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"Rooster went to town on a story about a Thai teacher on an exchange at a school in New South Wales."


I clicked on the link, and had a look at it Rooster, nice story there ... (but nowhere I could see to comment.) ... But it went somewhere, and somewhere good also I thought. .... And yes Thanks for that. … Like the way for Potential Progress ?


... Though I must tell you that Though most people here DO slur their words, … not many people actually speak like you wrote them up to,  (Or even closely like that anymore ?) … and probably a lot less in the education system as well. ! ... (My Father was a School teacher, and then district inspector, lasting there for his whole working life, and my Mother was a teacher also, and my Brother was also as well, … until he got stressed out and dropped his Bundle, so to speak ... Opting out to be a Happy Tradie !!! … Rather than a mental Teacher in the loony bin, … to use his own words. … So I do know about Teaching, and the Schools here also.


And also in Thailand, being the only unemployed car driver in my Extended Family, I act as just about the only Drop Off parent, for the 4, 4 year old to 10 year old children in our family, at the local Thai Primary school. …  Like they are all just going by Motor bike just now … when they do go ? I guess ? … Like they do not, when it is raining right ? ???  … Well, where I live any way. And yes the Kids at the Thai school, are a lot LOT more Polite I think ? … Than many of them are in Australia now I suspect ??? … Though well Humans being Humans, … as an Un-committed, just passing by, person, they like all people, are probably pretty good just about everywhere I guess.


  Yes here in Auz, we do have out Bogan "Sowf Londn" type Suburbs where they might speak like that, and in every city also, ... But well probably now, "Norwww Londn" type places, ? these days possibly ??? Right ? …. And then there is also our country areas, which would probably be trying for the West Country, or Yorkshire accent awards ... Auzie style also.


...  But well things have changed  a lot here now I think ... Back when I went to Primary school in about the 60's I guess ? "We Won the War in 1964” being a chant in the school grounds that I remember to fix that date, ... We used to have a big base drum, and morning assembly when they would beat it, and we would march to class .... But I am not too sure about a Flag ? … Australia’s High UV and unpredictable weather pretty much destroying most flags that we ever had, in Quick Smart time I think.  ... And like people were a LOT poorer back then also …. None of this from questionably origins ? NEW money around back then, for Flags and Flag Poles ? Well ? I think I remember ? …. Though most schools had bells Right, ...  like REAL bells, that you rang to start and stop things, at the correct times.


 ... But well, now things HAVE changed !!! And well, … Getting in and out of the places alive, and in physically reasonable shape, probably being one of most Teachers main Priorities !!! … And well my Brothers comment, though it came when relieving in a private, … ? Religious school I think, ... "I would be a Happy Tradie !!!  ... Than a mental Teacher in the loony Bin" Would still now apply quite widely I would suspect ... Though well like everything … The tough get going !!! … And the Tough (And Smart) KEEP going.


… I do know other teachers here … who Teach now ! … AND In High Schools also !!! ... Shudder Shudder, and Shake Shake !!! … (And do not get sued either) … God bless them, … and Let us pray for their mental sanity, and sacred "Give it a Go Mattteee" souls also. Right.


… And in another Cultural line “Matteee” ….  You should know that N. S. W. though it’s people might think that IT is the .... Most Authentically “Australian” place in Australia, ... It, probably actually,  is not ! ... And all of the rest of us here, do often just get quite sick and tired of them, … and their East Coast, “We are the originals” attitude AND accents  (And rugby Union also) ...  And, Scomo !!! (Scott Morison our Prime minister) … “The Prime minister of Bunning’s” Right ? (One of our Great Paul Keating’s one liners, .... You remember him, the guy who called Dr. Mahathir in Malaysia “Recalcitrant” and send the entire press core scuttling off searching for their dictionaries !!! … and who then also Gave your her Majesty that great Hug once back then also ?) Yes, Scomo comes from there also you know !!! …


  Any way, give me the AFL and a good Port Adelaide, Jordie or West Country accent !!! Any day myself !!! … ...  And well, a large proportion of our Slang, is English Cockney based any way. … Like "Point Percy at the Porcelain", our favorite when I was young !!! And a drinker !!! Right. Or "Shake Hands with your wife's best Friend"  .... which possibly may get you sued for gender Bias these days I guess Or sacked at least ???


Mark mark

19 minutes ago, Guitarzan said:

I remember reading last year 2500 Thais committed suicide due to the economic losses. That was a year ago, I can only imagine the number has risen substantially since then. Prove me wrong!  How many Thais have died of covid, around 100 verse how many have committed suicide, you do the math friend and let us know. BTW, our hospitals aren’t full of covid patents over here. I know two friends who committed suicide due to losing their jobs due to the lockdowns. I don’t know or heard of a single person in my friends business aquatinted, and family who has died of covid. If you are under the age of 80 you have close to 99.9% of not dying from the World Wide Illness. 

One theory is that populations in the west were getting sick of QE (newly printed funny money) as they'd worked out it was only going to the richest in society and boosting asset prices.  Right on cue a 'pandemic' arrives so it's money printer go brrrr again.

All of the richest are doing great out of the 'crisis' (or the reaction to it to be more exact) but poor people who need money to feed themselves worldwide (inc. Thailand) are absolutely screwed.  Assuming the stop, start, open, close policy continues populations in the west will become wholly reliant on Government a la Russia and the countries behind the iron curtain.

Always follow the money.

  • Like 1
58 minutes ago, Guitarzan said:

I remember reading last year 2500 Thais committed suicide due to the economic losses. That was a year ago, I can only imagine the number has risen substantially since then. Prove me wrong!  How many Thais have died of covid, around 100 verse how many have committed suicide, you do the math friend and let us know. BTW, our hospitals aren’t full of covid patents over here. I know two friends who committed suicide due to losing their jobs due to the lockdowns. I don’t know or heard of a single person in my friends business aquatinted, and family who has died of covid. If you are under the age of 80 you have close to 99.9% of not dying from the World Wide Illness. 

Wow, you never give up.


The epidemic may be in its early stages. If the pattern holds, we may see many deaths from Covid in Thailand. Hopefully not.


The fatality rate from Covid should be about 1.5% of those testing positive, if international rates apply here in Thailand.


Only lockdowns and vaccinations can have a major impact in stopping the pandemic.

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On 4/25/2021 at 9:01 AM, jimbob123 said:

A lot of angry old age pensioners who think they are medical experts. Let's hope the bars open up soon eh guys? 

My Dad had a college buddy who became a chemist at Merck in the USA. Smart guy, made Interferon in the lab back when it was $$$ and would sneak it out to people who needed it.  He retired and bought a bar in Perth Amboy, New Jersey (USA).  Figured he do more good that way.

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  • Haha 1

Source:  Business Insider   ( april 26 )


The widely used rule of staying 6 feet away from others does little to affect the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in indoor spaces, according to a new study out of MIT.

According to MIT researchers, the rule is based on an outdated understanding of how the coronavirus moves in closed spaces.



ooops.   We just shot twenty-three people yesterday for denying that "truth" .

Oh well ..................

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, rumak said:


tread lightly oh newbie ( or re-invented wise one)  .


Beware the dreaded forced "vacation"  ????????????????????

Just a coincidence theory floated by some people smarter than me (inc. Professor Richard Werner - Inventor of the term 'QE / Quantitative Easing' aka money printing)

2 hours ago, Britman Free said:

Right on cue a 'pandemic' arrives so it's money printer go brrrr again.

 In the voice of Homer Simpson:


"Mmmm.... contracts"





  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, Britman Free said:

Just a coincidence theory floated by some people smarter than me (inc. Professor Richard Werner - Inventor of the term 'QE / Quantitative Easing' aka money printing)


QE is great for some people.  But those who have finally reached "retirement" age and wish to just relax and get a few percent interest from their savings ....from a simple bank account...

well,  that option is off the table.

  • Like 1

I have removed a number of troll and off topic posts all from the same member.



In addition to the guidelines posted below and those detailed in the Thaivisa forum rules and following the announcement that Thai government will invoke emergency powers in order to help deal with the COVID-19 situation in the country, Thaivisa requests members posting on the forum to abide by the following:

 Do not post news or any form of content, including video, audio, images, social media posts that contains messages that may cause people to be afraid or intentionally distort information, causing misunderstanding during the COVID-19 pandemic.   

Any posts or topics which our moderation team deems to be scaremongering, deliberately misleading or has been posted to deliberately distort information will be removed without warning. You may also be subject to a posting suspension or have your profile permanently suspended from the site. 

Thank you for your co-operation.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

No, your anecdotal evidence is enough for you to conclusively believe it's all been exagerated and some big conspiracy to keep the little man down and everyone should 'just follow the money'.

... or maybe for the ultimate benefit of the world ... keep the little man down temporarily ... but eventually to elevate the little man .... 

notwithstanding that in the short term people's lives are negatively affected. 

but also, SOME things which people view as NEGATIVE are only a matter of perception.

Mick Jagger in his recent song "easy sleazy" sings "soon we'll escape from these prison walls". But actually there is some benefit to having down time and being at home and working less. ie you can be more introspective. I don't view myself as being in prison because of curfews. Who cares if you can't go to bars for a while? Let's face it ... aren't we all wasting too much time in bars anyway?


Now to continue along the philosophical lines ... and I know the message with be lost on a lot of you here, there are MASSIVE clues about the shutdown in the song by Neil Young and Crazy Horse affectionately entitled "Shut it Down".

Have to shut the whole system down
That's the only way we can all be free
Have to shut the whole system down
Start again and build it for eternity


  • Like 1

Off topic troll post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

8 hours ago, rumak said:


QE is great for some people.  But those who have finally reached "retirement" age and wish to just relax and get a few percent interest from their savings ....from a simple bank account...

well,  that option is off the table.

It'll be interesting to see how the situation unfolds in Thailand if, as I assume, they follow the crowd into extended on/off lockdowns.

I'm also assuming that the UK returns to lockdown in September (we have local elections in May so....)


The UK Government can get away with closing everything, temporarily at least, as they can print new money and give it to the jobless and those they've forced to stop working to quell any pushback (free bread & football).


But it'll be interesting to see how long poor Thais can afford to put up with this state of affairs without welfare to tide them over.   


I predict there will be unintended or unforeseen consequences to pushing people to the brink.

7 minutes ago, Britman Free said:

But it'll be interesting to see how long poor Thais can afford to put up with this state of affairs without welfare to tide them over.   


I predict there will be unintended or unforeseen consequences to pushing people to the brink.


In Chiangmai and its suburbs land development continues.  Mostly housing estates ( and mostly lower end ...2 to 3 million baht) .    2 story boxes built on less than 60 talang wah.

Land, building companies, materials, all proceeding .   Another mini bangkok in the making.


Somehow the money keeps flowing,  up to the rich and connected.   As it always does.

Those "on the brink"  still can manage to live in small rooms or in numbers.  


I think that here as in the West,  rebellion is only acted out by a very very small minority.

Most realize they will not succeed,  and those willing to sacrifice are miniscule.  

Facebook has replaced religion as the opium of the people.   If i could draw a cartoon,

it would be millions of overweight people lounging on their butts scrolling with one hand and sticking greasy food and soft drinks into their mouths with the other.  The title would be called  "modern day bliss"

20 minutes ago, rumak said:


In Chiangmai and its suburbs land development continues.  Mostly housing estates ( and mostly lower end ...2 to 3 million baht) .    2 story boxes built on less than 60 talang wah.

Land, building companies, materials, all proceeding .   Another mini bangkok in the making.


Somehow the money keeps flowing,  up to the rich and connected.   As it always does.

Those "on the brink"  still can manage to live in small rooms or in numbers.  


I think that here as in the West,  rebellion is only acted out by a very very small minority.

Most realize they will not succeed,  and those willing to sacrifice are miniscule.  

Facebook has replaced religion as the opium of the people.   If i could draw a cartoon,

it would be millions of overweight people lounging on their butts scrolling with one hand and sticking greasy food and soft drinks into their mouths with the other.  The title would be called  "modern day bliss"

You're probably right  but they were building right into the the 97 crisis too.

Makes sense for the builders: build & get payed with borrowed money before the 2nd shoe drops.

As in England, everyone expects this to pass 'in a few months'.


'In a few months everything will be back to normal' is the wisdom.


I predict it won't be back to normal anytime soon in which case banks can give 'mortgage / loan holidays' until they can't.

Then the Government could act to protect the banks at the risk of the currency.


Interestingly there are noises out of Thailand (and UK) about *official* crypto currencies where citizens will have an account direct with the (Government) central bank. 

If/when that's in place it's game over (social credit scores and energy allowances etc).




2 minutes ago, Britman Free said:

nterestingly there are noises out of Thailand (and UK) about *official* crypto currencies where citizens will have an account direct with the (Government) central bank. 

If/when that's in place it's game over.



one wonders what it will take.......... before we're all singin the blues




1 hour ago, faraday said:

 Dumb, fat & happy - & as you say Facebook opium.


Distracts them from reality, whilst the 'elites' do what they want at Davos.


It would be funny........ if it wasn't so scary .  So many on this forum are marching to the drum.

I hope one day they do not find themselves boarding the wrong train.

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9 hours ago, AlexRich said:

He won’t believe until he’s choking for breath in a hospital corridor ... like several of his fellow travellers down the social media rabbit hole have subsequently done. Until then it’s down to the lizard people controlling the deep state.

In America, infected Deniers will deny having Covid19 as they are dying from it.

  • Like 2
21 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

In America, infected Deniers will deny having Covid19 as they are dying from it.

Of course they will, for they are victims of a deep state operative sent by Hilary Clinton.

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