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Wedding Rings in Thailand

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18 hours ago, brotherother said:

Regarding the cigar, I find it highly unlikely for any Thai girl, regardless of their background, to buy/smoke one, which means it was the property of whichever man she was with when the photo was taken (especially as it was lit), and that man is highly likely to be a non Thai, and with money.

Throat cancer from Chiang Mai cigars is a common cause of death in women up north.

10 cigars for $2 ........ don't know what they're made of.

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49 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Throat cancer from Chiang Mai cigars is a common cause of death in women up north.

10 cigars for $2 ........ don't know what they're made of.

Old tree stumps, I think!


The cigar in the picture looks like it might be a substitute for something.

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1 hour ago, RobMuir said:

I am sure that ex wife cost you a tidy packet.

And I think you said earlier that you built a beautiful big house in your current wife's hometown somewhere in Issan, without a lease, company or usrfruct arrangement.

Thousands have blokes have fallen for that old trick to Issan bargirls and thousands more will.


Again you got it wrong, it was a 50/50 split, she knew better than to try it, although she would have been legally entitled to 70% with a kid, but knew it would cost her more in the long run and years of in and out of court.


So she instructed her lawyer to sign off on it with a 50/50 shared care agreement for the kid, after all, I was the father so didn't see why she should have the kid more than me, same same for the properties, suffice to say, she well i.e. got a house paid off in 1999 for 12 years of marriage, as I did, but I kept 4 townhouses and a unit that I had before the marriage, you can try and work that one out, it's called not putting all of your assets into one basket, i.e. buying them via my late brothers company, also easy to have caveats on them, monies to their full value owed to me just in case my own brother ended up in divorce, not that I didn't trust him, the opposite, too easy, so she had no claim to them and knew trying me on for size through the courts would cost her big time, that and she would always have to look over her shoulder. The house was enough, no debt and the daughter was and is still there till today, so 22 years worth of a roof over my daughters head is worth it to me.


She does own a big house that I built her and paid for in Issan, of which I enjoy immensely, I have my own 110 square metre section which is added to the main house, you could call it my man cave. Although I suppose technically I am just a tenant and if she ever said get out, it's hers, the cheapest investment I ever made, e.g. for the price of a double garage to build back in Sydney for 15 years worth of a happy and pleasurable marriage, she deserves it, besides the kids have got to have somewhere to live. The car also purchased in her name, although I could have put it in my name (yellow book), but again she will need it to drive the kids to school. Are you taking all these notes down for future reference as I know you do.


Thousands certainly have fallen for the old bargirl trick as have many for western girl tricks, e.g. mate of mine got married, 3 years two kids and she got him for 3 quarters of a mil, ouch, but those who are a little the wiser and take out a prenuptial agreement and or structure their assets through other means, e.g. trusting brother with a company, etc can walk away unscathed, suffice to say I am covered and it would be her biggest lottery loss if that was ever the case, so I suppose there is some truth in that saying, "love you long time" for some of us ????


Re the going out and scores on the board, not going to even get into that, because 8 out of 10 is pretty average, it was never about the numbers for me, it was always the quality.

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Throat cancer from Chiang Mai cigars is a common cause of death in women up north.

10 cigars for $2 ........ don't know what they're made of.


They are mostly tobacco. But the ones I enjoyed during my trips to  Fang, also had ganga and fin (opium). 

Very enjoyable, but you don't do much after smoking them, can happily lie down in the same position for hours without moving.


And the women there do smoke them as you say.

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58 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Re the going out and scores on the board, not going to even get into that, because 8 out of 10 is pretty average,

That was 8 different woman in ten days, not a single 8 out of 10. And not bogan shielas from western Sydney.


So you lost a house in Oz, paid for another one in Issan that you don't own and you are giving advice to Frankie?


I am fairly confident Frankie is not contemplating buying this lady a house.

And my fool proof advice would be don't marry her and don't buy her a house. Even giving her half a house that you paid for would not be advisable.


Frankie the man.



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1 minute ago, RobMuir said:

That was 8 different woman in ten days, not a single 8 out of 10. And not bogan shielas from western Sydney.


Yeh, I worked that out, tell me you can't satisfy yourself and need one every day to drive that ego of your up, you probably kept them long time and went for 2nd's in the morning before breakfast oi, getting every baht worth of the 50 baht you paid them.

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22 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Yeh, I worked that out, tell me you can't satisfy yourself and need one every day to drive that ego of your up, you probably kept them long time and went for 2nd's in the morning before breakfast oi, getting every baht worth of the 50 baht you paid them.

The first Thai lady I lived with was paid 12kbht/month, and she insisted on doing it 4x-5x a day. I was 52 at the time and it almost killed me.


The first Thai lady I married was paid 10k/month, and she insisted on doing it 3x a day until she was pregnant. At age 53, boy was I glad when she had conceived (8 months later).


No rings for either.


The odd thing about Asian ladies, they seem to want (even insist) on the sex as well as the money. And if you hire the same lady 3x, she starts thinking you're her boyfriend, and a potential husband. I've never claimed to understand any woman, I just try and limit the damage they can do me.


As for the breakfast session, if you'd paid for the entire night, why wouldn't you?

Edited by BritManToo
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43 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Yeh, I worked that out, tell me you can't satisfy yourself and need one every day to drive that ego of your up, you probably kept them long time and went for 2nd's in the morning before breakfast oi, getting every baht worth of the 50 baht you paid them.


I think you have never experienced full moon parties etc. right? Your experience in Thailand has been limited to beer bars for westerners.


The concept that a woman wants to have sex because of natural physical attraction seems a foreign concept to you. Trust me mate, if you know what you are doing they will be all over you. 


I read that you claimed 2000 baht was as high as you pay for company.

My highest is zero baht.

And I wouldn't want to have sex with a prostitute even if it was for free because of all the hygeine issues. I will leave stirring the porridge to the desperates.


I travelled the world mostly to pick up women, Europe was good but Thailand the best hands down. Nightclubs in western Sydney a couple of times but I didn't rate it.


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25 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

The odd thing about Asian ladies, they seem to want (even insist) on the sex as well as the money.


Why would you pay a hooker if it wasn't for sex? A cuddle?





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8 minutes ago, RobMuir said:


I think you have never experienced full moon parties etc. right? Your experience in Thailand has been limited to beer bars for westerners.


The concept that a woman wants to have sex because of natural physical attraction seems a foreign concept to you. Trust me mate, if you know what you are doing they will be all over you. 


I read that you claimed 2000 baht was as high as you pay for company.

My highest is zero baht.

And I wouldn't want to have sex with a prostitute even if it was for free because of all the hygeine issues. I will leave stirring the porridge to the desperates.


I travelled the world mostly to pick up women, Europe was good but Thailand the best hands down. Nightclubs in western Sydney a couple of times but I didn't rate it.


Back in the day (early noughties) the full moon parties were full of hookers...  they could easily be identified.... 


And.. Rob... Don’t you think those married women you proudly ‘banged’ (4 in the same housing estate) in Pattaya were not ‘ex-hoes’ who struck it lucky and married a westerner ?


So.. while you may not have ‘paid for it’.... given your comments, the probability is quite high that you have slept with a hooker.... 


Of course, you’d never admit such a thing... 





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On 5/31/2021 at 1:42 PM, sipi said:

I'd be more worried about smoking cigars than the wedding ring.

Nothing wrong  with that, give the girl a break. I'd draw the line at a pipe though.

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28 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Back in the day (early noughties) the full moon parties were full of hookers...  they could easily be identified.... 

That is true, I would always qualify them by firstly asking what they did for a living. Then slag off the dirty hookers and tell them how disgusting it was, just to be sure.

At all the full moon parties I probably did more tourists to be honest. I found the English lasses the easiest, followed by the kiwis.


28 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


And.. Rob... Don’t you think those married women you proudly ‘banged’ (4 in the same housing estate) in Pattaya were not ‘ex-hoes’ who struck it lucky and married a westerner ?


Almost certainly. I wasn't proud as you said, I was actually living in fear everytime I heard the gate open thinking it might be a husband. Luckily I was right down the back so there was little passing traffic.


28 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


So.. while you may not have ‘paid for it’.... given your comments, the probability is quite high that you have slept with a hooker.... 


Of course, you’d never admit such a thing... 



Yes, nothing worse. 

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24 minutes ago, RobMuir said:

That is true, I would always qualify them by firstly asking what they did for a living. Then slag off the dirty hookers and tell them how disgusting it was, just to be sure.

At all the full moon parties I probably did more tourists to be honest. I found the English lasses the easiest, followed by the kiwis.




So you approach a girl and ask her what she does and if the girl tells you she is a prostitute you 'slag the dirty hookers off and tell them how disgusting it was'.  You're behaviour is appalling. Stop trying to bring others down who found happiness and take a look at yourself. 

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30 minutes ago, RobMuir said:

At all the full moon parties I probably did more tourists to be honest. I found the English lasses the easiest, followed by the kiwis.

A few lucky escapes there, the Brit girls like to claim rape or too drunk to consent after the event.

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Just now, Fat is a type of crazy said:

So you approach a girl and ask her what she does and if the girl tells you she is a prostitute you 'slag the dirty hookers off and tell them how disgusting it was'. 



I approach a girl and ask her a job. If she can't answer I politely move on.

If I am still suspicious I will point out a hooker and use the derogatory Thai slang word for that and voice my disapproval at them, making it obvious that if she indeed is a whore that she is barking up the wrong tree with me. 

If she agrees with me she obviously won't be asking me for money after a night of sweet tender lovemaking with me.



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4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

A few lucky escapes there, the Brit girls like to claim rape or too drunk to consent after the event.

Yes I think the Australian parliament has a similar case of that going on currently.



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2 hours ago, RobMuir said:


I think you have never experienced full moon parties etc. right? Your experience in Thailand has been limited to beer bars for westerners.


The concept that a woman wants to have sex because of natural physical attraction seems a foreign concept to you. Trust me mate, if you know what you are doing they will be all over you. 


I read that you claimed 2000 baht was as high as you pay for company.

My highest is zero baht.

And I wouldn't want to have sex with a prostitute even if it was for free because of all the hygeine issues. I will leave stirring the porridge to the desperates.


I travelled the world mostly to pick up women, Europe was good but Thailand the best hands down. Nightclubs in western Sydney a couple of times but I didn't rate it.



Whatever floats your boat.


I consider the 2,000 baht a charitable contribution here in Thailand, you travelled the world mostly to pick up women, listen to him, what, no females wanted you out in the western suburbs....lol


So hygiene issues was your main concern, more like departing with a couple of thousand baht, it's Russian Roulette out there from any girl, not just bargirls, fortunately for me, haven't had an issue in this lifetime. 

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3 hours ago, RobMuir said:

The concept that a woman wants to have sex because of natural physical attraction seems a foreign concept to you.

Maybe @4MyEgo and I (at our age, weight and baldness level) have nothing to physically attract a 30 year old woman.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:



So hygiene issues was your main concern, it's Russian Roulette out there from any girl, not just bargirls, fortunately for me, haven't had an issue in this lifetime. 


You have been lucky mate.


The only two that haven't got me yet are HIV and syphalis. I first got herpes at 15.


Currently the most prevalent is a Mexican Superstrain of Gonereah. It took me months to shake as it is resistant to most antibiotics, and you have to get antibiotics and another drug with it. And it also infects the throat of the female.


A lot of these high so Bangkok girls have it.






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7 minutes ago, RobMuir said:


You have been lucky mate.


The only two that haven't got me yet are HIV and syphalis. I first got herpes at 15.


Currently the most prevalent is a Mexican Superstrain of Gonereah. It took me months to shake as it is resistant to most antibiotics, and you have to get antibiotics and another drug with it. And it also infects the throat of the female.


A lot of these high so Bangkok girls have it.







MRW my friend says "Dude.....don't move.....there is a spider on your face"  - GIF on Imgur


All of that and not from bargirls, at least your honest.

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16 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


MRW my friend says "Dude.....don't move.....there is a spider on your face"  - GIF on Imgur


All of that and not from bargirls, at least your honest.


Bargirls make you use condoms don't they?

Another reason not to go there. 


The Mexican Gonereah Superstrain has caused a lot of breakups, that's for sure.



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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Maybe @4MyEgo and I (at our age, weight and baldness level) have nothing to physically attract a 30 year old woman.


I have seen a few exceptions, so it is not impossible but they were wealthy.


But when I get to your age/weight /baldness levels I will probably start targeting 40-45 year olds with low self esteem with lower expectations. 


Ones that have  never had kids which really ages women's bodies.


Some 40-45 year olds that haven't had children and never been fat have better bodies than some 25 year old with kids. 

It is terrible what having child can do to a Thai woman, their stomach skin and breasts especially. There behinds seem to hold up better than white mum's though.


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never heard of Mexican Gonorrhea Superstrain before but just did a google on it. if you can get if from blow uncovered jobs i am screwed.


could understand getting it from bar girls but no the hiso ones. does anyone in thailand use condoms?

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10 hours ago, RobMuir said:


Bargirls make you use condoms don't they?

Another reason not to go there. 


The Mexican Gonereah Superstrain has caused a lot of breakups, that's for sure.




I have only once not used a condom with a bargirl, freelancer if you like, and I slept with her several times, young pretty and a newbie, was actually studying to be an Electrical Engineer and then her boyfriend apparently got her pregnant, she got married, had the baby, stopped going to Uni, then he left her when the kid was one, she was an absolute firecracker, had also been overseas so that told me a lot, she looked like and reminded me of Vina Sky.


Got to be one of the luckiest guys when it comes to sleeping with women, apart from a dose of the old crabs when I about 18, that's it, nothing, partied hard on the Greek Islands, Cyprus twice 1983 and 1990 and travelled through Europe, and as you do when your young, tall, and a handsome European, you enjoy what is there for the taking, loads of Scandinavian's and a couple of Italians travelling through Italy, better stop bragging.


Got to say, a lot of my friends weren't so lucky travelling with me or meeting me in Thailand, they have had a few different types of diseases, but none from Thailand believe it or not and they got them all from not wearing a condom, I used to have a saying, "if it's not on, it's not on" and if its not off, it's not on", not referring to condoms, although one changes their taste when they get older, especially when one has yellow fever. 


carrey gifs | WiffleGif

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