pretty strong motivation to go for the Chinese dodgy stuff.

Ask yourself; who owns the vaccine manufacturing plant here in Thailand where all this SINOVAC will be eventually produced and that may provide the strong motivation for it.  

I will leave it at that so not to suggest it's all about the money trail and how the profits will finish up in such a high place . 


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On 3/19/2021 at 10:14 AM, Scouse123 said:

I am pro vaccine and quite happy to pay but if it is a choice of Sinovac or nothing, I'll wait.

Funny how the PM and co were given Astra Zenica. If he is so sure of his Chinese friends, why didn't he opt and take Sinovac?

I think your comments are on the money and reflect the double standard of vaccine administration here. 

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On 3/19/2021 at 8:33 AM, VBF said:

I understand and agree with most of your post, except where you say ".......they switch 2 years of process for safety concern......."

Due to the urgency of the pandemic, a great deal of work was done in a few months that is normally stretched out over up to 10 years!

I suggest you watch BBC iPlayer - Panorama - The Race for a Vaccine for a detailed explanation from the very scientists who did the work on the AZ vaccine of which I've had my first shot.

A good friend of mine who is a retired senior UK Government Employee explained to me that in normal times, medicines etc are tested through a fixed scheme that includes lots of administration, committees, reports etc.  THAT is what was sidestepped for the Covid vaxxes, NOT the actual testing.

I understand and thank you for this debate, it is good to share informations (there is so much fakes nowadays).

I'm agree to said that in special moment, we can not wait to much to be safer (i'm an ancient paratrouper, so... i know that), but we are talking about a coronavirus and not Ebola or an other one high risk pandemic problem. The flue is also international and occur, same the coronavirus in some season more than some other. Just read the death rate and compare to any other years...

Now about facts concerned by the process to made "vaccine" (as we can speak about vaccine for product who is not a "vaccine" but a genetic therapy for some of them, it is very different but they provide the same designation... why ? Do they think people are so stupid ? I think yes), it is not an opinion position to said that they switch 2 years of study for build these "vaccine"... it is a fact. You can look at the international organism who clearly explain how is the process to build a vaccine and how long it can be (without possibility to go faster for any reason).

You should also read article from Mme Henrion Caude (who is a high grade scientist working on genetic therapy) that clearly talk about 6 point of safety concern (very important) that are switched. It is not an opinion, it is a fact.

So now, we can have an opinion to said: "never mind, good they made a magic potion, i'm so afraid of COVID and to loose my social life because of choices of my government" or "it is a very bad practice to do that instead of care about people sick, in the same time, government killing economy, not the COVID", and this is opinion and i respect them all, but we can just not deny facts.

Your good friend (and you) should be better (for yourself to) interested more by the scientist publications and speech in the top level position (not the one in the TV show) than the official propaganda around.

Let me tell you that in y country, where it is very difficult to shout the mouth of the people, the propaganda has big problem against scientists and population as long as they don't trust interested conflict people speaking to much in the private only TV show with binary mind thinking mode.

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