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50 minutes ago, zyphodb said:

Well they would say that, wouldn't they? being totally independent, and not funded by big pharma and their lackys... not.

So who is The Daily Allegiant? They nowhere say on their website who is their ownership, who is their board of directors, who is their staff, who are their funders, and who is Thomas Cooper.

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Sorry to hear about your family Covid experience, but I am sure it is one

that 100's of families go through every day.

What I fail to understand is that [despite last weeks lecture of embracing

Thai culture] no mention of the vicious bashing of an old man by youths

  • Confused 1

I am sorry to hear about your Families trouble with the Virus ! ... And the Gossips ! ... And also their poor health in the first Place "Life wasn't meant to be Easy" as one of our Auz, former PM Malcomb Frazer ... Who went on to be something very International ? for a charity ? (Save the Children was it ?) ... or was it the UN ? a statement that had made himself ... very VERY laughingly Famous with.


I am sorry to hear about your  Extended family. I have one also but so far ... So Good !!! ??? ... Though world Wide ... I think that we probably should expect a lot LOT More pain, for a lot of people !!! With the Mutant Variants well outpacing the vaccines, just now  .... I think ? ...


The 3 Eastern and most Populated states of Australia all have strains of the Indian Variant in them now, ... well Delta ? Right. ... and some were even infected by Realistically !!! Only walking past some one who had it !!! ... So the Contractors putting out all of the Hot Spot warnings say !!!


And the un vaccinated bus driver in N.S.A. who got it from an Air crew that he was driving to a Quintinite hotel !!! ... Well what can you say !!! ???


And news from a friend, ... Kenya ... Out in the west at least, ... they are all in Lock down ... AGAIN !!! and well Africa being no stranger to people dyeing all around the place ! (As well as a BIG increase in Robberies and Breakings !!!) ...  There MUST be a serious problem there now also !!! 


.... And I will let you watch the rest of it on the News networks.


Yes sorry about your Family, and still watch them !!! ... Some cases are not testing positive until well after Quarantine here (I Think) ? also. ...


And good luck with it Rooster, and Good luck to Thailand !!! Also. ...  (And I might try the Phu ket Sand Box !!! ... Like try 14 days in a Resort for a change ??? ... ??? ... ) Right ?


Well at the risk of straying off topic and getting Pulled, ... From the Boots on the ground, ... "from one friend to another", and re the Virus ... I also can report that I have Heard from a now, fully Vaccinated Friend in Heidleberg Germany, ...  that things are getting better there (In Europe ?) ... and he and his friends were able to drive down to Northern Italy, and camp and go walking in the forest, and do some Mountain climbing also !!! ... And they were about the only ones there they said !!! ... Like they were the only ones in the Camping ground ... Which is very VERY unusual for anywhere in Europe at this time I think


(The Swiss Mountain guides, usually standing in the door way of the Huts, on Zermatt, stopping any other climbers Leaving, at this time of year, ... until they have all their own clients out, and on to the Pisst first ! ,... Before anyone else can get there !!! ??? .. (To Wait ! ... and then dodge the Dislodged Rocks ???) ...


... But without getting my Negative soap box out, and standing on it for too long, ! .... He says that he expects the 4th wave to hit Germany in about October ... The Indian strain (The Delta strain) ... and they quite possibly all will just be locked down again !!! ...  ...  And well My Friend is Not a Conspiracy Theory Believer, or an anti vackser !!! .... Like he is German !!! ... And an Even handed and intelligent one ! ... (So I would believe him before I would believe a LOT of others.)  ...


... So this whole terrible thing IS going to be around a Long LONG Time yet I think !!! For all of us I expect ..... Unfortunately. ... And yes the Upside !!! … It Could Be Worse !!! ...


Somehow, it is still puzzled me about the interpretation of the word " vaccinated"


According to the medical term " you are vaccinated when you received the full dosage of the vaccines"


Based on the medical news Just because you receive one dosage you are not "fully" vaccinated and you might have a chance to be infected. 


Only the first dosage of the vaccine is being administered now in Thailand. The second dosage is in another 10weeks or more. According to the medical term, they are partial vaccinated. got to be careful.


the big question is : why fully vaccinated visitors need to be quarantine especially for visitors who received the Pfizer or Moderna- 90% efficient? how can they spread the infection? what scientific justification does the government have regarding the issues between fully vaccinated people vs infection spreading?

is something to worry about in thailand waiting a long time between dosages?


a lot of unanswered questions



The Corona Virus sure has a grip on the entire planet. Every country is using the blame game and finger pointing at their government and local officials which in part is true however accountability goes squarely on the shoulders of the Chinese Government. The massive coverup by the CCP should not be tolerated and punished severely. I am sure that the investigation into Wuhan laboratory's roll in all this will come soon and those who either contributed to the laboratory with money or knowledge will be held accountable and make restitution to all countries. If this is allowed to go on without punishment then what can we expect from Iran, North Korea, Palestine and other countries. 


I don't think you can name one country that doesn't have some corruption within their Government, national or local. It is our top government official that, in some cases we sought to elect, we look to too resolve our issues and differences. They may not have the knowledge to answer all the problem but it is their responsibility to surround themselves with knowledgeable people for any give problem and without interference from outside influences make a wise and hopefully the right decision for the people.


I am from America and use a select few social media platforms that seem to be honest (if there is such a thing anymore) and report the news without opinions or use snippets of interviews to drive a certain narrative or support of one agenda over another. Social media and media in general have become weapons dividing all humanity with racisms, religion, gender, wealth, or any other identity issues they want to push. 


With all these issues the world is facing I would not want to be the person responsible for making any decision that affects people lives or livelihood's without having credible persons on my team without outside influences regarding a specific issue or problem.


Stay safe, we are all in this together. 

13 hours ago, AllanB said:

As has become crystal clear from his emails there is only one group to blame for this, Fauci and his mates. Everthing else is smoke and mirrors. 

I am from America and you are correct in pointing a finger at Dr. Fauci. I don't know if I would qualify him as a doctor more so a quack.


There are so many others to blame in all this so let us start from the top. Does the CCP and WHO come to mind. The Corona Virus has the entire planet paralyzed and they should be held accountable, all of them.

  • Sad 1
20 hours ago, tau152 said:

Personally, I believe that this pandemic was caused, deliberately or accidentally (I lean towards ‘deliberately’), by the actions of the Chinese Communist Party!!

And I further believe that the CCP should be held financially accountable!

Having said that, what is even more concerning to me is this ‘knee-jerk’ acceptance of the mass use of these ‘experimental vaccines’!  Consider the developing information that is coming from VAERS:  https://dailyallegiant.com/huge-jump-in-covid-19-vaxxed-related-deaths-are-occurring-all-around-the-world/?utm_source=DA-Mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_content=subscriber_id:35281178&utm_campaign=6-19 pm drop

Given this information, why hasn’t there been an immediate halt to these vaccination programs??? The spike in deaths appears to be incontrovertible evidence of the possible dangers of being vaccinated!  

This continued frenzied rush to vaccinate everyone.....including children and not only ‘children’ but ‘infants’ as young as six months of age is, imo, pure Insanity!!!  This CCP virus, we’ve been told by countless epidemiologists, is not a serious danger to children but rather, to those older than 60 years or who have health conditions like lung or heart disease, diabetes or conditions that affect their immune system!   In Thailand, up until March of this year, we had a total of less than 3,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 58 deaths!!!  Beginning in April of this year, vaccinations with these EXPERIMENTAL ‘vaccines’ began and as of 12 June 2021, a total of 6,188,124 vaccine doses have been administered!  Suddenly, after the vaccinations began, an ever increasingly large spike in the daily numbers of confirmed cases and deaths was noted!  As of 18 June 2021, the numbers have risen dramatically to 210,782 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 1,577 deaths, reported to WHO.   Yet, an ever increasingly strident call for vaccinating the population is being made!!!  Why??  And as I understand it, the same spike has occurred world-wide (except China....gee, wonder why?)!

Right now, to suggest that these vaccinations with the various experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines may be related to the spike in numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths is being pooh-poohed as a ‘conspiracy theory’!!  But so was the suggestion that this virus originated in the Wuhan lab....now we KNOW that is a man-made virus and that it did, by accident or with deliberate intent, get released from the Wuhan lab, which by the way was and is being operated by the military under direction of the CCP and that they were already attempting to create a vaccine for this virus even before it was released on the world!!

I suppose though, because I cannot realistically expect to bring about a change, I should just ‘sit back, shut up’ and sing along with Doris Day’s ‘Que sera, sera’.  (....sigh)

On 6/20/2021 at 2:17 PM, rumak said:


that's pretty funny .      I have my own little favorite :  "I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is to see you "


and first thaivisa expert to get the song right..........  wins a jab of their  my choosing

Never heard that one but I have heard walk a mile in my shoes I believe by credence clear water revival 

On 6/20/2021 at 2:55 PM, spidermike007 said:

Nothing he has ever said or none suggests he could have the intelligence for a 2nd language. Unless you count army speak. 

My wife says he doesn't speak Thai good ????

  • Haha 1
21 hours ago, tau152 said:

I suppose though, because I cannot realistically expect to bring about a change, I should just ‘sit back, shut up’


well,  if you try ( to change the world) ............ i'll be rooting for you.   (hope you do a better job of it than the humans before you )


On 6/20/2021 at 12:18 PM, spidermike007 said:

This is nearly entirely on the shoulders of this hapless administration. Nearly all blame should be directed at them. They have never really explained how this blew up like it did. Or why the vaccination program has been such a failure.


Prayuth has attempted a few times to explain a few things, leaving everyone in a state of greater confusion. You mean he explained the near total lack of a program?
Or he explained why Thailand is so dreadfully behind the curve?
Or he explained why Thailand was dead last in ASEAN with vaccinations, before overtaking the PI?
Or he explained how we could have been beaten by even the PI, initially?
Or he explained why he did not order a tiny lockdown of a 2km. radius around the Samut Sakhon market, which very well may have led to this huge spike?
Or did he explain why he stuck with a health minister, who has no experience in the medical field, during a national emergency?


I know, I know, I know. I should have reacted when the outbreak happened back in December, and done the right thing by shutting down that area in Samut. 
I know. I should have taken the vaccine thing more seriously. I know, I should have had a more qualified health minister. I know, my pathological fear of the optics of a lockdown are causing many more cases than need be. And I know, I should have been more diligent with the borders, I should have cracked down on corrupt immigration officials, and kept my promise to fight corruption, and I should have and could have done better.

Do you want me to resign now? I know what is what you are thinking. I probably should. It sure would be the right thing to do.

Currently, the US is at just over 65% of people with at least one jab, and 55% fully vaccinated. Over 317 million doses administered to date. Thailand is at between 2% and 3%, fully vaccinated. What can one even say?

Dr. Tavida said that any country in this intense situation needs a leader that not only comes out strong but can also create confidence. A leader that can show empathy, and make sense of what is going on. More than likely only Prayuth and a small portion of his subordinates would describe him as being "strong". In terms of showing empathy, is that something we have ever seen from this man? He is as out of touch as them come. A true Ivory tower sort of guy. 
And in terms of making sense of what is going on, you need policy, competent ministers with experience in the fields their ministries are in charge of, and at least a tiny amount of vision and planning. Prayuth lacks every pre-requisite. So do most of his ministers. Especially Anutin and Pipat. Likely the two least qualified and least effective of the lot. One would think during a national emergency, a skilled and talented tourism and  health minister would be considered important. 
Lastly, he does not inspire confidence, as he has no follow up in his game, is highly insincere, and is grossly incompetent and under qualified for the job. One would think after 6 plus years he has had time to learn. That does not appear to be the case. He is a terrible leader. 

This kind of national emergency is real proof that Thailand should never allow another coup to happen. With a civilian government that is democratically elected, and a truly representative body in the senate, Thailand at least has a chance of qualified ministers being appointed based on merit and talent. 
With Prayuth and this army, there is little chance of this ever happening. They are re-defining the words cronyism and inept on a daily basis. Where is the anger? I am becoming furious at the incompetence and the AA (army apathy). Am I the only one? Anutin should have resigned, or been replaced in March of 2020, after Covid broke out. He was in way over his head long before Covid came around. He lacks experience, a background in the health field, and the only reason he was appointed, and is still in this position, is due to the power and the influence he has over his party. There is NO other reason. 
Get out. Get out now. Hopefully the people will no longer stand for incompetence. Not during an emergency. Not now. 
You completely blew the vaccination program!
You blew the response to Covid!
You blew the response to the outbreak in Samut back in December, which led to the 2nd wave!
What have you gotten right? It now appears the lack of cases during the 1st wave was dumb luck. 

So many questions, and so few answers.
1. Why five months away?
2. Why not Pfizer in the interim?
3. Why can't the private sector import the vaccines directly? Why does the stunningly incompetent government and health ministry need to be involved?
4. Why was there seemingly no planning, when it comes to the vaccination program?
5. Is this really the best they can do?
6. Why has Anutin not been replaced? His political connections aside, Thailand really needs competent leadership at this emergency juncture.
7. Is the government here (and possibly worldwide) totally bought and paid for, by Big Pharma?
8. Do the people of Thailand finally see how they have been misled, mishandled, bamboozled, forsaken, and abused by the hapless army, and the goons in charge? If they could not see it before, it is so obvious now. 

99.9% of the Thais I talk to are so far beyond fed up. And if the 3-5% who drank the kool-aid still believed, after this latest covid debacle, Prayuth, Anutin and the gang have been truly unmasked to a humiliating and inglorious degree.
Who could possibly still have any faith in their competence, and sincerity, at this point? 


Thank You, spidermike. The only problem, there is no vaccine available against stupidity and corruption.

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On 6/20/2021 at 6:17 PM, AllanB said:

As has become crystal clear from his emails there is only one group to blame for this, Fauci and his mates. Everthing else is smoke and mirrors. 

You are misinformed. Dr. Fauci is one of the world’s leading experts on infectious diseases, and is on record predicting the development of the epidemic. 

Of course, if you think that the virus is a hoax, then of course You don’t like Dr. Fauci.

  • Like 1
On 6/20/2021 at 2:41 PM, jerrymahoney said:

Fact Check-VAERS reported vaccine deaths have not been confirmed or deemed causal by CDC

The CDC explains here that VAERS accepts reports of any adverse event regardless of proof that it was caused by the vaccine.

VAERS did receive 4,178 reports of deaths (0.0017% of all vaccine doses) between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 3, 2021. However, these reports don’t point to a causal relationship between receiving the vaccine and death"

Missing context. There is no evidence that the deaths reported to VAERS after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine are caused by the vaccine. Healthcare providers are required to report any death after vaccination to VAERS.


VAERS must be like he tested positive for COVID, was doing in-home quarantine, when on day 15 an airplane crashed on his house, killing him. As he had tested positive, and it was within 28 days of testing, he must have died from COVID.

On 6/20/2021 at 11:40 AM, Rockhound said:

Everyone is to blame.  Except the Chinese.


Exactly this. A common phenomenon around the region in all the Sino-dominant countries. 

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