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Latest poll: Thai stress levels up - spending most on masks 


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I may be wrong but I've not seen any publicity or have any knowledge of any wealthy Thai's donating masks or sanitizers you would think that being Buddhist they would take this opportunity to 'do some goodness' and help those less fortunate.

Even the Great Leader who I believe is still running the show would show a little compassion to his people and help a little!


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11 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

I do not understand the mindset. A small group is so selfish and so intent on seeing that others suffer, make  noise that is  much greater than actual number.  Like   child who stomps and bangs when told he cannot go outside in middle of monsoon. You are more patient and understanding of these people than I am.


 No, What it shows is that the increased heightened measures, social distancing and mask wearing reduce transmission of an airborne contagious infection. In countries where  measures not respected, there were large numbers of infections. India is the extreme example of what happens when you ignore reality.

Im curious about he heightened measures, l social distancing  and mask wearing

So you say they respect these ?

Why do i see Thais congregating , drinking, sitting in large groups, selling in small stalls without masks, walking around with either no mask, or masks under nose or chin

Are you refering to yourselves when you talk of people who stamp and want their own way, and continue to force their opinion and scare people into doing what they want ? 

Yes its out there. Yes it can be dangerous. Yes it can kill you, but in reality, the facts show you have a much greater chance of dying travelling to the shops than from Covid here in Thailand 

Why keep choosing places like India to try and prove your point

Can I choose Tonga to prove mine ?

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The N95 and even KN95 models can protect you as well as others, but the blue non surgical masks

only protect others from you.  I saw a documentary show on TV. The KN95 was about 60 percent protection

if you did not look up and raise your face or look down and lower your face, as that caused some gaps

and the protection dropped to about 25 to 30 percent. N95 works okay , but is harder to breath with, and in a hot 

country, I think it would be very uncomfortable.  The plastic shields will protect you from someone spitting at you, or from flying

insects, but are completely useless if you do not have a mask on as well. The Thai TV hosts look very fashionable with them

on, but it is only for show.  Do not spend on the high fashion masks unless you just have to look the part, and do not care

how much money you spend.  Stay stressed, as that may make you more cautious.


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