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Receive prescribed medicine via international mail - "illegal"?

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I have a prescription for a medicine "back home" and that pharmacy is able to ship it to Thailand. It's not classified as narcotics or addictive. Not only is it cheaper but I also don't need to visit a local doctor here and get it prescribed. 


Let's say I order 1 month of use, will customs take it? I don't have any issue showing a receipt, I just try to understand if it's legal and how I go about it. 


In this thread, please exclude recommendations such as "just visit a local doc". Your intentions and recommendations are great (and probably correct), but I would like to understand the fundamentals in regards to having a parcel sent containing prescribed medicines (non-narcotics). 

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Send it by your countries national mail service and send it using their ems (express mail service). One month supply should not be a problem. Have it declared as personal medication. 


I am surprised it is cheaper in your home country unless your country subsidizes the cost?

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7 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

I am surprised it is cheaper in your home country unless your country subsidizes the cost?

Might apply to medicine still patent protected where no generics are available.

Here available as import and usually more expensive.


For the original question: strictly it is not allowed to receive (prescribed) medicine.

Not even herbal, supplemental stuff.

But I have received three shipments of supplements/herbals from the US without any headache over the past year. The last one was even with infamous DHL (have no choice).

DHL then handed over to Thai post.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Might apply to medicine still patent protected where no generics are available.

Here available as import and usually more expensive.


For the original question: strictly it is not allowed to receive (prescribed) medicine.

Not even herbal, supplemental stuff.

But I have received three shipments of supplements/herbals from the US without any headache over the past year. The last one was even with infamous DHL (have no choice).

DHL then handed over to Thai post.

Correct! A long story short is that if I buy medicine this way it's discounted by a state/regional scheme. 

Interesting that you said that. I didn't know supplements/herbs were disallowed, but only that I might be taxed/pay customs if I ordered it. I've actually received 2 packets out of late (the US) with 4-6 pill boxes inside, that were delivered to my condo without any issues. Perhaps less scrutiny now in C19 times? 


Back to the original question: 

I don't mind if it get stuck in customs and I need to pay ~30% in fees/taxes. My concern, however, is that it would be criminal and that I would get in trouble. 

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5 minutes ago, aldriglikvid said:

Interesting that you said that. I didn't know supplements/herbs were disallowed, but only that I might be taxed/pay customs if I ordered it.

Maybe you are right. I don't swear on it.

As written I was not bothered.

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It is technically nto legal to import any pharmaceutical by mail unless you have  an FDA import license (which you probably cannot get).


in practice, customs will usually let through small quantities (emphasis on small) if sent by regular mail. If sent via a coutier , even in small quantitiy will be held in customs with a demand for the FDA license that yo udon't have.


Worst case (assuming not a control substance), they just refuse to let it in and destroy the package.


However before you go this route, post the name of the medication here - it is unlikely to require a doctor's prescription in Thailand (most drugs that need a prescription in the West are sold over the counter here) and there may be locally made generic equivalents that costs less than the postage  of shipping it to Thailand.

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Afaik to import anything which you put into your body you would need an FDA import license, which you don't have.

If you send it by regular mail they might not check the parcel, in which case it goes through.

If it gets checked, but it's just a small amount they might also let it through, but depends of course on the customs officer, he might also decide to confiscate it.

You won't face criminal charges, you will just not get the parcel.

Be aware that if you have for example a box of pills and some shirts in the same parcel and they decide to confiscate it, they will confiscate the whole parcel, the shirts would be gone as well.


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