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What Is An Intelligent Thread?


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These days, I'm getting a bit confused.

Maybe it is only me but what is the purpose of this forum?

Giving information to people?

Information is readily available on the internet.

Any information.

No need of any forum.

Forum helps, sure, but people do not write ONLY to give information.

Besides information, a forum is an exchange of views, good or bad and should be moderated for that reason.

But not overly moderated,...

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These days, I'm getting a bit confused.

Maybe it is only me but what is the purpose of this forum?

Giving information to people?

Information is readily available on the internet.

Any information.

No need of any forum.

Forum helps, sure, but people do not write ONLY to give information.

Besides information, a forum is an exchange of views, good or bad and should be moderated for that reason.

But not overly moderated,...

But as well you know Blue, moderation of the loonie fringe is mandatory. We get bulk complaints when things get untidy in here.

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Bluecat = the thread starter!

I enjoy your threads by the way :D , I do not think you have posted regarding different colour mice yet though :o:D

"What Is An Intelligent Thread?", threads that are thought provoking and contain Australian sports news!

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*I met some nice people in the chat room.

Most probably I will meet some of them in the future.

If that will become regular meetings only the future can tell.

*I got bulks of information about visa regulations in a more or less personal way,which is nicer and easier than looking into very technical websites.

It guided me in making up my mind about going for retirement or spouse "visa" , by following the many questions/discussions and advices.

*many interesting info about u.o.banking-satellite-phoneconnections.

*Just to-day got a very intersting information about kitchens.

*Networking is a possibility.I remember a plee for a special bloodtype a hlf year ago.Within a couple of hours there was respons and help from forum.

*Fun or not?

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Bluecat, I am glad you raised this topic.

There are days, where I easily feel to add my comments, wether for better or worse. :o

OK, IMO it is for communication, as any web-board. You can reach more people than at you local pub. One tries to think, before posting, which is not always the fact in the pub.

ThaiVisa is in principle limited to Thailand, which makes it more difficult to find topics.

You are right, information is readily available on the internet, but I get the feeling, many people to not know how to search and find.

Excellent information is on the Thai Visa main site, lot's of people still ask the questions. (Driving licence, do I need a ticket, a visa) I admire admin and members who tiredlessly reply. Why not, if a newbie comes, s/he wants to know something and probably is happy to get a 'human' reply.

I realized one thing through this board, there are other people out there, with a different life style, different experiences. Different ways of living in LOS.

Moderation? Yes, it looks like being necessary, although I would like to see a short info why somebody was banned. Sometimes such information comes forward, sometimes not.

Oops, this is more than a one-liner. So to intelligent threats. Now this I would not be able to comment or even to make one :D

Keep it going.

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BC- good question. I dare say a intelligent thread is a thread that is legitimately providing useful/productive information. Yes- you can find info on the internet, but I find it much more valuable coming from a source than reading it someplace.

BTW I think lately the moderation has been rather light- case in point 20 pages on questioning the veracity of Thai women. Personally I would have killed that long ago. I think you know quite well the amount of mental midgets that post and never to be seen again- this is why moderation is needed.

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What is an intelligent thread?

I think, this question is not relevant at all....

Information, or call it intelligent threads are only a by-product and usually do not trigger a lot of activity among the members..one question and some few answers only...

Bluecat, you were asking, what is the purpose of this forum?

Let us see the threads, which were triggering the highest numbers of replies:

The thread about questioning the veracity of straight Thai women by poll and comments is the most successful of all at this forum.

The other most successful threads were a thread about violent Islam, a question how much a so-called Cheap Charlie should pay to his girl-friend, and the thread about radical feminists in Thailand. - They all triggered a record number of replies and votes, despite the fact, that all of these threads were shut down by administrators.

I think, the main-reason why we have a Thaivisa-Forum running is because the big majority of members likes to relax nearby a computer and to talk about all and everything, especially about never-ending easy-going subjects....

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" What is the purpose of this forum "

Lets ask the person with the 1791 posts.

I think it's a place for people to go that live in Thailand or are planning to . Or are just dreaming to someday. Getting to know the way around in a different land. How things work there and different views as to why. For me it's, learning alot about things I do not know here, meeting nice people and having a few laugh's

just my 2 baht

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" What is the purpose of this forum "

Lets ask the person with the 1791 posts.

As far as intelligent threads are concerned, I do not think it is a good idea to ask the person with 1792 posts.

Because in order to post 1792, you have to post a lot of non intelligent ones,... :o

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