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Perpetual Mosquito Residency In Bathroom.


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As probably obvious to most ,thanks to all the recent rain and hot weather post Sonkran,mosquitoes are ganging up in greater numbers than usual.

My local gang ,here on Samui, seem to reside in my bathroom,regardless of the mass culling that I perform everynight before bed.Wake up in the morning and there they are again! Ive plugged every conceavable hole I can find ,yet the little fellas seem to be able to pass through concrete block,overnight !!

Iam obviously missing something (not the mossies thats for sure)

Any suggestions at all ???

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My sister in law has a small fish she keeps in the water tank in the bathroom (Thai style bathroom, bucket over the head shower)

The little fish quickly eats the mosquitoes that come anywhere near the water's surface, jumping a few inches to get the ones that land on the wall as well.

It does a great job, and is very entertaining!

I've come to consider it a pet, and am very careful how I dip my bucket....so as not to send him down the drain inadvertently.

I also look for any random mosquitoes I can find, and swat them toward the water....the little bugger snatches them right up.

I think he likes me!

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My sister in law has a small fish she keeps in the water tank in the bathroom (Thai style bathroom, bucket over the head shower)

The little fish quickly eats the mosquitoes that come anywhere near the water's surface, jumping a few inches to get the ones that land on the wall as well.

It does a great job, and is very entertaining!

I've come to consider it a pet, and am very careful how I dip my bucket....so as not to send him down the drain inadvertently.

I also look for any random mosquitoes I can find, and swat them toward the water....the little bugger snatches them right up.

I think he likes me!

Yes I have seen those little fish in the traditional bathroom tanks....I was thinking that they were more for eating the wrigglers that may have been depoited in the water.

My real problem is keeping them out of the bathroom.They seem to get in no matter how secure i make it. Possible via the drain holes in bath tub and shower area ???

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My sister in law has a small fish she keeps in the water tank in the bathroom (Thai style bathroom, bucket over the head shower)

The little fish quickly eats the mosquitoes that come anywhere near the water's surface, jumping a few inches to get the ones that land on the wall as well.

It does a great job, and is very entertaining!

I've come to consider it a pet, and am very careful how I dip my bucket....so as not to send him down the drain inadvertently.

I also look for any random mosquitoes I can find, and swat them toward the water....the little bugger snatches them right up.

I think he likes me!

Yes I have seen those little fish in the traditional bathroom tanks....I was thinking that they were more for eating the wrigglers that may have been depoited in the water.

My real problem is keeping them out of the bathroom.They seem to get in no matter how secure i make it. Possible via the drain holes in bath tub and shower area ???

had the same problem in my bathroom little b@ggers were coming up the drain in the shower bought a fine mesh drain cover from supermarket problem solved up to now

you could also try planting lemon grass out side mozzis hate it

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As probably obvious to most ,thanks to all the recent rain and hot weather post Sonkran,mosquitoes are ganging up in greater numbers than usual.

My local gang ,here on Samui, seem to reside in my bathroom,regardless of the mass culling that I perform everynight before bed.Wake up in the morning and there they are again! Ive plugged every conceavable hole I can find ,yet the little fellas seem to be able to pass through concrete block,overnight !!

Iam obviously missing something (not the mossies thats for sure)

Any suggestions at all ???

If everything else is plugged then they are most likely coming from/through the drains. If you have water traps they may even be laying eggs/hatching there. If not, somewhere lower down in the system.

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My sister in law has a small fish she keeps in the water tank in the bathroom (Thai style bathroom, bucket over the head shower)

The little fish quickly eats the mosquitoes that come anywhere near the water's surface, jumping a few inches to get the ones that land on the wall as well.

It does a great job, and is very entertaining!

I've come to consider it a pet, and am very careful how I dip my bucket....so as not to send him down the drain inadvertently.

I also look for any random mosquitoes I can find, and swat them toward the water....the little bugger snatches them right up.

I think he likes me!

Yes I have seen those little fish in the traditional bathroom tanks....I was thinking that they were more for eating the wrigglers that may have been depoited in the water.

My real problem is keeping them out of the bathroom.They seem to get in no matter how secure i make it. Possible via the drain holes in bath tub and shower area ???

had the same problem in my bathroom little b@ggers were coming up the drain in the shower bought a fine mesh drain cover from supermarket problem solved up to now

you could also try planting lemon grass out side mozzis hate it

Good idea,regarding the meshed drain cover - will try it out.

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I used to get a few in my bathroom, and discovered that they were breeding in the large plastic garbage can I was using to hold an "emergency" reserve of water in (for those times when there seem to be regular water shortages in Pattaya). Even though the lid was kept on, it wasn't air-tight and the little buggers would get inside, lay their eggs and start a new batch. Adding a little bleach to the water seems to fix that problem.

Mosquitos generally need stagnant (still) water to breed. I would suggest dumping a little bleach/disinfectant down the drains and then flushing some water down them on a regular basis (every couple of days).

One of the shops downstairs has a large plant-pot full of water and I used to watch the larvae squiggling around in it. I would have put a fish in there, but the neighbourhood ankle-biters would end up (inadvertently) killing it like they have all the other fish and turtles they had.

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One of the shops downstairs has a large plant-pot full of water and I used to watch the larvae squiggling around in it. I would have put a fish in there, but the neighbourhood ankle-biters would end up (inadvertently) killing it like they have all the other fish and turtles they had.

In the stagnent water, clicking a little cooking oil or other type of oil seems to stop the sods from laying eggs/ getting out of the water.

Burning lemon grass smelling things and having lemon grass/lemon trees around definitely helps.

Also...washing a lot, eating Thai food and not using sweet smelling perfumes helps too.

I have a girlfriend that attracts mosquitos like crazy; this is the single best solution; not I can go out with impunity, so long as she is within 3 m, that is my 'cone of protection'.

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