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I think you want help on how to write analytical essays, in which your introduction must have a clear and concise thesis statement with supporting arguments.

As for farang universities in the area you like, try Guelph University, which is about 40 miles west of Toronto. It is a small rural town, but near the big city - Toronto. This is Canada's best school for animal studies, and has a good reputation around the world. The entry requirement is not as high as it is for some other universities in Canada. This does not meant it is not a good university, it is just that the university wants to attract more students who want to become vets and so on.

A few months ago, the Canadian government indicated that we need more people to work with large animals - cows, horses, and the like.

Consequently, it might be easier for you to be accepted at this time, and in this field, at a Canadian university. Guelph is the best one in your field of study.

I have had Thai, Cambodian, Chinese and Vietnamese students in my courses previously. You are correct to say that they will not challenge the older teacher at the front of the class. Nevertheless, once they feel comfortable, they will sometimes approach me privately and ask questions, introduce their own opinion and so on.

This summer, in my course on Southeast Asia, I will have one Thai student, and either a Burman or Karen student. I will have the class read 'Thailand's Crisis', and hope that they will be keen participants in the discussion periods.

Good luck!

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lol your poem makes me have a good laugh :D

Although English is hard for me,i don't give up easily.

atleast i can speak as " You walking ATM. me love you long.You pay me go bangalow pump pump"

lol :D

My English for academic level is not that good.But I will study a wee harder by myself :o

Yo Bambi, part of the work we (my wife and I) do is helping people with submissions, cvs etc we would be more than happy to assist you. Send us a copy of anything you would like comments/corrections on and we will assist in any way we can.

Dear J and R,

Thank you both for giving me a hand.



I don't know how fast you want to leave for your studies. But my co. could always use the help of a person with your personality, etc. You could act as a translator for me, just by being around me you would become more fluent, and you get paid at the same time. Give it some thought.... and PM me if your have any interest.

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lol your poem makes me have a good laugh :D

Although English is hard for me,i don't give up easily.

atleast i can speak as " You walking ATM. me love you long.You pay me go bangalow pump pump"

lol :D

:o:D :D

Hey Bambina you only have to ask and anyone will help you :bah:

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Thank you guys again for supporting me.

I have been learning english from Thaivisa (yes read alot from thousands posts)I have never gotten any special english course .I know many slangs and vocabuary .I can swear pretty funny in english aswell :o:D

I'm not so good at language but i"m pretty fine with scince.

I will post my over exaggerated Statement of Purpose here soon.Please,correct my englsih with that essay the,

Thank you billions



You will always do well because you are prepared to make the effort that is required in order to achieve.

Way to go Bamb

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Reading TV can help with being a better conversationalist because it is mostly written in an informal style...like having a conversation.......but.....reading alot of TV is probably actually bad for your formal English development. My advice is to read less TV and read more books and newspapers. In reading books it is best to find books that are written in a formal style which probably means older books and probably books that are called "literature" since these books are usually or at least often written in proper English. It seems to me that English language newspapers are written in proper English mostly too.


P.S. I also recommend always running a spell checker on all your posts (and anything else you write)....you have alot of spelling errors which you should eliminate if you really want to write academically....and a good way to learn to spell correctly is to use a spell checker and when using it focus on trying to learn the correct spelling. Also, get a good English dictionary (straight English....like they use in the US or England....it explains what an English word means in English...I don't mean a translating dictionary) AND USE IT.....everytime....yes EVERYTIME you come across a word you don't understand you should look it up and learn its meaning. Also, you should get a good thesaurus and use it too.


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Bambi, one thing that helps improve English (besides living with a farang :o ) is to read a book in English. Get some thriller, it doesn't matter if it isn't academic and read. If you enjoy the subject, you will enjoy reading. Your vocabulary, spelling and grammar will slowly improve as you absorb by reading.

I agree wholeheartedly with SBK that the key is to read, but I suggest concentrating on expository non-fiction books as it is in that style of writing that you will need to attain a level of proficiency for graduate studies. As you are interested in animal behavior, may I suggest any of the popular classic books by Konrad Lorenz, any of the Jane Goodall books, or perhaps Cynthia Moss's book on Elephants. If there is another area of interest then I am sure the combined wisdom of people here on TV can find some recommendations.

Sometimes you can find some decent reading at the new and used English language book stores aimed primarily at tourists. But mostly one finds best selling novels that, although they may be fun to read, are not going to improve your academic English. I can only speak about what once existed in Chiang Mai a decade ago, but there were some decent non-fiction books available at the AUA library, at the CMU library, and my secret source, the grossly underutilized Mae Jo library.

And another little secret that I used when teaching EFL at a major university in the US, and this is rather politically incorrect to the younger generation of ESL\EFL linguists, but you are already aware of my tendency to offend others, is to write down, yes copy, well written sentences for practice.

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Good luck, Bambi. Forgot to tell you - I named one of my dogs after you (Bambi, not BambinA). She's a shih-tzu cross, absolutely beautiful, fantastic temperament & heavily pregnant!!! So, your namesake is going to have pups, probably in the next week! :D

Back on topic, if there's anything at all I can do to help, just ask. You're a star, Bambi & you will go far, just believe in yourself. And keep trying, of course! :o

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Dear y'all.

Being a member here for 2 years, I'm the worst non native English speaking person :D.

Let me tell you guys about a part my past.

When I finished my high school(I was 17 years old).I got a seat of Faculty of Science at Chaing Mai University.I did well with it and my major should be Indrustial Chemistry ( So -called Chemical Enginerring).That Time I had a bf, he asked me if i wanted to have a future with him.NO hestitate, i said yes.My life have been changed since then.

He got Elec. engineer while i got Vet ( i supposed I could get a seat at a faculty of Dentristy somewhere).

If you guys ask me about my thought,That time i felt just soso. I just wanted to stay and live with my BF( don't call me as a d-ick eater :o , to far from that)

I spent 6 years at Chulalongkorn University ( well,being a Doctor, dentist and Vet you have to study that long.)

Honestly , i felt soso with my life that time.It's not the thing i want to be ( I want to be an engineer or dentist).

However, the more i work the more i like my Vet carreer.I have been doing well with Surgery and Dermatology.

Me and BF have quited our relationship later when I was 21 yo.It was ok.

The show must go one.I have been working as a vet for 10 year since then. I have had an idea to upgrade my class by taking a master degree abroad.

I took the IELTS examination(International English Language Testing System) 2 weeks ago . I did it not that well .I cried for 2 days and had been vomiting for a week .Obviously,my weakest point are Reading and Writing Part.

In Vet 's field (Master degree) needs 6-7 Overall band. (Utrecth University needs overall 6.5 and for writing part = 6)

My Overall band is 6

(Listening =6 ,Reading = 6 ,Writing=6 and speaking =6)

my supposed to get ( 6-7 / 4-5/4-5/6-7)

If you ask me whether I'm happy with my score or not . i Say yes ,although I need to get 6.5.

I dont give up by now. I think i know what i want to apply in Univ. (I like dermatology ,but i chose anesthesiology)

I have found the thing i want to study it's "Animal Behaviour" It's interesting subject. Many developed countries have "Veterinary behaviourist " but not in Thailand.

I met some Professors in my school today. They will do "Letter of Recommendtion" for me

I have a great idea for writing "statement of purpose".

This is the course i will apply http://www.internationalmasters.uu.nl/inde...an_en/index.cfm

I hope i get it.

Thank you


Bambi, my second wife was a Russian doctor. She came to the USA on a student visa so that she could take some specialized courses and discovered that many of her Russian courses would not count towards an advanced degree. Like you, she also did not do well the first time she took the English Proficiency Exam.

Ultimately, she decided to go back through college to get a pre-med degree and then was accepted for medical school. She worked very hard and had a brilliant scholastic record (straight A's throughout her undergraduate and post-graduate career) and is now finishing up her residency. It was an expensive process (she had the good fortune of having a husband who could afford it, even after we separated and ultimately divorced) but I'm sure it will be well worth it for her.

The point here is that it is not an easy process. And it is very expensive. But it is achievable. If I can be of any assistance, either from an advisory standpoint or as a resource for you, feel free to PM me. I wish you luck. I know that you have the desire, the intelligence and the experience to do well.

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Nong Bambi... ja

Your will and determination will get you far in life. As long as you have the “will”, your skill will improve over time, in whatever you choose to do. I don’t have any advice or words of wisdom to give you, except base from my own experiences.

By studying aboard, you will be able to live the life you choose to live of your own free will, without many confinements of our typical thai cultural norm, especially of us “thai women”. It will really open up your window to the world, your mentality will change by the time you get back to Thailand. Studying abroad is one of the best things you can do for yourself, if you can afford it, in both mentally, and financially. You will “for sure” get emotionally home sick from time to time – but you will get used to it. It will change your life, your personality, your perspectives, and your priorities in ways you never could imagined! And who knows you may discover that Germany (or wherever you choose to go) is the place you want to spend the rest of your life in! Take my advice, been there done that – you will love it and will appreciate more of your life and many little things in the world after that.

For me it’s the US and I love it! I also met and married my American husband (my best friend and still) while studying in the US, and our life couldn’t have been any better! By fate, at that time we were in the same “economic class”– second repeat for both of us...hehe, and we got married shortly after that....well a few months actually...just couldn't wait any longer! :o In a few months it will be our 21st anniversary.

Remember you only live once, so follow your passion and choose the career you truly love and you will never feel you’re working in each of a given day in your life.

Just PM me anytime if you want to know more about my experiences of studying, working, and living in a foreign land.

Best of luck and take care.

P' teacup

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My advice would be to get yourself into a graduate training program with an employer so as to get some practical experience under your belt and then consider which way you want to take your further studies.

I meet lots of people who have left it a little too late to get into a graduate training program, their added education not really increasing their employability.

It is also very much more the case these days that employers expect their staff to continue education after starting work. Many will provide financial and leave incentives to encourage staff to continue education.

My own experience was that once I started my career (as an engineer) I found continuing education very much easier, I had more direction, motivation and a better grasp of what I wanted to get from further education.

OK I accept, career is not everything; education need not be only about career and money (I'm studying Moral Philosophy this year and in the New Year I plan to take up Latin and Greek - nothing at all to do with my career as an Engineer).

But I do believe that if you think of education as something that you will continue for life, then it is easy to see the benefits of not dividing life into work/education periods.

For sure, if you take a professional career path then it is certain that you will be required to take part in regular education throughout your working life.

Get your foot on the ladder and then see how you go.

After all you may find you don't actually enjoy the job you spend years studying for.

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Bambi, hi teerak!

I'm afraid I haven't read all the replies here.

What I would say is that Utrecht has really become quite a cool place to live in recent years, and a decent university. Some of my cousins have attended there and I've visited there and it is lovely.

And close to KAYO!!! :o as I'm only across the north sea. So I can come and visit and you can observe ANIMAL behaviour first hand.

PS: Your english is great, you modest bambina...

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Thank you Endure :o

Crossed fingers and Toes.

And special thak for V forum.My English have been improving since I have joined.

ps, If you guys want to know I want to study in Animal Behaviour.I will give you some reasons.

Being a Vet for approximately 10 years, i have got many questions from my customers For instance,

1) Why my parrot tears his feather ?(I know the bird gets boredom)

2)How can i communicate with my gold fish?(me = :D )

3) My female dog is riding the other female / My male dog is riding the other male? is he/she gay?? ( I know it's dominant behavour)

4)From TV program about a Chimpamzee and Dog ,They are friend.Can they speak and understand each other??( me = :D )

5)How i fix my barking dog?

6)My dog gets paranoid with thunder ,what shoul i do?

7) My dog is shagging my leg and sometomg on a toy ,do u have any idea?


ps. 2 Thank you Jet gorgon for offering a favour. xoxo.In myopinion, Ielats is easier than TOEFL (I'm not good in grammar)

Dear Bambi

Your English is ok, the more you speak and write the better you will be!

The questions above are very interesting and I will try to give an answer to each of them.

However I am a student of psychology and not vet science and I cannot say that the answers below are correct but here goes!

I am off course relating animal behaviour to humans but as we all know animals are so much kinder, nicer and more intelligent!

1) Parrots are very intelligent members of the bird family and will get bored when they don't get enough attention or decent conversation. Hence they tend to tear their feathers when they get bored.

Humans are very similar and when they are bored or frustrated may pull out their hair simply because we don't have any feathers to pull out.

2) Fishes are not very talkative but they do love attention and people pulling funny faces at them!

Giving them a big smile and showing them a happy face will help make them feel happy and relaxed but please do not show them a smile with teeth! That will just remind them of a big fish ready for dinner!

3) There is no such thing as gay animals, they are just being friendly! Nothing to worry about really! Just let them be!

4) They can certainly be friends and even understand and relate to each other but they really cannot talk to each other. Only humans can speak to each other but usually not very well as human communications are on a very low level and many misunderstandings usually occur.

5) I think fixing a dog is very cruel! All dogs bark! Its in their nature! I would never get a human fixed if he or she spoke too much!

6) I knew a big golden retriever that was always scared of thunder. Its just best to calm the dog down and calm strokes on his or her back when they are scared help relaxes them. I don't like thunder too and this certainly helps me!

7) Dogs get horny too like humans and maybe getting a companion for him or her would really help! Its just animal instinct and nothing to worry about! I have no idea which kind of toy your customer is referring to! But maybe they should be more careful about what kind of toy they give their dog! Maybe one this is not too visually suggestive that put ideas into his or her head and give them ideas about making puppies!

I hope this helps but as I said I think animals are way above humans and maybe humans are not intelligent enough to understand them yet!

More studies about animal behaviour will certainly help!

Good luck with your studies!


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You're absolutely right! You are not a student of vet science! :D Bambi was posing questions she gets asked; not questions she doesn't know the answers to.

All of the "humping" questions in dogs are most likely down to dominance (male & female) not being horny or friendly. No-one was suggesting fixing - read neutering - for barking, just "fixing the problem". And why is neutering cruel? I'd love to hear your opinion on this. BTW, fish have a very short attention span, I wouldn't worry too much about trying to communicate with them. Best of luck in your day job - I wouldn't swap to animal behaviourist, if I were you. :o

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You're absolutely right! You are not a student of vet science! :D Bambi was posing questions she gets asked; not questions she doesn't know the answers to.

All of the "humping" questions in dogs are most likely down to dominance (male & female) not being horny or friendly. No-one was suggesting fixing - read neutering - for barking, just "fixing the problem". And why is neutering cruel? I'd love to hear your opinion on this. BTW, fish have a very short attention span, I wouldn't worry too much about trying to communicate with them. Best of luck in your day job - I wouldn't swap to animal behaviourist, if I were you. :D

Dear November Rain

Thank you very much for posting your clarification!

I mistook - How can i communicate with my gold fish?(me = :D ) - as looking for an answer!

I am well-impressed with Bambi if she is answering these kind of questions!

As for why neutering is cruel?

My opinion and its really just an opinion is that dogs like humans are mammals and have a maternal instinct and they would have natural feelings of wanting to have offsprings.

Little puppies which they will want to look after and nurture and protect and teach how to avoid them pesky dog catchers etc!

I can understand having many puppies maybe an inconvenience for the owner but I think its cruel to deprive the poor dog for our own convenience.

I guess having a dog is a major responsibility maybe like having kids.

No reason for not playing with them fishes because they have a short span of attention! I have a short span of attention too and the best thing is having lots of attention to make up for it! :o

I am also not too sure about not swapping my day job to be an animal behaviourist - the best minds for learning anything is an empty one.

And there is no mind as empty as mine! :D



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Edited by Glauka
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Thank you all posters and PMs (I have got many helpful PM) for engouraging me .

By the way ,I will send my application to SLU too.

SLU – the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science

2-year Master's Programmes

Animal Science

This programme offers knowledge about the biology, function and wellbeing of domestic animals. The studies focus on four profile areas; -Farm animals, -Animals for sports and companion, -Ethology, welfare and animal housing, -Biomedicine and animal health. You may also choose to concentrate on, for instance, animal genetics or nutrition.

IELTS recommended minimum score 5.0. TOEFL-scores (I have got 6) :o

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Don't worry Bambi. I once remember a friend of mine at the British Council saying half of her teachers couldn't pass the IELTS !!

I have seen past papers, Thai friends of mine have studied before they test (or maybe it was textbooks too). I remember some of them needed quite good general knowledge or even specific knowledge to pass. For some reason a question about the inner workings of a tap springs to mind!

Just study a bit more and take the test again if you want a higher mark. I think the subject matter of the questions could greatly affect your mark. Definitely looking at past papers will help

This link looks good

IELTS Thailand

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You are an intelligent person who has a direction in your life. You will get to where you want.

The best advise given here is to practice, and practice regularly. This is both the written and spoken English. As was pointed out academic writing is different from conversational or informal writing, so once you have passed the IELTS you may want to keep studying so you can show your knowledge in the way the marker of the exam or essay wants.

Become best friends with someone who is familiar with academic writing and have them critically look at your writing, be prepared for criticism and to learn what the markers want so you get the marks that reflect your knowledge.

Good luck.

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Ah yes, honest Lady! I skipped from 1 to 6.

OK, write it all in your own thoughts and words, and I'll edit it for you (English editing is my real job). We don't want you barred from entry for plagiarism.

Edited by Jet Gorgon
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