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Pandemic of the unvaccinated????

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6 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

Lets wait and see on that one. Very little surprises me with this whole thing. What if its not? 

Then I guess lots of people will go on railing against it despite the fact that it dramatically reduces serious hospitalizations and deaths

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On 8/9/2021 at 5:16 AM, Jeffr2 said:

100% incorrect. You really need a better source for your news.


Vaccines are our only way out of this mess. Being a covid sceptic helps no one.

Your opinion is hardly a fact.  The way out of the mess may probably be to just let it run its course as some countries have done without major lockdowns, curfews or economic destruction.  And they ended up pretty much in the same place as the countries that put millions out of work, lost monies, lost health insurance beause they can not pay and that will lead to untreated preventive things that will not bode well in the long run  The COVID and variants and likely other viruses will probably be coming and will be around for a long time.  The old and weak will suffer.  The laws of nature which are sometimes not pleasant.  30,000 people die in the USA due to smoking voluntarily.  Thousands die in car crashes.  Thousands die from obesity and horrible diet, and hypertension.  Add alll those things up and they surpass the deaths cause by or allegedly caused by COVID.  Many people had COVID, but that does not necessarily mean they died from COVID. 

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19 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

A 'Pandemic of the unvaccinated'? I dont know....seems to be on shaky ground....Vaccine passports? Fine if the vaccines work....but do they? I am beginning to wonder



As I wrote before, the long term effects and results are NOT known yet.  Wait another year and see how the previously treated people fare,  How vaccines work against variants.  How long the vaccine effectiveness really lasts in the majority of the population, or against different age groups or other discriminators.

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21 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

A 'Pandemic of the unvaccinated'? I dont know....seems to be on shaky ground....Vaccine passports? Fine if the vaccines work....but do they? I am beginning to wonder



Just in case it's hard to figure out, that fact the best vaccines are starting to falter against ever improving SARS-2 mutations, is not good, nor a good a reason to dis vaccines.

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35 minutes ago, gk10012001 said:

Your opinion is hardly a fact.  The way out of the mess may probably be to just let it run its course as some countries have done without major lockdowns, curfews or economic destruction.  And they ended up pretty much in the same place as the countries that put millions out of work, lost monies, lost health insurance beause they can not pay and that will lead to untreated preventive things that will not bode well in the long run  The COVID and variants and likely other viruses will probably be coming and will be around for a long time.  The old and weak will suffer.  The laws of nature which are sometimes not pleasant.  30,000 people die in the USA due to smoking voluntarily.  Thousands die in car crashes.  Thousands die from obesity and horrible diet, and hypertension.  Add alll those things up and they surpass the deaths cause by or allegedly caused by COVID.  Many people had COVID, but that does not necessarily mean they died from COVID. 

Please provide a credible link that proves this. Otherwise.....


Trying to compare smoking and car crashes to covid ? Good gosh.


Again, you really need a better source for your news.

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36 minutes ago, gk10012001 said:

As I wrote before, the long term effects and results are NOT known yet.  Wait another year and see how the previously treated people fare,  How vaccines work against variants.  How long the vaccine effectiveness really lasts in the majority of the population, or against different age groups or other discriminators.

In another year, millions more will be dead. Jabs are one of the best weapons we have in this battle. No denying that, though some try.

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2 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

A 'Pandemic of the unvaccinated'? I dont know....seems to be on shaky ground....Vaccine passports? Fine if the vaccines work....but do they? I am beginning to wonder



Seems to be true in the US, the hospitals are saying that the majority of COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated.

But it seems like in India cases dropped for unknown reasons.

Israel data is being interpreted differently as far as what it means.

But what else is there other than vaccines?


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1 hour ago, gk10012001 said:

As I wrote before, the long term effects and results are NOT known yet.  Wait another year and see how the previously treated people fare,  How vaccines work against variants.  How long the vaccine effectiveness really lasts in the majority

of the population, or against different age groups or other discriminators.

I have looked into this question a little bit (I'm not an MD or PhD in immunology) and found that the reasons that long term effects are not expected are several.


Long term effects of medications and drugs in the past have been from meds/drugs that are taken often, for a long period of time, and so are in the body constantly for a long period of time.  All the examples that people come up with seem to be this type of medication/drug.


Vaccines have been administered for years and have been closely observed; side-effects from other vaccines in the past have been observed in the first 6 weeks after vaccination.  In contrast to the drugs/meds mentioned above, vaccines are administered once or twice and are in the body for only a short period of time.


The ingredients used in the current vaccines are ingredients commonly used in previous vaccines.

The RNA or DNA portions of the vaccines breakdown very rapidly.

 I know that people are especially concerned about these, but because of their fragility and because their components are the same as found naturally in the body:

for DNA: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine;. for RNA uracil replaces thymine. Same in humans and other organisms.

We ingest RNA and DNA all the time and do it safely: for example "Even bananas surprisingly still share about 60% of the same DNA as humans!"


(I have informally tested the long term side effects of bananas for years.).


I believe that vaccines are unlikely to contribute to long term effects.


Some people are afraid of long term effects, even still, the reasons listed above do argue that long term effects are not likely.

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12 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Please provide a credible link that proves this. Otherwise.....


Trying to compare smoking and car crashes to covid ? Good gosh.


Again, you really need a better source for your news.

No I do not.  My point is personal behavior and lifestyle and health may do more to help than any vaccine program.  And they are cheaper to do

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7 hours ago, gk10012001 said:

No I do not.  My point is personal behavior and lifestyle and health may do more to help than any vaccine program.  And they are cheaper to do

Your opinion. And it's at odds with the medical experts. I'll stick with their opinions and recommendations.


Sadly, as has been proven, impossibly to rely on many to do the right thing. Look at how hard it's been just to get some to wear a mask.

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https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/08/18/covid-hospitals-delta/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Sentences 8.20.21


“It’s absolutely due to delta; it’s absolutely due to unvaccinated people,” said David Wohl, a specialist in infectious diseases at the University of North Carolina. “There is an incredible increase in hospitalizations across the spectrum, from just needing oxygen and some care to needing serious interventions to keep people alive. If everyone was vaccinated, our hospitals would not be anywhere near where we are,” Wohl said.

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Biden is being thrown under the bus, that much seems clear. Even the headlines regarding the Covid narrative are changing. Even maintstream media now beginning to question Boosters etc....The Covid story may change again in the coming months. You see, the 'science' does seem to be changing an awful lot:





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55 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

Biden is being thrown under the bus, that much seems clear. Even the headlines regarding the Covid narrative are changing. Even maintstream media now beginning to question Boosters etc....The Covid story may change again in the coming months. You see, the 'science' does seem to be changing an awful lot:





The first is an opinion piece. The CDC is now recommending booster shots. From what I've read about Israel, they're needed.

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Phil Valentine, radio host who regretted vaccine skepticism, dies of Covid-19

"I know if he were able to tell you this, he would tell you, 'Go get vaccinated,'" said Phil Valentine's brother, Mark Valentine.
Edited by Jeffr2
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*deleted post edited out*


People ‘at the end of their lives’......    Question... if someone ‘at the end of their lives’ has their life cut short by covid-19, how much time is acceptable, 3 months, 6 months, 2 years ?.... 


If we were to loose a parent to Covid-19, can we accept 2 weeks, we’d be pretty upset if Covid-19 ‘stole’ 2 years of life.


This is the issue when people ‘coldly’ state, it is only the old who are dying. 


The reality is also different. I know young people who have had covid and while they were not killed, they suffered badly. A 21 year old girl (healthy, a runner) was in a mess, bed ridden. Another, a work colleague, mid 40’s was in a high dependency unit for a few weeks, moments away from needing a respirator.



That said: I do agree with you... IF governments were as concerns as other major killers, they’d plow more money into things like cancer research, and do more to limit sugar etc, encourage exercise etc 


None of the above detracts from the severity of covid-19. Because ‘other bad stuff’ happens, it does not mean covid-19 is any less severe. 

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10 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

Heroic statements abound! Make sure you add a pic here. I want to see your arm. I have an arm fetish.


Seems like the heroic statements are mostly coming from the anti-vax/vax-hesitant/grown-men-afraid-of-needles group.

"I'm not afraid of COVID"

even "I'm not afraid to die"

and characterizing those who get vaccinated as fearful.

Lot of bluster, bragging, bravado, bombast, boasting, swaggering, and machismo.

Oh, and childishness.

We are seeing reports from the Southern US of teary-eyed tough guys begging for the vaccine after they came down with severe COVID, also reports of last words of the vax-hesitant encouraging others to get vaccinated.

I am waiting to see the reasoned, intelligent and measured responses this post will get.

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Kids sick with Covid are filling up children's hospitals in areas seeing spikes

“Absolutely household infections are the beginning of this pandemic, that is a major driving force in the spread of infections. We see it often within households, parents to children,” a pediatrician said.
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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:



Kids sick with Covid are filling up children's hospitals in areas seeing spikes

“Absolutely household infections are the beginning of this pandemic, that is a major driving force in the spread of infections. We see it often within households, parents to children,” a pediatrician said.

"Our children's hospitals are busy, predominantly because of the winter viruses that have come back with a vengeance," he said.



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