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AstraZeneca side-effects mostly found in people of working age

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10 hours ago, rbkk said:

Don't quote me and then put your words into the quote box. You should type your response below the box. It comes across that I said something when I didn't. ????

Sorry, technical mishap. Should be apparent to anybody, anyway.


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On 6/13/2021 at 12:36 PM, rbkk said:

"Covid Arm" is a side-effect I haven't seen mentioned in Thailand. I know about it because i have had it for the last 2 1/2 days. It didn't begin until 3+ days (78 hours) after vaccination with AZ on Monday 7th June 3 PM.  It is a hot red rash distinct from the vaccination site (10 cms away)  but on the same arm. It worried me enough that I returned to the hospital that gave me the vaccine. That was a waste of time as the doctor said he had never heard of it (He got out his phone and Googled it the same as most of you are doing right now!)  and he had no medication or advise for me. The "Internet advise" is not to worry as it's the immune response doing it's thing. It would of been nice though not to have been surprised by the reaction and more prepared. 1+/100 people could get the rash (10cm x 7cm oval)I also have a very slight tingling in the fingers on only that arm. I have been fatigued but no fever or shivering. The rash is much less obvious today. I asked my wife to report it on the Mor Phrom App, but there is no reporting channel available it seems.


 It looked similar to be image below.

What's the New Phenomenon Called “COVID Vaccine Arm”? | Psychology Today

My sister in uk had same but her was a perfect circle but very red like that the doctor said itwas a reaction to the vac.went away after a few days 

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I’ve had my first jab of AZN, and get my second in a month. I didn’t feel the jab at all, I sat for 15 minutes and was absolutely fine. About 9 hours later I felt some sensation on my arms and body generally. My temperature dropped a little and my jaw started chattering, as if I were standing in the Artic. Then my torso muscles began to spasm slightly. I went to bed, woke up a few hours later and was fine. No issues ever since. My take on it is that my body was reacting to the virus, so it wasn’t unexpected, and I’m looking forward to getting the final one out of the way.

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On 6/13/2021 at 9:23 PM, impulse said:


Or it could be that they can't hide the effects among healthy young people like they can with old people who almost surely have some other condition on which they can blame the death.



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