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Why So Many Cynical, Angry Bitter Members


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Hey Mr. Magoo,

They're people, not trees. They can move. And my son is an American - He and his mother can go anywhere I do.

Brilliant assessment - thanks for your valuable comment.

Your welcome.

So as you are a person, not a tree rooted to Thailand, I must ask why you suffer in Thailand ?

I never liked living in the UK, so hey, guess what I did, I left the UK.

Ain't rocket science is it ?

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The stupidly negative posts can be clever and diverting. Yeah, like good bar chat. More often they're just stupid and offensive. Warnings about scams and information regarding bad experiences is one thing. Rants about how all Thais are dumb and how "they" can't do anything right are another. At the same time, I like it that the moderators leave the racism and other stupidity in for the most part, since I accept the largely American idea that, like fungus, stupid ideas do best in the dark and worst when exposed to the light.

Yes, click, I'm calling your ideas fungus, but you did threaten to hang me. Cheers.

Ok Barrister, let's have a wee bit of logic class for the commoners, shall we?

But first, let's hang you with your own words in fact, why don't you quote where I threatened to hang YOU.

Tick Tock Counselor - Tick Tock - The timer is running ....

I'll await your enlightened and possibly mouldy answer.

Ummmmm. Point of order. Our bitter new friend Click didnt threaten to hang dumspero.

Mr Click thought erroneously that I was a lawyer, and suggested that I hang myself.

Naturally I ignored him. Because I'm happy. Not bitter. Nor resentful. Nor angry.

Oh . . one more thing. If Click is a psychotherapist, can you imagine the state of his patients after a session? :o

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I'm slightly amused with the one line sycophant postings that have cluttered the last few pages. This thread should be closed soley on the basis that the posters are bereft of anything other than one line "Attaboys" which amount to nothing more than bad fodder for mental masturbation.

Human beings in their true form have shown themselves in the light of day to be garbage. You squeal in delight at the thought of someone else being either miserable or stuck ( I am neither) and insert your own maladies into the discussion for your own amusement.

According to some of you, I:

  • didn't do my homework
  • have run out of dosh (stupid word - try money)
  • got stuck with a kid
  • etc etc etc

And yet through all your reading, enabling, guffawing, backslapping and other tomfoolery you never read what I wrote nor did you comprehend its meaning. I suppose since it didn't transmit to your brains through the medium of television replete with dancing clowns and stupid whistle sounds, you couldn't process it. Pity.

Allow me to summarize:

  • I'll complain all I want - it's my right and I want things to improve not go backwards
  • The Thai People are oblivious to their lack of government
  • Stop moving the mark - make a law and stick to it (immigration)
  • Don't eat excrement in front of me and tell me it tastes good.
  • My son is a gift. Don't any of you ever demean his existence - ever.
  • My wife is a fine mother and that she is Thai doesn't root her here. She is fed up with "Khun Thai" and government or lack thereof.
  • Dosh is not a problem. Logistics and time are more pressing
  • Don't tell me I can't criticize because .......

This country is on the precipice but the majority of the people seem not to care. The expat community has shown themselves to care about only their next meal, next lay, and more importantly their next drink. So long as you can exploit the nearest bargirl with a bit of dosh life is grand isn't it?

Thailand is changing right in front of our eyes and not for the better. If any of you think that democracy will return, it will be when pigs fly.

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LOL ... poor click! hates the word dosh but uses it :o

hates being painted by a broad brush but does it to others ... etc etc

stick around another week click ... during that week spend some time reading up on Thailand's history from 1932 until now :D

Edited by jdinasia
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He certainly is throwing one hel_l of a hissy fit. Just because his highly entertaing rant got picked to pieces he's running bleating to the mods "please close the thread".

Clicky, a word or two of advice. In the top right hand corner of your screen you'll see a little red square with a white cross in it. Click on it and all the demons will go away and the little voices in your head will stop.

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Click, you implied that you would like to see lawyers hanged and it was that threat to which I responded. Agreed, you never expressly threatened to hang me. Sorry if you feel so inferior that you believe anyone thinks being a lawyer is any kind of big deal. I certainly don't, nor do I think being a doctor or anything else means anything. I don't understand why you brought up the lawyer and "physician" points in the first place. It's the posts, not who is posting, their job or who their daddy is. And that was your only response to my post?

You seem to have some serious issues. Hopefully, you're just entertaining other posters, but that seems increasingly unlikely.

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I complain here because it's Tuesday afternoon and I didn't get my lunch time nap, so I'm crabby (or should I say Krabi).

Like a lot of people I have Pet Peeves--those little, mostly unimportant things, that drive me nuts. This is a good place to vent them and then let them go away. At least for a while.

Now I feel better so you all have a nice day!

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I want the thread closed because I didn't start it, and others have closed down my threads with loud pleading to the mods.

Before I leave this Godforsaken place I want to close someone else's thread.


great one!!! made my day.

so this is your lifes ambition to closes somone elses thread??


the best post in a way long time.

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[1]I'll complain all I want - it's my right and I want things to improve not go backwards

[2]The Thai People are oblivious to their lack of government

[3]Stop moving the mark - make a law and stick to it (immigration)

[4]Don't eat excrement in front of me and tell me it tastes good.

[5]My son is a gift. Don't any of you ever demean his existence - ever.

[6]My wife is a fine mother and that she is Thai doesn't root her here. She is fed up with "Khun Thai" and government or lack thereof.

[7]Dosh is not a problem. Logistics and time are more pressing

[8]Don't tell me I can't criticize because .......

This country is on the precipice but the majority of the people seem not to care. The expat community has shown themselves to care about only their next meal, next lay, and more importantly their next drink. So long as you can exploit the nearest bargirl with a bit of dosh life is grand isn't it?

Thailand is changing right in front of our eyes and not for the better. If any of you think that democracy will return, it will be when pigs fly.

I'll reply to your a.m. list.

1) The other posters have the same rights

2) As is the silent majority in every country

3) For some, conditions have improved dramatically including me. I have a 1 year non-immigrant 0 visa, for 17 years now.

4) Depends on what you call excrement.

5) Good for you

6) Maybe her opinion has been influenced by yours.

7) You are lucky, some of us don't have that luxury.

As to (8) nobody denies you the right to criticize, but if you do you have to expect to be criticized also. And I believe that they are just baiting you and you bite like a very hungry fish.

My 2 cents of what I believe to be my my personal wisdom.



Edited by Jai Dee
quote limits corrected for clarity
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LOL ... poor click! hates the word dosh but uses it :D

hates being painted by a broad brush but does it to others ... etc etc

stick around another week click ... during that week spend some time reading up on Thailand's history from 1932 until now :D

Glad he wasnt my teacher, id have had to stay in every night as im truly stupid :o ,im trying to undersatnd him but he keeps going for the throat and telling how great he is and what a wunch of bankers we are, i can see why he wants to close this thread,hes digging himself in deeper !
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I want the thread closed because I didn't start it, and others have closed down my threads with loud pleading to the mods.

Before I leave this Godforsaken place I want to close someone else's thread.


great one!!! made my day.

so this is your lifes ambition to closes somone elses thread??


the best post in a way long time.

Why not? I hijacked it so I should be able to land it as well.

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LOL ... poor click! hates the word dosh but uses it :o

hates being painted by a broad brush but does it to others ... etc etc

stick around another week click ... during that week spend some time reading up on Thailand's history from 1932 until now :D

It's a stupid Brit word isn't it? Much like Brekkie for Breakfast. I wonder about you people - wierd.

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He certainly is throwing one hel_l of a hissy fit. Just because his highly entertaing rant got picked to pieces he's running bleating to the mods "please close the thread".

Clicky, a word or two of advice. In the top right hand corner of your screen you'll see a little red square with a white cross in it. Click on it and all the demons will go away and the little voices in your head will stop.

Picked to pieces? Elaborate right here, right now. Nothing I wrote was "picked to pieces" if anything, it is written on a level higher than the average TV boardie's ability to comprehend.

But have it professor I could use some entertainment.

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I want the thread closed because I didn't start it, and others have closed down my threads with loud pleading to the mods.

Before I leave this Godforsaken place I want to close someone else's thread.


great one!!! made my day.

so this is your lifes ambition to closes somone elses thread??


the best post in a way long time.

Why not? I hijacked it so I should be able to land it as well.

Nah ... but with great quotes like that ... your 'vacation' in pattaya may not be the only thing that will end shortly :o

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He certainly is throwing one hel_l of a hissy fit. Just because his highly entertaing rant got picked to pieces he's running bleating to the mods "please close the thread".

Clicky, a word or two of advice. In the top right hand corner of your screen you'll see a little red square with a white cross in it. Click on it and all the demons will go away and the little voices in your head will stop.

Picked to pieces? Elaborate right here, right now. Nothing I wrote was "picked to pieces" if anything, it is written on a level higher than the average TV boardie's ability to comprehend.

But have it professor I could use some entertainment.

Valium is available over the counter. :o


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I think Mr. Click is very stressed. It is understandable in a place like Pattaya where so large a portion of Thai people do indeed see farangs as walking ATM suckers. This man is trying to live a normal life here and is not on a two week millionaire romp, yet everywhere he goes, people are treating him this way. It can wear you down. Living any kind of "normal" life in such an environment is a real challenge for many expats in Pattaya, and many are not up to the challenge.

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I think Mr. Click is very stressed. It is understandable in a place like Pattaya where so large a portion of Thai people do indeed see farangs as walking ATM suckers. This man is trying to live a normal life here and is not on a two week millionaire romp, yet everywhere he goes, people are treating him this way. It can wear you down. Living any kind of "normal" life in such an environment is a real challenge for many expats in Pattaya, and many are not up to the challenge.

I agree! I have said many many times that many people are not capable of staying in Thailand and managing to keep it all together!

Changing regulations make me think ... ok what do I need to do! ... NOT ..'omg those bastards are out to get me!" etc etc

I pay the prices my neighbors pay for the same things ... etc etc ...

Life is good but it does take the ability to be flex!

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I think Mr. Click is very stressed. It is understandable in a place like Pattaya where so large a portion of Thai people do indeed see farangs as walking ATM suckers. This man is trying to live a normal life here and is not on a two week millionaire romp, yet everywhere he goes, people are treating him this way. It can wear you down. Living any kind of "normal" life in such an environment is a real challenge for many expats in Pattaya, and many are not up to the challenge.

I agree! I have said many many times that many people are not capable of staying in Thailand and managing to keep it all together!

Changing regulations make me think ... ok what do I need to do! ... NOT ..'omg those bastards are out to get me!" etc etc

I pay the prices my neighbors pay for the same things ... etc etc ...

Life is good but it does take the ability to be flex!

Discover thailand and lose yourself ,would make a great tourist advert
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are you lost vigo man?

It DOES in fact take a strong sense of self to maintain a sense of yourself in a strange country, and yet be flexible to changing events etc ... some people just don't have that. Instead they feel threatened by the reality.

it is not a bed of roses being an immigrant in any place in the world ... Thailand seems better than most places!

Edited by jdinasia
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are you lost vigo man?

It DOES in fact take a strong sense of self to maintain a sense of yourself in a strange country, and yet be flexible to changing events etc ... some people just don't have that. Instead they feel threatened by the reality.

it is not a bed of roses being an immigrant in any place in the world ... Thailand seems better than most places!

I got lost a few times, but now have found myself, happily married in thailand, good and bad everywhere,at least the thais smile while attemting to fleece us :o . with all its problems and this that when i go out and see things such as this i remember why i came here, i wanted a bike that could carry four :D


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I'm bemused here as to why a trained psychologist can't analyse his own mental state.

Does a shrink have to go to another shrink for this? Like in The Sopranos?

I'm untrained but when I have to face a class of strangers and teach them what they want learn, the first thing I do is a quick analysis of the types so I know what I have to do for best effect.

If I were trained as a shrink, I don't think it would take me long to see through scammers and takers in LOS and elsewhere.

I think I would also be better equipped to see signs of stress in myself and the reasons why.

In that case I'd work on eliminating the reasons by changing my lifestyle, e.g. move on if the place is the problem.

Despite the withering comments about Brits and their strange ways, I maintain we're among the world leaders for pragmatism.

And that's probably why Brits predominate among the real, enduring expat community, followed closely by Aussies.

Could this be why Brit psychologists emigrate to the US, to find sufficient needy patients?

Edited by qwertz
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I'm bemused here as to why a trained psychologist can't analyse his own mental state.

Does a shrink have to go to another shrink for this? Like in The Sopranos?

I'm untrained but when I have to face a class of strangers and teach them what they want learn, the first thing I do is a quick analysis of the types so I know what I have to do for best effect.

If I were trained as a shrink, I don't think it would take me long to see through scammers and takers in LOS and elsewhere.

I think I would also be better equipped to see signs of stress in myself and the reasons why.

In that case I'd work on eliminating the reasons by changing my lifestyle, e.g. move on if the place is the problem.

Despite the withering comments about Brits and their strange ways, I maintain we're among the world leaders for pragmatism.

And that's probably why Brits predominate among the real, enduring expat community, followed closely by Aussies.

Could this be why Brit psychologists emigrate to the US, to find sufficient needy patients?

I treated medically and psychologically a British Psychiatrist - He was mad as a hatter. That's all I'll say unless you'd like his name and address - look him up - his patients stay with him but never get better.

You people have real Oedipus issues.

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