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"Big Joke" to the rescue helping southerners get home for Covid-19 treatment


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Ah yes, the south, the home of Martial Law since 2004.


Maybe put Big Joke in charge of the peace process down there?


I think he's from one of the four restive southern provinces?





Edited by mtls2005
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Big Joke's star turn at CM Immigration a while back was a notable success.

   The usual crowded, disorganized, and stressful conditions disappeared after he arrived.

   Efficiency and courtesy prevailed until he was removed and the status quo returned.

   This daft idea of moving infected people around the country in vans, if it is indeed his, sounds like a publicity stunt to keep him in the news.

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"Big Joke" to the rescue helping southerners get home for Covid-19 treatment.

How about -
"Big Joke" facilitates the government in sending Covid infected Thais to upcountry provinces to infect the uninfected to spread the regional pandemic and infect the entire nation.

Let's call it what it is.

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2 minutes ago, connda said:

"Big Joke" to the rescue helping southerners get home for Covid-19 treatment.

How about -
"Big Joke" facilitates the government in sending Covid infected Thais to upcountry provinces to infect the uninfected to spread the regional pandemic and infect the entire nation.

Let's call it what it is.

Here's the historical equivalent.

The US Army sending smallpox infected blanket to the native Indians on their newly established reservation in order to make sure they were 'warm' during the winter. 

But but but - that's fake.  Of course it is.  Condolences to all the dead native Americans.
The victors write history.

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