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Windows 10 software updater


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I have made my opinion clear. Your ... ongoing misinformation about Microsoft approval was a clear attempt to mislead.


The necessity of disabling Defender has not been proven nor indicated. You've made your point. The readers can decide.

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10 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

You can't understand that if a service set to run automaticaly is not running, that can be only due to priviledge rights ?

not only privileges:

- the service's executable file could be corrupted

- the service's environmental variables could be messed up

- some settings in Windows Registry could be messed up

- and a million of other causes

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I switched to Linux after I left IT where I worked primarily on Windows based servers, and had an MCSE certification.  Just to be honest, Windows is a <deleted> operating system on a good day.  Unless you have applications you just can't live without, a variety of Linux like Ubuntu or Linux Mint is a hell of a lot less headache.  I can update my computer including a full kernel update in less than 5 minutes.   Window's updates?  Hours.  If it updates.  And that's the problem I have.  I have more failures than successes with Windows update.  Then when you have a problem like yours.  When Windows tech support can't help you if back to, "Well, you'll need to reinstall Windows." That's not the hallmark of a good OS. 

What I'm saying is good advice.  Ditch Windows.  If you can't, then learn how to dual boot Windows and Linux, and only use Windows when you have to.  Which is the configuration I have.  I need Windows for one thing.  My tax software.  Other than that I never use it.  Except to update it, which is always a multi-hour if not multi-day event generally with Windows Update failures that even the Windows Update Troubleshooter can't resolve.  Microsoft Windows 10 sucks.  Windows 7 wasn't great but was 1000% better than the W10 pig. 

Take a look at this link at try "Solutions" 4 and 5.  My guess by now you've attempted 1, 2, and 3 by now.  I'll see what else I can dig up as I'm fighting with my own update issues - constantly. 



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I just answer a last time to "follow the topic", this little chalenge is fun after all ????


If the OP do not reformat all for a new clean install and find a trick, I'm just curious to see if the issue was not about privilege (= my "diversion" because I'm a kind of troll or spamer or whatever).


Privilege => Windows UAC & Windows Defender => ... solution ?


Original post from the OP:


I have administrators rights and whatever selection I make is fine until I click OK when it reverts back to Disabled and refuses to change to anything else.


PS: @conndaI read the solutions of your link, nothing about privilege, if one of your solution works, I will of course apologize ????

Edited by Spellforce
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15 minutes ago, connda said:

I switched to Linux after I left IT where I worked primarily on Windows based servers, and had an MCSE certification. 


Once you spend enough time with Linux you'll realize that Windows is incredibly complex and difficult to use and on contrary how simple and easy Linux is. However I wouldn't recommend using Linux to anyone not an IT professional because dealing with most issues in Linux requires higher level of understanding the computer internals than those of average Windows user. So no Linux for the topic starter :biggrin:






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Unless there is something on the HDD worth saving, it makes absolutely no sense to spend more than thirty minutes in attempting to fix the Windows Update issue on an outdated version of Windows 10 Home Single Language.


Clearly the OP has lost all sense of perspective on this; it's been two weeks according to him.


Even if he manages to fix it, after more than two weeks, he still has to change the edition to Windows 10 Pro before running either the Feature Updates provided by Windows or running an upgrade install with his newly created installation drive over the top of a possibly flawed install in the first place.


This will take hours at best.


A clean install will take less than an hour and he could do it now and be finished by the time he has finished drinking his cuppa.


Hey, as long as he is enjoying his research and efforts, who cares how long it takes.


But if he just wants it done and over with, a clean install is the best and most efficient way forward.


If it's just a puzzle game; then please, continue to enjoy. No problem with either approach.






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On 4/4/2021 at 1:32 PM, FarangRimPing said:

You might want to try this utility. I use it to all of the time.




WuMgr (Update Manager for Windows) enables you to manage Microsoft updates via the Windows Update Agent API.

With all the things that are wrong with Windows 10, the forced updates are in the end one of the most significant issues. This tool is intended to return control over how updates are delivered. Just like how it was in Windows 7/8.1, including the ability to automatically install updates by category, for example, to delay all feature upgrades, i.e., Windows re-installation, or choose to only automatically install updates which do not require a reboot, granting full user control of when his PC will need to reboot.

Now that's a really useful little tool.  Thanks for the link.  I'll add to it.  Here's a link to a How-To for WuMgr Update Manager for Windows.


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2 hours ago, fdsa said:

Once you spend enough time with Linux you'll realize that Windows is incredibly complex and difficult to use and on contrary how simple and easy Linux is. However I wouldn't recommend using Linux to anyone not an IT professional because dealing with most issues in Linux requires higher level of understanding the computer internals than those of average Windows user.

Not really. The Linux forums put the MS Windows community to shame.  If you have a problem, there are a lot of people who are willing to provide knowledgeable answers that actually work, and unlike the Windows community, there are a lot of highly knowledgeable Linux users out there.  I've essentially have never seen a response to a problem that ended in - "You'll need to do a clean install." That's just utter nonsense. And alot of this is because, "The system files got corrupted."  Why is Windows so prone to file corruption?  It's not a good OS.

Most Linux graphical user interfaces (GUI) are simple to use and have been around awhile.  And unlike Windows, they don't cram a complete change of the User Interface on you every time a new version is rolled out.
Heck, you can choose the graphical user interface you want.  There's more than one.
It's not like the old days when to care for your Linux computer you needed to be a system administrator who could write perl scripts.  Yeah, there is a slight learning curve, but anyone with an average IQ and the ability to read can figure out enough of the basics to get it installed and use the GUI. If you run into an occasional problem, you hook up on a forum and you will get help.  And most of the forums and a Newbie area just to get people up and running.  And there are plenty of How-To books on Amazon for whatever flavor of Linux you wish to run.
I used to admin Sun computers a whole bunch of years ago.  No, the current version of free Linux for end-users, like Ubuntu and Mint, are not anymore difficult to deal with the Windows.  In fact, less so.  Plus I like being to boot up in less than a minute and be able to use my computer and shut it down in about 30 seconds.  And updates take a minute or two to download and install and don't require a reboot.  Hell, I've been working on Windows 10 update problems on by second computer since yesterday.  And this is normal. 

Linux is fast and less problematic that any MS Windows system I've ever used.

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12 hours ago, connda said:

Not really. The Linux forums put the MS Windows community to shame.  If you have a problem, there are a lot of people who are willing to provide knowledgeable answers that actually work, and unlike the Windows community, there are a lot of highly knowledgeable Linux users out there.  I've essentially have never seen a response to a problem that ended in - "You'll need to do a clean install." That's just utter nonsense. And alot of this is because, "The system files got corrupted."  Why is Windows so prone to file corruption?  It's not a good OS.

Most Linux graphical user interfaces (GUI) are simple to use and have been around awhile.  And unlike Windows, they don't cram a complete change of the User Interface on you every time a new version is rolled out.
Heck, you can choose the graphical user interface you want.  There's more than one.
It's not like the old days when to care for your Linux computer you needed to be a system administrator who could write perl scripts.  Yeah, there is a slight learning curve, but anyone with an average IQ and the ability to read can figure out enough of the basics to get it installed and use the GUI. If you run into an occasional problem, you hook up on a forum and you will get help.  And most of the forums and a Newbie area just to get people up and running.  And there are plenty of How-To books on Amazon for whatever flavor of Linux you wish to run.
I used to admin Sun computers a whole bunch of years ago.  No, the current version of free Linux for end-users, like Ubuntu and Mint, are not anymore difficult to deal with the Windows.  In fact, less so.  Plus I like being to boot up in less than a minute and be able to use my computer and shut it down in about 30 seconds.  And updates take a minute or two to download and install and don't require a reboot.  Hell, I've been working on Windows 10 update problems on by second computer since yesterday.  And this is normal. 

Linux is fast and less problematic that any MS Windows system I've ever used.

Even my linux lover friend keeps a windows on his computer too. He has been with linux forever but it is still lacking. Mainly for games of course and often compatibility. Still its a good system for older computers who don't want all the bells and whistles windows has.


I too have tried linux, your right its easy with the gui. Still my windows 10 never has the problems people always talk about. Its all a matter of not installing too much free stuff and tools. It seems that they often come with bad things installed. 


If i did not like games and was not using my computer for business I might have gone to linux. But i prefer the industry standard of windows. Makes full advantage of the latest hardware. Linux in general works better on older hardware. Takes a while before they catch up. 

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13 hours ago, connda said:

Not really. The Linux forums put the MS Windows community to shame.  If you have a problem, there are a lot of people who are willing to provide knowledgeable answers that actually work, and unlike the Windows community, there are a lot of highly knowledgeable Linux users out there.  I've essentially have never seen a response to a problem that ended in - "You'll need to do a clean install." That's just utter nonsense. And alot of this is because, "The system files got corrupted."  Why is Windows so prone to file corruption?  It's not a good OS.

Most Linux graphical user interfaces (GUI) are simple to use and have been around awhile.  And unlike Windows, they don't cram a complete change of the User Interface on you every time a new version is rolled out.
Heck, you can choose the graphical user interface you want.  There's more than one.
It's not like the old days when to care for your Linux computer you needed to be a system administrator who could write perl scripts.  Yeah, there is a slight learning curve, but anyone with an average IQ and the ability to read can figure out enough of the basics to get it installed and use the GUI. If you run into an occasional problem, you hook up on a forum and you will get help.  And most of the forums and a Newbie area just to get people up and running.  And there are plenty of How-To books on Amazon for whatever flavor of Linux you wish to run.
I used to admin Sun computers a whole bunch of years ago.  No, the current version of free Linux for end-users, like Ubuntu and Mint, are not anymore difficult to deal with the Windows.  In fact, less so.  Plus I like being to boot up in less than a minute and be able to use my computer and shut it down in about 30 seconds.  And updates take a minute or two to download and install and don't require a reboot.  Hell, I've been working on Windows 10 update problems on by second computer since yesterday.  And this is normal. 

Linux is fast and less problematic that any MS Windows system I've ever used.



All this Linux BS is totally off-topic. 

The topic is Windows 10 Software Updater. Do you have something to contribute to help the OP?

You need to keep in mind the demographic we have here. Quite often we have to take the most simple route and that is a clean install...and look how that went.

It isn't difficult at all. The PEBKAC.. If you cannot get them to carry out instructions correctly, then what difference would it make if they were utilising another OS and still carrying out the instruction incorrectly?


So let's have a rest from how great you think Linux and stick with helping the OP to move forward.


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10 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:



All this Linux BS is totally off-topic. 

The topic is Windows 10 Software Updater. Do you have something to contribute to help the OP?

You need to keep in mind the demographic we have here. Quite often we have to take the most simple route and that is a clean install...and look how that went.

It isn't difficult at all. The PEBKAC.. If you cannot get them to carry out instructions correctly, then what difference would it make if they were utilising another OS and still carrying out the instruction incorrectly?


So let's have a rest from how great you think Linux and stick with helping the OP to move forward.


I think you should also take into account the demographic. Your instructions are fine but complicated. Not everyone can follow them and if just one thing deviates then it goes wrong. These are not EASY solutions (not saying they are wrong before you bite my head of again). 


People with a computer background like me will be able to follow and if it deviates for some reason we can try to change it but not everyone is like that. If i give this instruction to my dad or mom and need to help them id go barking mad.

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52 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

You need to keep in mind the demographic we have here. Quite often we have to take the most simple route and that is a clean install...and look how that went.



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1 hour ago, robblok said:

But i prefer the industry standard of windows. Makes full advantage of the latest hardware. Linux in general works better on older hardware.

I was in IT for 25 years.  WIndows is not the "industry standard" although it tend so be a defacto standard for end-users who have no computer skills.
As far as "Linux in general works better on older hardware", let me rephrase that for you.  Linux will work very efficiently on older hardware as opposed to Windows which is an OS with terrible 'bloat' problems in that it runs a massive amount of services in the background by default which in turn sucks the life out of anything but the newest systems with the most memory, fastest CPUs and SSD hard drives.  That's not efficient.  It's poor engineering.  The vast majority of servers used in corporate enterprise computing rely on a Linux platforms.  And I keep a copy of Win10 around to run one program - my tax software.  I could do my taxes online, but I prefer running the program locally.  If I didn't use that software, I wouldn't have Win10 on my computer. 

As I write I'm performing a system restore in an attempt to revert back to a time when Windows last updated my WIn10 OS successfully.  It been grinding on the restore for over 1 hour.  That's just unacceptable. On my Linux box, a compatible 'system restore' using Back-in-time takes between 3 to 5 minutes. 

But I get it.  Most users that were 'brought up' on Windows, or those who run applications they can't do without like gamers have no other choice to use anything but Windows and therefore to put up with Windows quirks and resource draining behaviors, such as the problems I'm having getting a WIndows Update to run successfully and the Bild766 is having with some sort of system corruption that disables his Windows Update entirely.  We're both into multi-day troubleshooting, and since I loaded Win10 on my system,  that's been the "industry standard."  Me personally.  Once I finish my taxes I'm going to wipe this monster off my system and do a clean install which is what Bild766 will in the end probably have to do.  That's pathetically bad engineering.

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1 hour ago, Bruno123 said:

All this Linux BS is totally off-topic.

I reason I don't believe it's "off-topic" is that I'm presenting an alternative to having to deal with the constant trouble-shooting headaches that is needed to maintain and fix this slow, resource intensive MS Windows based OS.  Take it with a grain of salt.  It's just another recommendation as an alternative "fix" to the problem.   I've also made recommendations for possible solutions for Bild766 Windows Update service problems.
But I'll drop Linux at that and will talk strictly WIn10 from here out. 

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2 minutes ago, connda said:

I was in IT for 25 years.  WIndows is not the "industry standard" although it tend so be a defacto standard for end-users who have no computer skills.
As far as "Linux in general works better on older hardware", let me rephrase that for you.  Linux will work very efficiently on older hardware as opposed to Windows which is an OS with terrible 'bloat' problems in that it runs a massive amount of services in the background by default which in turn sucks the life out of anything but the newest systems with the most memory, fastest CPUs and SSD hard drives.  That's not efficient.  It's poor engineering.  The vast majority of servers used in corporate enterprise computing rely on a Linux platforms.  And I keep a copy of Win10 around to run one program - my tax software.  I could do my taxes online, but I prefer running the program locally.  If I didn't use that software, I wouldn't have Win10 on my computer. 

As I write I'm performing a system restore in an attempt to revert back to a time when Windows last updated my WIn10 OS successfully.  It been grinding on the restore for over 1 hour.  That's just unacceptable. On my Linux box, a compatible 'system restore' using Back-in-time takes between 3 to 5 minutes. 

But I get it.  Most users Update to run successfully and the Bild766 is having with some sort of system corruption that disables his Windows Update entirely.  We're both into multi-day troubleshooting, and since I loaded Win10 on my system,  that's been the "industry standard."  Me personally.  Once I finish my taxes I'm going to wipe this monster off my system and do a clean install which is what Bild766 will in the end probably have to do.  That's pathetically bad engineering.

Actually since windows 10 I have no problems at all unlike previous versions. Huge improvement. Also my linux just does not support the latest hardware as good. They are lagging behind that is a fact. Its ok as most of the linux users are using older computers. As i said i tried linux and my friend who like me grew up with computers uses linux as his main system and has good insights. Linux is really safe and configureable. However games.. forget about it. If linux was so good there would have been tax software for it.. not ? I mean if it was a standard like you claim the least there would be tax software.


Same goes for a lot of business software. So yes windows is far more used and accepted for people who need to do company work linux is more for tinkerers. I never had a faster computer then this. But then again i buy the bit more expensive parts. But i use my computer for both business and gaming. So linux would be worthless for me.


You call out windows for bad engineering while linux often does not support the latest hardware windows does. So both sides have their faults. 


But i get it if your on a budget and don't game or do real office work then linux is great. If i was an other kind of user i might have used it.


Got a nas based on linux. Works ok most of the times but for some stuff you need to go command line. That is just no fun.


In the end its about what you like to use and what you use it for. Same like that some like a laptop and others a desktop. It all depends on the usage. 

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I think you should also take into account the demographic. Your instructions are fine but complicated. Not everyone can follow them and if just one thing deviates then it goes wrong. These are not EASY solutions (not saying they are wrong before you bite my head of again). 


People with a computer background like me will be able to follow and if it deviates for some reason we can try to change it but not everyone is like that. If i give this instruction to my dad or mom and need to help them id go barking mad.


Which of my instructions are complicated? Quote them and we will see if we can refine them. Always open to constructive criticism.

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4 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


Which of my instructions are complicated? Quote them and we will see if we can refine them. Always open to constructive criticism.

Its a huge list of instructions, maybe if you have a phone or tablet next to you it will work. However if one screen is different many people get thrown off. Sure i could follow your instructions, id make sure i have a tablet next to me. 


If i gave your instructions to my mom or dad no matter how clear it would go wrong. You are obviously good with computers as am I but not everyone is like that. What is easy for you and me might not be easy for an other. 


Yesterday I was looking at some instructions to find some files on my computer (skype saved files). I needed to go through a few really clear solutions that all had different screens then I had. I found it of course as i only needed a lil help. But the point is that that often these instructions are not 100%. 


I don't have the same problem as Bild so I can't see what is happening at his computer. So it might be that he gets different screens then your posting.  Or just by accident deviates somewhere.


That was my point. Not saying your instructions are bad or anything. If anything you put a lot of effort in it and that is a good thing. A nice thing to do. You are really trying to help. But i think its hard without actually being there. 


When there are problems with my parents computer i use teamviewer. (cant of course in this case)


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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

Its a huge list of instructions, maybe if you have a phone or tablet next to you it will work. However if one screen is different many people get thrown off. Sure i could follow your instructions, id make sure i have a tablet next to me. 


If i gave your instructions to my mom or dad no matter how clear it would go wrong. You are obviously good with computers as am I but not everyone is like that. What is easy for you and me might not be easy for an other. 


Yesterday I was looking at some instructions to find some files on my computer (skype saved files). I needed to go through a few really clear solutions that all had different screens then I had. I found it of course as i only needed a lil help. But the point is that that often these instructions are not 100%. 


I don't have the same problem as Bild so I can't see what is happening at his computer. So it might be that he gets different screens then your posting.  Or just by accident deviates somewhere.


That was my point. Not saying your instructions are bad or anything. If anything you put a lot of effort in it and that is a good thing. A nice thing to do. You are really trying to help. But i think its hard without actually being there. 


When there are problems with my parents computer i use teamviewer. (cant of course in this case)




Sorry, but that is a lot of words and no actual example. Let's keep it simple.

How else would you instruct someone to run a clean install?

I think the OP is more capable than you suggest. I think this issue is actually just someone being stubborn.

We could easily rectify the one simple mistake that he made, but he simply refuses to acknowledge it. Nothing to do with his actual capability and more to do with...



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22 minutes ago, robblok said:

In the end its about what you like to use and what you use it for. Same like that some like a laptop and others a desktop. It all depends on the usage. 

We both have our opinions.  I respect yours.  We're both speaking from our own personal experience.  We're good.  ????

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18 hours ago, connda said:

Except to update it, which is always a multi-hour if not multi-day event generally with Windows Update failures that even the Windows Update Troubleshooter can't resolve

I have NEVER had an update failure, and regular ones take 5 minutes at the most. What's wrong with my PCs?  LOL

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5 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:



Sorry, but that is a lot of words and no actual example. Let's keep it simple.

How else would you instruct someone to run a clean install?

I think the OP is more capable than you suggest. I think this issue is actually just someone being stubborn.

We could easily rectify the one simple mistake that he made, but he simply refuses to acknowledge it. Nothing to do with his actual capability and more to do with...




I can't give actual examples as I havent tried it I don't have the problem. Neither do you. (it all looks great while reality might be different it usually is)


How are you so sure that it will be the way you say without being there ? Do you have the same problem ?


I am sure Bildd is a lot more capable then my parents ???? but that still does not mean this is easy.


I get it you want to help you need feedback where it goes wrong. I am sorry I cannot give you that as im not doing this.


Lets just say we have a difference of opinion on the reliability of instructions like this. (no is not an attack on you). I mean to say sometimes things don't appear like in the instructions especially if the configuration is a bit different.


Anyway just my 2 cents you can discard it as unimportant. 

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1 minute ago, KannikaP said:

I have NEVER had an update failure, and regular ones take 5 minutes at the most. What's wrong with my PC?  LOL

Never had one either but given the fact that you see topics on it on the internet it does happen. But even for linux there are failures and most wont have those problems but some will. Just that it does not occur to the majority does not mean it does not happen.


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1 minute ago, robblok said:

Never had one either but given the fact that you see topics on it on the internet it does happen. But even for linux there are failures and most wont have those problems but some will. Just that it does not occur to the majority does not mean it does not happen.


So it is NOT Microsoft's update procedure, it is something in that particular PC which is causing the problem.

Clean install and then do not f..k around with anything = trouble free PC.  LOL


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1 minute ago, KannikaP said:

I have NEVER had an update failure, and regular ones take 5 minutes at the most. What's wrong with my PCs?  LOL

Just out of curiosity, what is your hardware configuration? 
Computer - make/model:
CPU make/model:
Amount of memory (GB):
Hard drive make/model: 

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Just now, KannikaP said:

So it is NOT Microsoft's update procedure, it is something in that particular PC which is causing the problem.

Clean install and then do not f..k around with anything = trouble free PC.  LOL


True, but if it happens on many PC's (were topics about large groups of PC's not being able to update or getting faults) then its a Microsoft problem. But its hard for Microsoft unlike apple there is so much variation in hardware. 

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4 minutes ago, robblok said:


I can't give actual examples as I havent tried it I don't have the problem. Neither do you. (it all looks great while reality might be different it usually is)


How are you so sure that it will be the way you say without being there ? Do you have the same problem ?


I am sure Bildd is a lot more capable then my parents ???? but that still does not mean this is easy.


I get it you want to help you need feedback where it goes wrong. I am sorry I cannot give you that as im not doing this.


Lets just say we have a difference of opinion on the reliability of instructions like this. (no is not an attack on you). I mean to say sometimes things don't appear like in the instructions especially if the configuration is a bit different.


Anyway just my 2 cents you can discard it as unimportant. 



So you just posted thousands of words for nothing. Of course I have tried clean installs! What are you thinking?!

What is it that you think is different in the OP running a clean install on his ACER that is different from any other ACER?


Try to keep it short, like one or two paragraphs. 


Seriously, too many words but really no substance.



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2 minutes ago, connda said:

Just out of curiosity, what is your hardware configuration? 
Computer - make/model:
CPU make/model:
Amount of memory (GB):
Hard drive make/model: 



I also have never had a Windows 10 update failure. My ACER is more than ten years old.

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