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The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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This is a sequel to the 'Ideal Woman' post I suppose, but if I may I would like to tell you about this new somebody and the situation I'm now in.

Tai could well be the woman I've been looking for, only at 19 she's a little too young, she's completely skint and she's probably a bit fukced up too - hopefully not too much.

On the plus side she looks good - older than 19, about 25 - and she's got a nice smile and eyes that are the window to a tortured soul. She speaks very good English and oozes intelligence - if her IQ was any higher she's be in a straightjacket. She's very sexy, has a good body (apart from the three inches of slash scars on her left wrist) and is very open minded and even has some of the better traits of a western woman.

Anyway, I was staggering down Kaosan Rd on Sat night and I literally bumped into her. We started chatting instantly and she shared her Chang with me. An ex of her's shouted something at her so she lead me away and we took a taxi back to mine where we ate sunflower seeds and chatted and kissed through most of Back To The Future until we inevitably gave into temptation and tore each other's clothes off around the point where Marty returns to 1985 only to find the DeLorean won't start.

The following Sunday it was as if we'd known each other months. She told me she'd been a bartender at DDM bar (I think) nr Kaosan Rd but had got the sack after beating up one of the customers (another Thai girl). She sold her mobiloe to make some money and for the past two weeks she has been "working" on Kaosan Rd and is sharing a cheap guesthouse with other prostitutes.

She didn't go home with me because she wanted any money and she said she found it attractive that I was smart enough to hide my wallet in the freezer when I told her I didn't trust anyone who I'd only known one night.

She also said she liked English men and that I shared some of the qualities her ex had and later in the day admitting to liking me more than she wished to and saying she always kept half of her heart very well protected.

It got to the point where we were even talking about her finding a daytime job near me and moving in. She said she enjoys cooking and that I could buy an electric pan for about 3/400 bht and she could cook for me when I got in. She also said she gives massages but only if they're returned. She's more interested in love than money and her family don't need looking after.

I am concerned at who she's mixing with, she's almost a little to streetwise for my liking and I don't like the fact she smokes Yabba, has taken other drugs and likes Ko Phan Yan.

I hate Ko Phan Yan, and the only drug I've ever enjoyed is cocaine - though I rarely try it and wouldn't do it out here.

I was also concerned that during our marathon mating session I was without latex, though having said that, she too expressed concern which is a sign she is not used to carelessness. She also said she seems to be unable to get pregnant and never did with her ex.

For now it seems to be over anyway as she didn't call or e-mail me and I felt like an idiot for giving her 300bht toward her rent. Last night I went out for my birthday with two girls on each arm (both very good friends, one of them the ex BG that took me to Fuji) and went to party with a farang friend, a new friend (who incedentally claims to have met our Bluecat in a bar at chatuchak) and my posh ex-girlfriend who bought me a big bunch of flowers.

Popping out for cigerettes I saw her chatting to young punters outside the Kaosan Centre and she brought me aside for a chat saying that her friends had advised her against me saying I had been seen with many a woman tonight and many before.

I explained that I have many female friends and that yes, I have been a butterfly for too long but only because I have been looking for the right girl. I explained that maybe I had been single and put myself about for so long that now somebody I really liked had come along she wouldn't take me seriously. I think she allowed herself to get close to me and then snapped shut when she heard the gossip.

I can't remember how it was left.

If you're still reading then thanks - I know it's a bit long winded, but I need to lay down all the relevant information before I can get any advice on this. I don't usually need advice on women, but I have already fallen in like with her and don't really know what to do.

I think I might try and find her tonight.

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I don't usually need advice on women, but I have already fallen in like with her and don't really know what to do.

I think I might try and find her tonight.

Like or love? I don't think i've ever seen anyone write so much about a girol he just likes. :o Seriously, do you have her number? Invite her for a nice dinner, talk everything over, then bring her home. If you can, maybe don't drag her right back into your bed and she may believe you that you're not a butterfly (anymore).

If this post is for real, yeah. :D

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I hope you have found the "Right" woman for yourself...

before all the idiots start ranting at you on here i just wanted to throw in my 2bahts worth.

First off, be careful.

Secondly, be careful


The whole "without latex" thing should be a concern for you, youve been in LOS long enough to know that was the most stupidest thing youve ever done in your entire life. Get yourself checked out, pronto matey.

Yes it might have felt right, it might have felt good, it might have just been one of those spontanious things that just kinda happens, you should still avoid doing it again and get yourself (and her, if your serious about her) checked out.

You need to be careful that your not being played for a fool, just because she didnt ask for money doesnt make her a good girl. Maybe she was scopeing your place out to send round some friends at another time? Maybe she was genuine, maybe she wasnt... I'd err on the side of caution until you know her better, after all youve known her the preverbial "5 minutes" - give her a couple of months before you jump to any conclusions... even then, remember one thing, you dont _really_ know whats going on inside her head, you might never really know.

You've got to use your brain over your heart, play things carefully, if shes for real then she will understand whats going on and will (probably) appreciate the fact your not just rushing head first into things, if shes playing you she will realise your onto her and bail out (or change tactics). You seem like a nice guy, all i'm trying to say is go slowly, be careful and make sure its for real before you let her into your heart.

Oh and get her off the drugs pronto, yesterday...

Right, now thats your love life sorted out, can someone help with mine? :o

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I read Private Dancer by Stephen Leather last night, fotgot what the link is, anyway you could of cut big chunks out of that and just pasted them together to form your story!!!

Its worth a read.

Random, just like Private Dancer, this is a fictional story also.

But i do have respect for a man that can write a load of crap and make money out of it...............................

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Gent- dunno she seems to have too many problems- suicidal or likes to cut herself. (pretty F%^%^ up) Hot tempered, and to boot runs around shagging without any protection. Trust me pregancy is the least of your problems- I think you should know better than do that- no excuse not to protect yourself, and lets be honest if she allowed you to go for it still then she probably done the same for others. Bad news all around mate.

Plus thinking about her moving in? Bit soon I think you need to move slowly with a normal lady, even slower with a lady with so many pitfalls.

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Scamp - this lady does not sound like an "Ideal Woman" to me.

Women often make the mistake of trying to correct a man's faults in a relationship, but they nearly always fail. Men trying to do likewise usually do not succeed either.

Serious problems in a relationship (such as drug addiction) can be overcome, but often people "revert to type", which means that the relationship has a very high probability of ending in tears. Enjoy the experience, but don't expect any long-term joy.

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From GS's post Ideal woman, you have to look at the original 12 your self.

If there is a God then he may log onto this site, and he may even like me judging by who I met last night. She's got 7 out of 12 plus some I hadn't thought of.

Where the qualities that you had'nt thought of skint, psycotic, druggy, suicidal, attention seaking bar girl ??

(please no one start on the BG stuff, its relitive to this thread)

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The following Sunday it was as if we'd known each other months. She told me she'd been a bartender at DDM bar (I think) nr Kaosan Rd but had got the sack after beating up one of the customers (another Thai girl). She sold her mobiloe to make some money and for the past two weeks she has been "working" on Kaosan Rd and is sharing a cheap guesthouse with other prostitutes.

Don't do it...

If you've read all the threads here you ought to know by now that hiso girls like this one are high maintenance. :o

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Have to jump aboard the bandwagon here - sounds like the Ideal One Night Stand (rubber aside) to me. Should leave it at that.

How you gonna overcome not just her background/recent past but the environment she is currently in including her circle of friends? Bad vibes all round - as I think you really know all along judging by the little clues you keep dropping in.

Random - my first reaction also was 'Private Dancer'. If GS is serious about this he could certainly do with a quick read/re-read. And Begs - it's available free; I don't think the author makes any money out of it.

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Medicinebox and Begs - it's no wind up, you should know me better than that. :o

12Call, The wrist marks did make me take a step back. They were not suicide attempts, more scratches where she had cut herself because she wanted to hurt herself - it's a common trait in screwed up people, I knew somebody in England that had done it as a teenager and regretted it later in life.

Rainman - I am just in 'like' with her, and my brain is very protective of my heart and I think that is even more the case with her. Nice to hear a positive comment though, bet you're an old romantic aren't you.

By the way I write a lot because I think a lot and talk a lot. Maybe too much. :D

Wolfie and Britmaveric - Yes it was irresponsible to go bare back, but 1:She does seem genuinly worried about it also, 2:She's only 19 and has only been on the game a couple of weeks, and I believe her - she doesn't seem that good at it and would rather just spend the night with a man she likes and have a good conversation. I'm not proud to say that it is by not the first time I have failed to rubber up due to drunkeness/laziness, and there have been one or two women in the past that have been leagues more dangerous and carefree and I have been lucky as I've never caught anything (other than the wart) and doctors have always told me I worry too much but I want to be sure because the only thing worse thang catching the big 'A' would be to pass it to somebody else.

Random Chances - Will look out for that book.

Boon Mee - There was a mark on her foot but it looked more like a road scrape as a result of scraping a sandled foot whilst on a motorbike.

Ghengis - She smokes yabba with the other girls on a fairly regular basis and has popped the odd E at the FMP on KPY but I wouldn't go as far to call her a drug addict - drug user more like, and I don't like it one bit, just doesn't sit well with me.

Crash99 and everyone else, I want to get to know her more but at the moment it seems too much hassle - had an ex in England that was similar only worse and it was hard work. :D

Stroll - Welcome back. :D

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scamp , ok,so you enjoyed yourself ,good for you ,but if you go there again for gods sake protect yourself ,dont feel like its too late to start ,cos you already <deleted>**ed her without. and by all means go again ,give it <deleted>, but dont be in any hurry to form an attachment ,dont forget this GIRL !! is only 19 . protect your health and protect your heart .i dont mean to sound like some preacher either ,but take EVERYTHING she says with a pinch of salt untill you know her better - a lot better !! good luck :o

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Gent- need to be careful I've known people think the same way and they aren't in the best shape now. I don't think you can trust someone so easily in this day and age when it comes to shagging. (matter of hours?) I just think you should be very careful with this one- maybe it will turn out alright, worth exploring and I believe everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Buy yourself a bulk box of condoms, and have at it. Seriously being lazy isnt legitimate excuse when you are playing with your life.

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It isn't easy for a man to contract the virus we all fear, but nevertheless don't get too drunk or complacent just because you've been lucky before.

She sounds messed up but not old enough or stupid enough to have anything. If she doesn't have a mobile, go to see her and if possible, introduce herb to a good friend who can give you his or her own opinion.

Infactuation can cloud things y'see.

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gent...welcome to LOC !!!!!!

(Land Of Confusion).

could tell you books about goes around MY mind these days, weeks, months.

Similar story to yours.

Somehow I am quite HAPPY I am soooo far away from "her" for the moment (intending to emigrate within the next 3-4 months). Now my brain has got real got time to recover and evaluate the + and the - arguments. Today's update: - arguments are in the lead....

just an advise: let your BRAIN win the game.

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The following Sunday it was as if we'd known each other months. She told me she'd been a bartender at DDM bar (I think) nr Kaosan Rd but had got the sack after beating up one of the customers (another Thai girl). She sold her mobiloe to make some money and for the past two weeks she has been "working" on Kaosan Rd and is sharing a cheap guesthouse with other prostitutes.

Don't do it...

If you've read all the threads here you ought to know by now that hiso girls like this one are high maintenance. :o

Besides high maintenance there's no warranty with this one ( and it is a bit wobbly now )

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Scamp, go for it. Life is for living and whilst I respect the other comments from the more responsible posters and they are all giving you good advice it is your choice and it sounds like this girl intrigues you more than most of your errrr, other friends.

Lets face it, you basically wrote 'should I look both ways before crossing the road?'

Everyone will say "Yes man, jesuz, have you seen the traffic?!'

But once in a while everyone needs to make a mad sprint and take a chance, there are horrible pitfalls - if you'll pardon the pun, but you know all of those, right?

Like moves in mysterious ways. :o

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(crazy medicine, pronounced yar bah)

Originally manufactured by the Nazis to help keep their troops awake for days, Yaba has become increasingly popular in the Far East amongst claims that the drug is now bigger than heroin in Thailand.

Yaba is a derivative of synthetic amphetamines such as speed and can be manufactured far more quickly and easily than traditional forms of amphetamine. The recipe has spread from the Far East by word of mouth and on the Internet (no, don't ask us).

We've experienced some difficulty getting a consistent description of ingredients and effects, with some reports stating that the drug is mostly methamphetamine, running 80% pure with much of the cut being castoff from heroin production

The drug usually comes in pill form (often red/orange, sometimes green) and with its potent mix of visuals and intense highs, drug experts predict that it may soon become popular on the UK club scene.

Although yaba is still very rare in the UK, drug experts report that the UK is being targeted by yaba producers from the 'Golden Triangle' - the drug producing areas which straddle the borders of Thailand, Burma and Laos.

The main ingredients, which include salt, household cleaning products, distilled cold medicines and lithium from camera batteries, can be bought legally and the drug easily knocked out at home with a couple of casserole dishes and a hob.

The rewards for criminals can be huge. Around £300 of raw materials can make yaba worth more than £2,000 at British street prices. Since the equipment needed is portable, labs can be moved on a regular basis, making it more difficult for police to track them down.

Side effects:

The drug is claimed to create an intense hallucinogenic effect and can keep users awake for days on end, although some users have reported that the only visuals come as a result of sleep deprivation after binge sessions.

Health risks:

Addictive and/or habit-forming. Regular use of the drug has been linked to lung and kidney disorders, hallucinations and paranoia. A frequent hallucination is 'speed bugs' or crank bugs' where users believe that bugs are crawling under their skin and go loopy trying to get them out. In Thailand, the number of students entering rehab to deal with yaba addiction has risen by nearly 1,000% in the past two years (source: Observer 17.10.99) Those coming off the drug are also susceptible to severe depression and suicidal urges.

Detection periods: unknown

The Law: unknown.

more info:


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I think I might try and find her tonight.

Cheers for the info on the stuff 12Call. ...Battery acid, salt and distilled Tixylix - blimey... I want her to know what I just read.

Anyway, I did track her down. I had only remembered she was in room 7 and knew which GH it would be. She answered the door and was pleased to see me, her room mate was asleep so she stepped outside and we talked on the balcony.

She feels we rushed things a bit but is very fond of me and afraid to get hurt and her friends have said to her something along the lines of...

"Why would he be serious about you? With all due respect we're working girls and you have no money, he could find somebody much better and if you move in with him and he gets bored of you you'll get hurt again and we don't want to see that".

I went for something to eat while she freshened up and I went to get her so we could go for a quick drink. R.e. The yabba, apparently she stopped it for 8 months because her ex didn't like her doing it. They once had a row when she had confessed to it when questioned. She later left him when he was too jealous and unfaithful as a result. She said she doesn't give people a second chance if they are unfaithful.

She seemed relieved to see that I was concerned about our carelessness but the most remarkable aspect of her personality transpired when I logged onto here and showed her this very post, letting her read tham all - she didn't need any translating and to my surprise she said that everyone who replied had a valid point (and she even used the word 'valid') -and she said she took no offence and understood the postings and that her friends have given her similar advice.

"Your friends give you very good advice and I respect that but they don't know me". She said.

"I've never met them but they are like minded cyber aquaintances, some of which I'll be meeting on Friday".

-I replied. :D

She even asked if I wanted her to join me, almost as if she wanted to prove herself to those who have replied to this post! I'm not sure about that, though I'm sure everyone would like her and find her a good conversationist, but maybe she should meet some people that I already know first! There seems to be nothing hidden about her persona, she seems so genuine and keen to improve her life and utilise her intelligence and has decided she would like to take things slowly with me R.e. moving in etc... and we both agreed that was a rediculous thing to mention in hindsight, at this stage anyway. She didn't like me bringing up the fact that for the time being she'd still have to work and looked almost ashamed and wanted to change the subject. She's more sure about me than she was and I suppose we'll just have to see what happens. I went home alone as I needed the sleep.

If I could sum her up in one word, at the moment it would be Rational.

It's 5pm and she hasn't called or e-mailed yet so I'm still holding back and not expecting too much.

I want her to get a mobile, it would be so much easier if she did.

Why is life so dammed complicated. :o Worth working at though I think.

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