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What Do You Do For A Living


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I work in the environmental field. Used to work in water quality (monitoring and analysis), along with laboratory management. I am now working in ambient air quality monitoring and I also do indoor air quality work (radon, mold, also energy efficiency/building science to a degree).

I was just offered an environmental engineering position with a mining company and will probably take that job. Pay and benefits are much better than current job.

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In summary, if you're a falang who managed to get here without employment or enough funds in the bank... you've got a good chance of ending up as an English teacher or seller of knockoff soccer jersies on eBay (ehm... I mean, "handicrafts").


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Hummmmm.... I'm not sure why no one will tell you. Anyway, I teach philosophy and religion for the faculty of humanities and I teach medical ethics for the faculty of medicine CMU.

my dad dont like me so he gives me money to stay away from him ,tight git if he gave me more i would be in singapore :o

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Business Development Manager

Hmm. I have met many people with this title and you would be amazed at what it covers. I have even had TEFLers telling me they are Business Development Managers (they teach as well as tout for corporate business). So what is it you really do?

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Business Development Manager

Hmm. I have met many people with this title and you would be amazed at what it covers. I have even had TEFLers telling me they are Business Development Managers (they teach as well as tout for corporate business). So what is it you really do?

Instead of being critical, tell us what you do..

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