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If someone is telling about an experience that is a negative, and he/she is telling the truth, that is not being cynical. It is likely that some posters here are not being truthfull and just throwing out negative spin stories to amuse themselves and fuel other negative relplies, ie the so-called troll. My comments are related to my 3 years of living in LOS, which for the most part, have been positive. The major porblem area has been in trying to establish relationships with the lovely ladies. It has been almost 100% negative, with outrageous and ridiculous requests for money, from oftentimes acquaintences who are not even girlfriends, and who are not interested in being a girlfriend of mine. I have gotten so I don't trust any of them, unless I am able to verify thier stories and situations on my own accord, which is difficult if not impossible. They seem to think I am Santa Claus. I have never experienced such bold-faced behaviour from women back home.

As for dealings in other areas of daily life here, it is rare that I find someone trying to take advantage of be because I am a Farang. The few times I might have ben overcharged amount to peanuts, ie restaurant, Tuk-tuk, etc. Some posters hollering about being overcharged 50 bht by a taxi driver should get a life.

'a2396' I would not dare to make a cynical answer to your note because you talk your truth, and in a good way. Answers mood are usually a reflection of the OP mood.

Things can be better for you if you try different social groups....just wish you the best of luck.

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Why so many cynical, angry/bitter members around. Everything is either a scam, rip-off, or gangster/mafia driven.

I've been ripped off here a few times, but also in Europe, Africa & S. America as well.

Just chalk it up to experience, and a learning experience & hopfully the experience has made me wiser so I do not fall into that trap again & move on with my life.

I'm not a member of the "love it or leave it club" & just view these occurances due to my own stupidity.

Those pple who post as a warning, thank you.

I have just added a post which did not usefully contribute to the thread, something I'm trying to avoid.


I believe the reason we get so many "cynical, angry/bitter members contributing to some of these threads is because the "silent majority" are people who have no particular axe to grind. They are living here, quietly getting on with their lives. Dealing with the day-to-day problems and generally content with their lot, That is not to say they suffer from an "I'm alright Jack" attitude more like an "I've got nothing attention grabbing or useful to add'! If they did offer their "No probs" these threads would be a lot longer, probably more boring but the discontents would be in the minority.

No decent American believes it is right for an American in America to take advantage of a foreigner. In America it makes us cringe, we wince when we hear of such stories.

:D :D :D

I;m sorry... What was that?

Anybody clarify that for me? cos I MUST have misunderstood. :o

Shut up, I'll complain all I want.

exactly ,

i may not agree with what you say ,

however along with many good men before me ,

I'll fight for your right to say it .


I suppose you Polly Anna's would tell me how good your meal tasted even though you found out it was smeared with excrement by a Thai who didn't like Farang. Oh they're just playing, it's all part of being an expat so don't complain.

Shut up, I'll complain all I want.

you can complain as much as you want Click. but calling those of us who have a more moderate view of Thailand and Thai people "Polyannas" (please notice the correct spelling!) and that in combination with food and excrement goes to far!

by now we all know that you have a sh*tty life and are in dire need of a shrink. perhaps we could organize a collection as for sure you can't afford one as you are saving for the education of your little boy.



Gee is this stuff still going on? In the past I've seen it a thousand times. It is one reason I went my own way and turned my back on the ex-pat community, for the most part. At least the newbies. Too many stupid people doing stupid things and then crying foul. A guy who has some street smarts back home and would be suspicious of some guy who walked up to him on the street, will open is life and checkbook to the first Thai that smiles and says hello. This, in a country where nobody talks to anybody without a proper introduction, seems rather foolish. If you jump into shark infested waters, gushing blood from an open wound, I don't think you have much of gripe when a shark acts like a shark and has you for breakfast. When people step onto a new playing field, where they don't know the rules, customs, habits and practices they should be more careful, not less. A good dose of alcohol, hormones and ego plus placing yourself in the most dangerous and vulnerable place you can imagine doesn't seem like a recipe for success. If you live in the red-light district of any country, your in for a rough and bumpy ride.

Tourists get ripped off in tourist places. Get used to it. In Hawaii we have a Kama'aina rate for locals and you need a Hawaii ID like a driver's license to get the discount rate. Tourists pay more. A lot of what is happening to you guys is due to your own greed, stupidity and arrogance. Go hang out with nice people and nice things might happen. Hangout in a snake pit and well you ought to be able to figure out what is going to happen.

If you wish to be stupid, don't chide me because I wish to be careful, don't try to shame me with your stupidity and foolishness. If you enjoy overpaying then continue it by all means, but do not try to lull me into your mental illness, I'll have none of it. Overpay, but know that the Thais who take your money with their toothless grins, laugh at you and at the end of the day as they become convinced that people like you, and people not like you but of your color, are stupid gits who are easily taken. They laugh at you and I detest you.

I love you too click :o

But click you appears to be a nice chap whose plan is not wolking at all....not sure whether I should be sympathetic with you (you americans have all on your hands to make things work for you), but I would suggest you to spend your energy in fixing your own problems becuase complaining about Thailand will fix neither...

If you jump into shark infested waters, gushing blood from an open wound, I don't think you have much of gripe when a shark acts like a shark and has you for breakfast

I certainly agree with that, and I also think that we should not forget there are two sides to the story. Thailand and the Farang.

That Thailand attracts so many guys with "open wounds" is a significant factor in why they get in such a mess when they arrive in Thailand.


I suppose you Polly Anna's would tell me how good your meal tasted even though you found out it was smeared with excrement by a Thai who didn't like Farang. Oh they're just playing, it's all part of being an expat so don't complain.

Shut up, I'll complain all I want.

you can complain as much as you want Click. but calling those of us who have a more moderate view of Thailand and Thai people "Polyannas" (please notice the correct spelling!) and that in combination with food and excrement goes to far!

by now we all know that you have a sh*tty life and are in dire need of a shrink. perhaps we could organize a collection as for sure you can't afford one as you are saving for the education of your little boy.


Please dont be angry at those less fortunate.

i gatthered a few quotes by great people that shed some more light on the way americans view life.

please light up your Cuban and pour a nice Port and read :D:D:D

America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top.

- - - Charlie King

Americans always try to do the right thing -- after they've tried everything else.

- - - Winston Churchill

Americans are possibly the dumbest people on the planet. ...We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing.

- - - Michael Moore

Americans can eat garbage, provided you sprinkle it liberally with ketchup, mustard, chili sauce, Tabasco sauce, cayenne pepper, or any other condiment which destroys the original flavor of the dish.

- - - Henry Miller

America is one long expectoration.

- - - Oscar Wilde

In California, they don't throw their garbage away - they make it into TV shows.

- - - Woody Allen

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence to never practice either of them.

- - - Mark Twain (about America)

Never criticize Americans. They have the best taste that money can buy.

- - - Miles Kington

Of course, America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up.

- - - Oscar Wilde

The 100% American is 99% idiot.

- - - George Bernard Shaw

Their demeanor is invariably morose, sullen, clownish and repulsive. I should think there is not, on the face of the earth, a people so entirely destitute of humor, vivacity, or the capacity for enjoyment.

- - - Charles Dickens (about Americans)


I live in Pattaya. I am reasonably cheerful about things here. Yes, the percentage of louts, farang and Thai, is astronomical, but the way I see it, I live in a human circus with world class people watching. Who needs London theater when you have a Pattaya baht bus? My perspective and daily experiences are totally diferent than when I was in Thailand as a tourist. Yes, many of the Thai people here are trying to play you for the jai yen patsy and don't treat you like a human being and its obvious many just don't like farangs. Best not to get bitter about it and yes, its still not worth it to fight too hard against it. If you're going to have to do that, or can't help it, I would say find a way to get out of Dodge (so I guess I am a love it or leave it guy but I sure understand how you might not love it).

"The whole life of an American is passed like a game of chance, a revolutionary crisis, or a battle."

"...I know of no other country where love of money has such a grip on men's hearts or where stronger scorn is expressed for the theory of permanent equality of property." He obviously hadn't been to Thailand!

Alexis de Tocqueville On America

bendix....what's wrong with short people by the way? can we still be cool? :D

No. Impossible. What a silly question :o

Here is torito's theme song

"short people ain't got no reason to"

Off topic a little, I know.


The intelligence of the people replying leaves much to be desired. I have learned two things since I posted, only one of those things shall prove useful to me in life.

Thanks so much for the proper spelling of Pollyanna, I shall use this fine info in my future writings. The other thing I learned, is that the lot of you have no capacity to read something including the Bendix who purports to be some sort of lawyer.

Just an aside, but Lawyers are what ruined my beloved country and I hope one day we find out what trees and bridges are really designed to hold.

You all read what I wrote but none of you understood what I said. How can that be? Let's set some facts for those of you who wouldn't know how to pick apart fantasy from reality.

  • I have a happy beautiful child - a little boy - who was planned.
  • I have a gorgeous wife - educated - smart - speaks great English
  • She's a great mother
  • I live in a fantastic house
  • Great neighborhood
  • We have plenty of money to provide for our child.

I happen to live in Pattaya because I don't want to live in Bangkok and she didn't want to go to Phuket because it was too far from her family and friends and too close to the crap in the south.

Pattaya is a $hithole full of appropriate classed people for such a venue. It's that simple. We don't drink, I don't whore around, we frequent family places full of families but it is difficult to shield ourselves from the verminous scum that visit and live in this horrid place.

You who read what you want from my well crafted words are the problem. My theory is that it is you who are miserable and you want everyone else to validate your twisted view so that you can feel better about yourselves.

Go back and read what I wrote. Post appropriately. Work through your mental maladies or save us all the trouble and do your 15th floor jump now.



i don't agree with those quotes about americans. i have lived and worked in several countries but only in one of those countries (Cyprus) i have experienced people more friendly than in the fifteen years i spent in the United States.

the average american is naive and (judged by european standards) quite uneducated when it concerns "things" across the borders of the Greatest Nation on Earth™.


"you are a german? do you know by chance a Werner Müller who lives in Hamburg?" (happened several times, names and cities different of course).

-to a singaporean friend of my wife the question (asked by a Ph.D.!) "so how will you feel when next year your country is handed back to communist China?"

"you spend your holidays often in Thailand. aren't you and your wife afraid to contract AIDS?"

(possessing a second home in the U.S. worth three quarter million dollars the question of a neighbour) "how can you afford to pay xyz dollars per gallon for gasoline in Germany?"

but let me depict with a small (invented) story the difference between an american and e.g. a german neighbour:


hey neighbour, my power drill conked off. can i borrow yours?

ahmmm... how long will you need it? because... ahmmm... you see... i mean... it's a DUSS and quite expensive. can you handle it?

U.S. of A.:

hey neighbour, my power drill conked off. can i borrow yours?

the code for my garage is 7890 where you'll find all my tools. take whatever you need. and... by the way... i've seen your wife and her visiting sisters rowing on the lake. in this drawer are the keys for my boat. use it whenever you please.

concerning "rip offs":

whenever a handyman saw my home the estimates he gave me on the phone doubled.


No decent American believes it is right for an American in America to take advantage of a foreigner. In America it makes us cringe, we wince when we hear of such stories.

:D :D :D

I;m sorry... What was that?

Anybody clarify that for me? cos I MUST have misunderstood. :o

You might try less of the bottle and give your brain a rest. I'll make it perfectly clear for those of you with obvious reading difficulty:

The operative word in the sentence is "decent"

I understand why you avoided it.

Shut up, I'll complain all I want.

exactly ,

i may not agree with what you say ,

however along with many good men before me ,

I'll fight for your right to say it .

Add me to the list.

Please keep in mind that there was no thaivisa forum available when many of us moved here. At least I assume there wasn't. Also many of the negative things that are complained about did not exist then. We were welcomed with opened arms. Based on the situation at the time we sold every thing we had at home and moved to thailand. Now the government keeps making it harder to stay. The "love it or leave it" group does not help because many of us do not have that option. In hindsight i would have done many things differently. Now it is too late. I am legal now but who knows how long that will continue. I am due to renew my one year visa in a few months. Who knows if I will be legal then. I do not have 1 million in assets unless they let me count my land and buildings nor do I have 700,000 baht in cash to guarantee my ability to renew my b visa. If they enforce this rule my family may be between a rock and a hard place between USA immigration and Thai immigration. Is this cynicism to complain about the ever changing rules ????

How can we fight these changes ? We tell people. This forum is only one of the ways we tell people. I have been told by an officer in immigration that they sometimes read thaivisa. Hopefully some of the other gov officials do also. Some times a rant starts an intelligent discussion. Sometimes it only starts a flame war.


That sure shut us up.

Very red post, that.

Well, you do sound angry and bitter and I think you might possibly scare small children. But heh, we take all comers in Patttaya.

The intelligence of the people replying leaves much to be desired. I have learned two things since I posted, only one of those things shall prove useful to me in life.

Thanks so much for the proper spelling of Pollyanna, I shall use this fine info in my future writings. The other thing I learned, is that the lot of you have no capacity to read something including the Bendix who purports to be some sort of lawyer.

Just an aside, but Lawyers are what ruined my beloved country and I hope one day we find out what trees and bridges are really designed to hold.

You all read what I wrote but none of you understood what I said. How can that be? Let's set some facts for those of you who wouldn't know how to pick apart fantasy from reality.

  • I have a happy beautiful child - a little boy - who was planned.
  • I have a gorgeous wife - educated - smart - speaks great English
  • She's a great mother
  • I live in a fantastic house
  • Great neighborhood
  • We have plenty of money to provide for our child.

I happen to live in Pattaya because I don't want to live in Bangkok and she didn't want to go to Phuket because it was too far from her family and friends and too close to the crap in the south.

Pattaya is a $hithole full of appropriate classed people for such a venue. It's that simple. We don't drink, I don't whore around, we frequent family places full of families but it is difficult to shield ourselves from the verminous scum that visit and live in this horrid place.

You who read what you want from my well crafted words are the problem. My theory is that it is you who are miserable and you want everyone else to validate your twisted view so that you can feel better about yourselves.

Go back and read what I wrote. Post appropriately. Work through your mental maladies or save us all the trouble and do your 15th floor jump now.

are you having a bad hair day??? :o

Pattaya is a $hithole full of appropriate classed people for such a venue. You who read what you want from my well crafted words are the problem. Work through your mental maladies or save us all the trouble and do your 15th floor jump now.

Pattaya a sh*thole = who cares? :D

well crafted words = :o

mental maladies = you talked to my wife? :D

15th floor jump = i have to add another 14 stories? :D


"Why So Many Cynical, Angry Bitter Members Everything is scam, rip-off, gangster/mafia driven"

for the record. a lot of small things in Thailand are p*ssing me off. but having spent a number of years with much more hardship in less developed countries made me a bit callous. some things are driving me raving mad. e.g. when my internet conks of and i get bullsh*t explanations or the contractor telling me it's all my fault because so many mistakes happened when building my home.

having some life experience i know that i can't change Thailand. if i want to stay on i will have adapt to Thailand. Thailand will not adapt and meet my individual expectations and demands. i know Thailand as a tourist for more than a quarter century and as a "resident" for 2½ years. i also know by now there is a huge big difference between being a tourist and being a "resident". if i can't bear the "hardship" anymore i will move... that is if my old lady is not the first one who is telling me "LET'S MOVE NOW!"... and it looks like she is going to tell me that in a not too distant future.


Dont want to add fuel to the fire.

Take a look at Click's first 2 original posts.

about hit 'n run drivers &

about his non-imm "O" visa probs

Maybe this explains where he's coming from.

anyway I dont want to be around when he finally 'goes over the edge' &

when Libya015 makes another thread 'bout him.

PS wish you guys would use standard font settings. Makes things easier to read.

"Why So Many Cynical, Angry Bitter Members Everything is scam, rip-off, gangster/mafia driven"

for the record. a lot of small things in Thailand are p*ssing me off. but having spent a number of years with much more hardship in less developed countries made me a bit callous. some things are driving me raving mad. e.g. when my internet conks of and i get bullsh*t explanations or the contractor telling me it's all my fault because so many mistakes happened when building my home.

having some life experience i know that i can't change Thailand. if i want to stay on i will have adapt to Thailand. Thailand will not adapt and meet my individual expectations and demands. i know Thailand as a tourist for more than a quarter century and as a "resident" for 2½ years. i also know by now there is a huge big difference between being a tourist and being a "resident". if i can't bear the "hardship" anymore i will move... that is if my old lady is not the first one who is telling me "LET'S MOVE NOW!"... and it looks like she is going to tell me that in a not too distant future.

My wife already wants to leave Thailand. I told her to start learning Spanish.

With few exceptions it seems:

Farang tourists - smile.

Farang ex-pats - grimace.

That's how you tell the visitors from those who live in Thailand.


Well, i'm an exception. Coming up for three years here and still as happy as a proverbial pig in sh*t. Scams? What scams? They are no more prevalent nor as sophisticated as any scams anywhere else in the world. However, the difference here is that your typical farang is probably wooed into a false sense of superiority (based, no doubt, on him suddenly feeling wealthy and luckier than his fellow man for the first time in his life) and that makes falling a cropper to the scams feel worse, hence the tirades on here.

As usual, Pavarotti sings it true.


Dont want to add fuel to the fire.

Take a look at Click's first 2 original posts.

about hit 'n run drivers &

about his non-imm "O" visa probs

Maybe this explains where he's coming from.

anyway I dont want to be around when he finally 'goes over the edge' &

when Libya015 makes another thread 'bout him.

PS wish you guys would use standard font settings. Makes things easier to read.

What non-o problems do I have? I will reapply in a few days for another years extension and it will be granted. Beyond that I cannot forecast the future. Hit and run drivers on bikes or autos are just a symptom of what ails the body Thai. The Thai People here in Pattaya mostly purport to be Buddhists but I would suspect that if the Buddha came to life and saw Pattaya and how they act in his name, he would vomit all over them.

What was that you were saying about fonts?

And for the record, I'm not a lawyer. Never have been. Never purported to be.

But thanks for noticing :-)

Afraid of the rope?


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