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I am from khon kaen an I am half thai(mother Chinese)/ dad is Aussie.

So I am raised as a Christian ???? 


You will know why it’s important for the story.


Now I sold things on Lazada to a monk.

Its was a product that comes without a carton, it’s even said there. It’s a digital Item(like a coupon code).


Now everything was in English, Chinese.


I phoned him if he needed any help for the product to work, I like to help customer ???? and make sure they are happy.


Now I a good phone call turned into a heated discussion haha.


He said I shouldn’t scam people(which i didn’t do)


He also said that I should go back to China ???? (that’s is racist)


And he thought I was Buddhist and was trying to teach me about buddisum(which I wouldn’t give a <deleted> about as it’s not my religion).


He been cursing me for 10 mins and at the end I asked him if he would let me talk also and explain to him ???? 


I said I may be a half Chinese but still Thai on the passport so I have a right to stay in Thailand and I told him that he is a racist monk. If he talk bad like that he would go to hell when he die ????.


When I try to tell him that he keeps talking over me. So I called a ill mannered Buffalo (in Thai) and a uneducated idiot.


lol I think he was shock that someone argued back to him ????.


He said that he will take me to the police and so on and ask me where I live.

I told him he can come anytime to khon kaen if he like ???? 


I don’t give a two <deleted> if he is a monk if he talks bad. 

Now he was cursing me on the product page on lazada (question page). I reported it to lazada and it’s all taken down the min he does that. 

Since yesterday he is been phoning me on my automatic ???? and cursing me.


said that he will come to my town and take me to the police ???? 


I told lazada if he wants his money back that he has to return the product and I will return the money without question asked back. 

He been keeping writing (product page) and calling me that if I don’t send him the money back that he will take me to the police ???? 


first of all this isn’t at all me or lazada fault, if you can’t read English or chinese(my customer is global and not just Thai) then don’t blame me even if I try to help you.


i have many Thai customers but 99.99% are all calm/nice/ patient people.


I talk to to the lazada seller support(Chinese) and told them that this monk doesn’t seem to know how to get a refund ????, asked them if they could handle it and try to explain him how to return the product.


So this he has done it, product is returning now????


Now the problem is this..... he keeps bugging me about why hasn’t he received the money ????


I ask the Chinese lazada customer service and they told me they credited him the refund via the lazada wallet as the monk has paid via COD.



Seems like he doesn’t have a clue .......



Keeps on phoning on the automatic and saying that he is going to the police and also will tell the news about me calling him Buffalo ????.



Now any ideas what would happen?

If he goes to police and complain about scamming, I know I wouldn’t be wrong as I didn’t scam him. 

About cursing a monk how does the police handle it?


haha what a day


  • Haha 1
8 minutes ago, tubby johnson said:

A few points:

1. First of all, ???? isn't a punctuation mark. Please use a full stop/comma where appropriate. ???? Looks daft and immature.

2. This monk is bluffing, like a barking dog. The more noise they make, the less credible they are. Call his bluff. The police won't be interested in such a waste of time.

3. He is sadly exemplary of the state of Thai Buddhism. Too many monks are greedy and avaricious. They lead a life of boredom, which sometimes makes them fill their idle time with unBuddhist activities.

4. You have already returned his money. You acted in good faith. Please ignore that buffalo from now on, unless he continues harassing you on the phone. Then you can report him to the police.


So you have nothing to worry about. Case closed.



thanks and yes it’s immature , I agree mate ????


thanks for the calming advise, I thought maybe that monks in this country have power and force you to beg for forgiveness in the police station . 


  • Like 2
  • If he wants to go to the Police, tell him "good" as he can answer the criminal charge of defamation whilst he is there. 


Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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Asean Now Property Advertisement (1).png

6 minutes ago, CharlieH said:
  • If he wants to go to the Police, tell him "good" as he can answer the criminal charge of defamation whilst he is there. 


i had told a thai(full) friend about this and he said I should go apologies to the monk even if I am not wrong.

He said that is “บาป” and it can hurt me if It to the news or social media.


My Chinese or foreign friends all said that they wouldn’t put up with it and that I should sue him for Financial demage for defamation to the shop.



8 minutes ago, luckywooman said:


i had told a thai(full) friend about this and he said I should go apologies to the monk even if I am not wrong.

He said that is “บาป” and it can hurt me if It to the news or social media.


My Chinese or foreign friends all said that they wouldn’t put up with it and that I should sue him for Financial demage for defamation to the shop.



I would let Lazada deal with it.

I take it you have a reputation of being a good honest supplier. 

Block all calls from him. 

Being half Thai you have let the half Oz side of you come out, you should know you shouldn't call a monk names whether his genuine or not. 

Me a falangie agnostic knows that. ????

  • Like 1

I admire you for not being bullied. Some Thai men, think they can push women around. This one made a mistake. When you stood up to the  bully, you were not just defending yourself, but defending millionns of Thai women and millions of Thais who are discriminated against because they are considered "foreign".


The man appears to be monk in name only and he has brought shame and bad image to the monkhood for his conduct. If as you say you offered refund and  asked neutral third party to help mediate dispute, then you have acted  correctly. 

Many common criminals and bad people  enter monkhood for a period of time to hide from society or to escape responsibility for their evil character and past. wearing a monk robe will not change a bad person to good. You have nothing to regret or to apologize for. The man has left a  trail of insults, lies and  aggression, all actions that would result in his being disrobed if his abbot was a religious man.

This "monk" can make police report if he wants and when he does so, he will sign his own end because then his false claims, threats and lies will come out.


You stay calm and serene. The bully cannot do harm to you because he is cursed by his own corruption and ignorance. I expect that he will be caught at some point trying to shakedown others, or found drinking or having inappropriate sexual activity. It is what they do and then the problem sorts itself out. Time is your friend.

  • Like 2

Remember the proverb:




In this case, it is not the time for a fight. 

I dare to say that the biggest mistake was yours, for giving him your personal phone number. 

Just block his phones, act like you are dead to him. No answering anything at all, he will give up rather soon and go find someone else to bother.

  • Like 1
19 hours ago, tubby johnson said:

First of all, ???? isn't a punctuation mark. Please use a full stop/comma where appropriate. ???? Looks daft and immature.

are you a schoolteacher the internet initially began as a programming code with no capitals or punctuation he is writing correctly you are being inappropriate trying to apply an outdated writing system to a modern medium you are in thailand anyway they dont use punctuation or capitals in thai script 

  • Sad 3
4 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Him telling you to go back to China sounds a bit ignorant, but not racist. For pulling the race card a bit too quick, I think you should go back to Australia.


???? that’s racist 

  • Like 1
On 3/26/2021 at 10:28 AM, Wongkitlo said:

are you a schoolteacher the internet initially began as a programming code with no capitals or punctuation he is writing correctly you are being inappropriate trying to apply an outdated writing system to a modern medium you are in thailand anyway they dont use punctuation or capitals in thai script 


Sorry, your gibberish makes no sense. I don't speak Imbecile. I speak English.


On 3/26/2021 at 10:28 AM, Wongkitlo said:

punctuation or capitals in thai script 


The OP wrote in English, not in Thai. Hence, ...

  • Like 1
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28 minutes ago, tubby johnson said:


Sorry, your gibberish makes no sense. I don't speak Imbecile. I speak English.



The OP wrote in English, not in Thai. Hence, ...

The internet is a world wide medium. Putting emojis instead of commas is just as viable and acceptable as writing in abbreviations - 'LOL' , 'AFAIK'  'FYI'  Just because you are old and behind the times does not give you a right to criticize others.  

  • Like 2
  • Sad 2
On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2021 at 10:28 AM, Wongkitlo said:

are you a schoolteacher the internet initially began as a programming code with no capitals or punctuation he is writing correctly you are being inappropriate trying to apply an outdated writing system to a modern medium you are in thailand anyway they dont use punctuation or capitals in thai script 

You are not writing in Thai script, so it looks uneducated.

22 hours ago, Wongkitlo said:

The internet is a world wide medium. Putting emojis instead of commas is just as viable and acceptable as writing in abbreviations - 'LOL' , 'AFAIK'  'FYI'  Just because you are old and behind the times does not give you a right to criticize others.  

Emojis have nothing to do with commas. 

2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

You are not writing in Thai script, so it looks uneducated.

My point is that not all languages have commas and full stops. The original internet had no punctuation as it was just on /off signals a bit like Morse code. It is a question of the internet as a communication medium. The younger generations will use emojis, initializes such as LOL and LMFO. If this was TikTok or similar nobody would think twice about using emojis but because it is a forum full of old people it seems there is some rule that only proper English grammar should be used or someone will tell them it is uneducated. It just seems part of the ongoing social war between baby boomers and Gen x, y, millenials. The internet really is a social phenomenon of the last 3 generations so you should respect that and allow them to write however they want instead of trying to hijack it for old fashioned correctness.

2 hours ago, Wongkitlo said:

My point is that not all languages have commas and full stops. The original internet had no punctuation as it was just on /off signals a bit like Morse code. It is a question of the internet as a communication medium. The younger generations will use emojis, initializes such as LOL and LMFO. If this was TikTok or similar nobody would think twice about using emojis but because it is a forum full of old people it seems there is some rule that only proper English grammar should be used or someone will tell them it is uneducated. It just seems part of the ongoing social war between baby boomers and Gen x, y, millenials. The internet really is a social phenomenon of the last 3 generations so you should respect that and allow them to write however they want instead of trying to hijack it for old fashioned correctness.

There is nothing wrong with using emojis but a very frequent use of one which doesn't fit the purpose most of the time is as annoying as somebody who ends the sentence with "hihi" or and other word all the time.

13 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

There is nothing wrong with using emojis but a very frequent use of one which doesn't fit the purpose most of the time is as annoying as somebody who ends the sentence with "hihi" or and other word all the time.

I just get annoyed when people criticize other people's English. Not everyone has the same advantages in life

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, Wongkitlo said:

I just get annoyed when people criticize other people's English. Not everyone has the same advantages in life

Well said.


Those that cannot communicate properly may face "discrimination" at some level, and in turn, this may lead to a disadvantage.

  • Like 2
On 3/28/2021 at 6:14 PM, Gumballl said:

Well said.


Those that cannot communicate properly may face "discrimination" at some level, and in turn, this may lead to a disadvantage.



On 3/28/2021 at 4:50 PM, FritsSikkink said:

There is nothing wrong with using emojis but a very frequent use of one which doesn't fit the purpose most of the time is as annoying as somebody who ends the sentence with "hihi" or and other word all the time.


On 3/28/2021 at 4:50 PM, FritsSikkink said:

There is nothing wrong with using emojis but a very frequent use of one which doesn't fit the purpose most of the time is as annoying as somebody who ends the sentence with "hihi" or and other word all the time.


I do understand the old(apologies if it offends anyone) and the young????.


As I am 32 I do understand the young and the old and I do agree that my post was to much “????????????????”.


Now I still want to thanks everyone for the help and the good advise how to deal with the issue at hand.(for the grammar people) ????(for the young)

On 3/25/2021 at 1:53 PM, luckywooman said:

I am from khon kaen an I am half thai(mother Chinese)/ dad is Aussie.

Just a quick, off topic, question. If your mother is Chinese and your father Australian how did you become "half Thai"?

  • Like 2
23 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

Just a quick, off topic, question. If your mother is Chinese and your father Australian how did you become "half Thai"?


They always call me “ลูกครึ่ง”


yeah I am 1/4 ????

On 3/26/2021 at 10:28 AM, Wongkitlo said:

you are in thailand anyway they dont use punctuation or capitals in thai script 

That explains why they always misunderstand everything then, never seen a  nation where so  much is a misunderstanding.


Many monks are not nice.


I once seen a monk (in Cambodia) catch up to a friend walking ahead of him and stubbed out his lit cigarette on the boys neck. Oh how he laughed. The boy managed to control his impulse to smack him in the mouth and laughed it off with a wai.


Ignore this monk as others have said.




From your post, I assume Lazada limit your content to two languages. If not, (and you're 30 to 60 percent Thai) why didn't you describe your product in Thai?


If your Thai language skills aren't so good.. It's all too easy for mis-understandings to happen. As with any conversation in your second (third) language, anywhere.


Lower educated Thai's are easily upset by foreign interactions. Best thing to do is ignore them and move on. Mostly their threats are nothing but bluster to save (their) face. If you decide to play their game, you must be prepared to follow it through. Yet, if you win, who's going to help you out? 


Certainly not the police!


Who you gonna call???

On 4/2/2021 at 8:08 PM, alacrity said:

From your post, I assume Lazada limit your content to two languages. If not, (and you're 30 to 60 percent Thai) why didn't you describe your product in Thai?


If your Thai language skills aren't so good.. It's all too easy for mis-understandings to happen. As with any conversation in your second (third) language, anywhere.


Lower educated Thai's are easily upset by foreign interactions. Best thing to do is ignore them and move on. Mostly their threats are nothing but bluster to save (their) face. If you decide to play their game, you must be prepared to follow it through. Yet, if you win, who's going to help you out? 


Certainly not the police!


Who you gonna call???


content is all in English and Chinese.


i have the same product description like this on ebay, Amazon, lazada, Shopee and Ali baba and so on.


lazada Doesn’t hav anything against it. 

It’s allowed that you can post it in English.


99% there is no trouble. And we are more happy to refund if it’s unopened or if the product is faulty etc....


no issues most of the time. 

We have many times like flash sales where Thai customer just buy it with COD and don’t pay and we don’t ask question or they change their mind. 

It’s belongs to business????.




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