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Pfizer vaccine storage


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I received a dose of the Pfizer vaccine the other day and the medical worker that issued the vaccine took it from a normal refrigeration unit. I was reading something about this vaccine was suppose to be stored in a special cold storage unit. I didn't have any side effects from the vaccine but I am just inquiring if anyone else came across this

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Before mixing, the vaccine may be stored in the refrigerator between 2⁰C and 8⁰C (36⁰F and 46⁰F) for up to 1 month (31 days). After one month (31 days), remove any remaining vials from the refrigerator and discard following manufacturer and jurisdiction guidance on proper disposal.

Use beyond use date labels to track how long the vaccine has been in the refrigerator.


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I feel supremely confident that the health authorities will ensure the correct temperatures are maintained and the product will be stored handled and transported in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. There will be a robust audit trail for every unit used , the audit trail will not be lost or corrupted in any way, and we can safely assume that if any problems arise with the particular batch of product we were issued with we will be notified personally, or there will be a national publication to ensure public awareness of the details.


'Nuff said.

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