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Farang Burns Wifes House Down


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Finding your missus in bed with another guy, ouch, burning a house down and watching your money burn? I sympathise with the guys situation but personally I would enjoy walking away from the whole thing, setting fire to a few Tequilas and enjoying myself for a while.

:o KD

No problem at all really.He should have given the bloke a biff and walked out.No problem.

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why people always blame the other person. i bet the guy is blaming the hot thai stud, his wife, everyone but himself.

so the guy caught his wife banging some guy in his bed. and he should blame himself for........ what??? :o

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Maybe I'll start up a Heavy Plant Hire firm hiring out Bulldozers to disgruntled Farangs. :o

Going by another reply to a post you wrote saying you always advise the thai ladys to get something in there name in case of the worst, maybe like them cheating, you may have just cracked a new market. The best of luck. NOT!!!

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I like the idea of having the lady take a loan to have the house built and the man simply pays on the loan and if things go bad, simply take your check-book and walk away... Let her pay the monthly mortgage.... (Also a good reason for her to keep other strange men our of the bed).

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Unless it was her brother and they were reading a book or something.

If not…

First…I'd film them for the divorce evidence

then….probably scream and maybe throw a bucket or two of water on them

then…do the kungfu with flying elbow

then….kick them out to the curb… naked ha ha

then….pout and immediately start packing up all my stuffs, and dynamite the house down...KAPUT!

then….divorce the B****

and then….open a new porn site…"My Wife Go Bang Bang!"

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This is a real story i walked around the remains of this big 3 story house it was very sad to see.many of the village people came out to look at me i think they thought the crazy farang was back.so i jumped into my car and got away quick.

I went to a farang bar called lilleys on the main road going to mukdahan the owner is called tony .he was very interested in this story so i took him to see this house we both had another look around.a lady told us that he was tipped off about his wife playing up on him thats why he came home early and caught them in the act......no one likes to take about this in the village.So if any one wants to see this house call in to see tony at 'Lilleys bar' 20 klm out of sakon nakhon on the road to mukdahan it has a big UK flag out side.

that was a sad story about the lady who died of cancer and the family turning against him.

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Most of us guys, if caught cheating on our Thai wives, wouldn't mind if she burned our property down or trashed our cars or other possessions. So why would we judge a man who did the same to his wife. What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

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Most of us guys, if caught cheating on our Thai wives, wouldn't mind if she burned our property down or trashed our cars or other possessions. So why would we judge a man who did the same to his wife. What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

This is a very good piont.....makes you stop and think about those who live in glass house

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I like the idea of having the lady take a loan to have the house built and the man simply pays on the loan and if things go bad, simply take your check-book and walk away... Let her pay the monthly mortgage.... (Also a good reason for her to keep other strange men our of the bed).

You mean, upgrade her half a class to mortgaged home owner and let the next guy pay for the rest of the mortgage? Change buffalo sob story to falang "brother" became ill story... There isn't one born every minute, but there are a few hundred that arrive by plane several times a day.


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Not sure what i would do either but i would probably go ballistic on them both. That is what the temporary insanity plea is for. Not sure if Thailand allows it.

The thai law does allow for the husband to sue his wife for adultery and also sue the man she was sleeping with.

A Lawyer told me he could kill them without being prosecuted for murder. Is that so?

Yep. You would have to kill them both or at least attempt to at the time that you caught them. So if you pulled out a gun and shot them or grabbed the lamp by the bed and beat them bloody you would be ok. You could not leave and then come back. The courts have ruled that when a person is first faced the situation he goes insane at the moment. If you leave to get a weapon or something then they say you thought about what you were doing so were not insane at the time of the killing. Keep in mind that it is legal to carry a gun in my state and many others for anyone except for a convicted felon.

The most that would happen is you would have to spend maybe a month in a crazy hospital for observation to make sure you were no longer a danger to society.

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If it was me (seeing how I have a son) I would just take my (registered in my name ) car and all the furniture and just move to another nearby location so I could take care of my son.

That way she still has somewhere to live but can go back to living like she did before she met me- sitting and sleeping on the floor. Then It may suddenly catch fire one day, that wiring is very dodgy.....It would depend on how she treated me in the divorce.

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What's the big deal? So his wife is screwing around. Is it only the men who are allowed to do that? This is how life is. Is it really reasonable in this day and age for the guy to go all apeman about it?

If he has rights in the house, he's cutting off his nose to spite his face. If he doesn't, then he's likely just committing a crime. And even if he has rights, he could still be exposing himself, such as if the underlying land lease has a "no waste" clause that would prohibit the wasteful destruction of any improvements on the land.

At least in the US, it's risky to kill your wife and her boyfriend when you catch them. Only in rare cases does it work as a total defense. Usually it's a so-called imperfect defense that just goes to a reduction in sentence.

The guy should have: 1) joined in; 2) watched; and/or 3) asked them to be sure and clean up after and then gone for a drink.

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What's the big deal? So his wife is screwing around. Is it only the men who are allowed to do that? This is how life is. Is it really reasonable in this day and age for the guy to go all apeman about it?

If he has rights in the house, he's cutting off his nose to spite his face. If he doesn't, then he's likely just committing a crime. And even if he has rights, he could still be exposing himself, such as if the underlying land lease has a "no waste" clause that would prohibit the wasteful destruction of any improvements on the land.

At least in the US, it's risky to kill your wife and her boyfriend when you catch them. Only in rare cases does it work as a total defense. Usually it's a so-called imperfect defense that just goes to a reduction in sentence.

The guy should have: 1) joined in; 2) watched; and/or 3) asked them to be sure and clean up after and then gone for a drink.

Yes, and maybe the husband was just too ugly, old and fat to really 'do it' for his pretty young bride anymore? :o

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What's the big deal? So his wife is screwing around. Is it only the men who are allowed to do that? This is how life is. Is it really reasonable in this day and age for the guy to go all apeman about it?

If he has rights in the house, he's cutting off his nose to spite his face. If he doesn't, then he's likely just committing a crime. And even if he has rights, he could still be exposing himself, such as if the underlying land lease has a "no waste" clause that would prohibit the wasteful destruction of any improvements on the land.

At least in the US, it's risky to kill your wife and her boyfriend when you catch them. Only in rare cases does it work as a total defense. Usually it's a so-called imperfect defense that just goes to a reduction in sentence.

The guy should have: 1) joined in; 2) watched; and/or 3) asked them to be sure and clean up after and then gone for a drink.

Every state in the USA has it's own laws on murder. Some you can get away with it. Others prosecute you no matter what.

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I was visiting friends in a village near munglia 20klm from sakon Nakhon,when i came upon a 3 story house that had been burned and partly destroyed.I asked a few locals what had happened but no one wanted to speak of it.But in the next village i was told of the german guy who came home from a trip overseas to find his thai wife in bed with another man.He was so angry he set fire to their house then returned the next day with some guys and started to destroy what was left.I thought this very sad to destroy such a nice house.After telling a few farangs this story they all said they would do the same if their wifes/girlfriends played up on them .

it seems you can not throw her out so the next best thing is to destroy the house.So there it is a burnt out shell in the middle of the village.I thought such a waste.

So what would you do if this happened to you.......my self i would just walk away and start a new life.

Coulndt they have talked about it ?, love conquers all , forgiveness is whats needed, leaving your wife alone for months on end like this can bring on loneliness and despair,. and it may have been her brother, ! :o
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wolfmanjack- True, I was just speaking from a general theory of criminal law perspective. I used to practice in Texas years back, and there you could almost certainly get away with it with very few questions asked. It's the called the "he needed killin'" defense.

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This is a very emotional issue to many of us.

I am curious as to why it is a crime in Thailand to damage your own property. In my case, I build a house for me and my Thai BF on land which his parents donated to both of us. The house is in his name and I have leased the house back from him on a 30 year lease.

I told him that if I catch him in bed with another farang I will bulldoze the house - with him inside it if necessary.


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There have been a few recent stories about cockolded foreign husbands coming back to wreak vengeance on their unfaithful Thai wives. A few months ago there was a story about some Austrian (?) guy having his wife's love-nest bulldozed to the ground after finding out that her "brother" was .... blah, blah.

Are they just "urban legends?" :o Hopefully, it might signal the start of a "zero tolerance" farang policy towards scheming duplicitous women, but then again..... :D

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peter991- If the house is in his name and he's leasing it to you it's not your property outright. He has an interest in the property, and many land leases in US jurisdictions have clauses that prevent the destruction of improvements (sometimes called no waste clauses). So I'm not a Thai lawyer, but I suspect this is why it could be a crime if a person in your situation detroyed the house. Plus, do you think you could just burn down your rented house anywhere else? Cheers.

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wolfmanjack- True, I was just speaking from a general theory of criminal law perspective. I used to practice in Texas years back, and there you could almost certainly get away with it with very few questions asked. It's the called the "he needed killin'" defense.

I think the polite term is "justifiable homicide". Some members on this forum think that no one deserves killin' but i disagree . I would put a cheating spouse and anyone stupid enough to have intimate relations with my wife in my bed at the top of the list.

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peter991- If the house is in his name and he's leasing it to you it's not your property outright. He has an interest in the property, and many land leases in US jurisdictions have clauses that prevent the destruction of improvements (sometimes called no waste clauses). So I'm not a Thai lawyer, but I suspect this is why it could be a crime if a person in your situation detroyed the house. Plus, do you think you could just burn down your rented house anywhere else? Cheers.

Thai law allows a person to own the building and lease the land. I have leased a few pieces of property and none of the leases mention anything about creating waste on the property. They probably should but obviously the people i rented from did not think of it.

I also reviewed a railroad lease of the land of a building i was thinking about buying. It stipulated that if i did not remove the building within 30 days of the expiration of the lease then it would revert to the railroads ownership.


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Wolfman Jack speaks the truth. If a farang man cheats on his Thai wife even once and gets one of his heads chopped off, well, so goes life... same goes for his condo, his motorcycle, his car, his clothes.... He makes his bed and he sleeps in it. Works both ways, no?

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Wolfman Jack speaks the truth. If a farang man cheats on his Thai wife even once and gets one of his heads chopped off, well, so goes life... same goes for his condo, his motorcycle, his car, his clothes.... He makes his bed and he sleeps in it. Works both ways, no?

Yep. That is why i used the word spouse instead of wife.

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wolfmanjack- thanks for the information.

Would also be a legally significant distinction under Thai law between having the building in your name and leasing the land on the one hand, from leasing both the building and the land on the other hand? The latter just seems like it would be a weaker position, but I don't know.

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