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How to root my phone without a PC involved


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I have a MI A2 lite and want to root it, so that I can paste a hosts file, then unroot it again, because my banking app will not work on a rooted phone


Reason is because I recently get inundated by ads, not in the browser but in my default applications.


I open my file browser, and there will be a ticktock ad, if not a full screen video from Lazada or Shopee. Driving me crazy.


Don't want to connect phone to PC in the process, as I have issues with my PC, and don't want to end up with a brick.


When I do a Google for it, I get plenty results for how to root without PC or TWRP.


When I click the site, first line in the instructions is, connect your phone to your PC lol.


So any suggestions are welcome

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You don't need to root the phone to modify the HOSTS file. But you will lose your data if you don't back it up.






and yes you will still need a PC.


I didn't get involved in your PC thread as mostly it's a waste of time trying to help people with their PC problems here.



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1 minute ago, Eindhoven said:

You don't need to root the phone to modify the HOSTS file. But you will lose your data if you don't back it up.


My bootloader is unlocked.


How would I lose data by edit the hosts file, since it only redirects host names



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5 minutes ago, Susco said:


My bootloader is unlocked.


How would I lose data by edit the hosts file, since it only redirects host names




If your Bootloader is already unlocked then you won't lose any data.


So have you tried using twrp to modify the HOSTS?

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2 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


If your Bootloader is already unlocked then you won't lose any data.


So have you tried using twrp to modify the HOSTS?


No I haven't, and in the link you provided there is no instruction on how to boot in TWRP, neither a link to the correct TWRP version.

As far as I'm aware TWRP can be booted from SD card, isn't it, but you need the correct TWRP file.


Side question, why today every <deleted> site, including those I visit daily, give me the Captcha where I have to click 2 pages of images?

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5 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Meant to double check that. Take a look at the other method whilst I check.


I look at the other method, still don't know why I need the PC.


TWRP boots from SD card, and the hots file can be copied to system / etc from the SD card I assume.

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49 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

I didn't get involved in your PC thread as mostly it's a waste of time trying to help people with their PC problems here.


After I cleaned the GPU contact, and switched SAT cable, SATA port and power link to the SSD earlier this evening, I haven't had any issues anymore, and I used the PC heavily since.


Before I could not use it for more than 30 minutes at most before it would freeze up.


Touch wood, will try Brave browser again tomorrow

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1 minute ago, jackdd said:

Just use another file browser app?


The file browser app is the default one installed on the MI A2 Lite. I have the phone for about 2 years now, and it started probably a month ago.


The ads are in other applications that had no ads previously as well.


I already have removed apps I suspected of sending those ads, but to no avail

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