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Senior doctor recommends one mRNA vaccine jab for youths to reduce myocarditis risk


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16 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

First: The name is Ioannidis. And btw he's provax.

Second: Discredited by whom? CNN? Not discredited enough that WHO did not peer view and publish his studies. You might now what WHO is.

Third: To deny possible long term effects of a vaccine that was unprecetendent fast released is laughable argument of Vaxxiban who never heard of the swine flue vaccine and thelater effects.

And last: What you seriously doubt is of course up to you.

Ya didn't even read the articles. Figures.

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8 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

I knew this article already. To know what it's worth you have to read the underlying studies (which I did not). But even without that I would read the lancet interpretation carefully. Some kids may have serious effects by both the virus or the vaccine.


You're putting a lot of faith in one study. Here's what they said:


Although COVID-19 in children is usually of short duration with low symptom burden, some children  
with COVID-19 experience prolonged illness duration.

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22 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

First: The name is Ioannidis. And btw he's provax.

Second: Discredited by whom? CNN? Not discredited enough that WHO did not peer view and publish his studies. You might now what WHO is.

Third: To deny possible long term effects of a vaccine that was unprecetendent fast released is laughable argument of Vaxxiban who never heard of the swine flue vaccine and thelater effects.

And last: What you seriously doubt is of course up to you.

Ummm....I'm well aware of his name. It's put forth by covid deniers all the time. And easily debunked.  LOL

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9 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:

I knew this article already. To know what it's worth you have to read the underlying studies (which I did not). But even without that I would read the lancet interpretation carefully. Some kids may have serious effects by both the virus or the vaccine.


They sure may, but so far the statistics say the chances are much higher after COVID-19 and the vaccines has been tested for over a year with no serious effects surfacing after a few months. How Long time shall we use the vaccine before we say it's safe?

1,2 or 10 years?

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3 hours ago, huangnon said:

Got any "super-spreaders" of your own that you'd risk myocarditis (among other complications) for the 'greater good'?

Isn't allowing them to get Covid while unvaccinated, a far far greater risk of myocarditis? 

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10 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Ya didn't even read the articles. Figures.

I did read it before you linked the lancet article, but in a German translation ????



Ummm....I'm well aware of his name. It's put forth by covid deniers all the time. And easily debunked.  LOL

And because he*s a "denier" and "easily debunked" his latest study was published by the WHO. Very funny.

If you call him a denier you proof that you have absolutely no idea what he said and wrote in the last 18 month. Discussing on this basis is wasted time.

Have a nice and fearless day - as far as possible.



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1 hour ago, Virt said:

They sure may, but so far the statistics say the chances are much higher after COVID-19 and the vaccines has been tested for over a year with no serious effects surfacing after a few months. How Long time shall we use the vaccine before we say it's safe?

1,2 or 10 years?

Do you know how long the usual approval process for new vaccines takes? And how the process works?

There are serious side effects reported but what is true is, there are not many cases in relation to the vaxxinated. Up to now.

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7 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

I did read it before you linked the lancet article, but in a German translation ????


And because he*s a "denier" and "easily debunked" his latest study was published by the WHO. Very funny.

If you call him a denier you proof that you have absolutely no idea what he said and wrote in the last 18 month. Discussing on this basis is wasted time.

Have a nice and fearless day - as far as possible.



Just because the WHO published it doesn't mean it's a good study. Please, read this. It's an older article but even more relevant today.



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6 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

Do you know how long the usual approval process for new vaccines takes? And how the process works?

There are serious side effects reported but what is true is, there are not many cases in relation to the vaxxinated. Up to now.

A must read.



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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

Isn't allowing them to get Covid while unvaccinated, a far far greater risk of myocarditis? 

Not if they are reasonably healthy in the first place.


"Following the second dose of the vaccine, the group found a 162.2 per million incidence rate of cardiac adverse events in boys aged 12-15, around three times higher than estimated by the CDC. In boys aged 16-17, the group also found a higher rate than estimated by the CDC by around 40%, 94 individuals per million vaccinations. The rate of adverse events was also higher than estimated by the CDC amongst girls, 13 and 13.4 per million in those aged 12-15 or 16-17, respectively."

Link: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210913/The-rate-of-vaccine-induced-heart-inflammation-in-children.aspx



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1 minute ago, huangnon said:

You seem to be forgetting the many who suffer long covid. Or the MANY who have to quarantine, missing out on school. Or....


The vaccine is our only way out of this mess.

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6 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Just because the WHO published it doesn't mean it's a good study. Please, read this. It's an older article but even more relevant today.



Ok, one last try ????

Did you read the article yourself? I confess I only "overflew" it (can you use this term in english? If not I mean I had a short look on it).

The article is more than seven years old with no connection to the work of Ioannidis. It has nothing to do with the current discussion as far as I see.


Would you think WHO would publish studies that are not peer reviewed and come from some wannabe? Really?

And cause it seems you do not know something about Ioannidis but his name, in short:

He is no antivaxxer, he's still a pro. At the start of covid he strongly supported the measures including lockdowns.

In science there are no good or bad studies. They are comprehensible or not. In his study from May(?) 2021 Ioannidis used only official data provided by more than 60 governments. He is not one of those conspiracy idiots like Sucharit Bakhti for example. He's one of the most respected experts worldwide. Just google him.

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19 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

Ok, one last try ????

Did you read the article yourself? I confess I only "overflew" it (can you use this term in english? If not I mean I had a short look on it).

The article is more than seven years old with no connection to the work of Ioannidis. It has nothing to do with the current discussion as far as I see.


Would you think WHO would publish studies that are not peer reviewed and come from some wannabe? Really?

And cause it seems you do not know something about Ioannidis but his name, in short:

He is no antivaxxer, he's still a pro. At the start of covid he strongly supported the measures including lockdowns.

In science there are no good or bad studies. They are comprehensible or not. In his study from May(?) 2021 Ioannidis used only official data provided by more than 60 governments. He is not one of those conspiracy idiots like Sucharit Bakhti for example. He's one of the most respected experts worldwide. Just google him.

Another member here just put up a video from the WHO. At 4 hours into it, there was a super dodgy section. They put it up to show even the WHO supported this nonsense.


Guess what? It was an open forum section where anyone could discuss whatever they wanted. It was NOT a recommendation nor a sign of support from them.


You seem stuck on this one debunked scientist. Sad.

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One of dozens of articles. Many.




John Ioannidis is one of the most published and influential scientists in the world, someone whose skewering of bad medical research we at SBM have frequently lauded over the years. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Since then, Prof. Ioannidis has been publishing dubious studies that minimize the dangers of the coronavirus, shown up in the media to decry “lockdowns,” and, most recently, “punched down”, attacking a graduate student for having criticized him. What happened? Did Prof. Ioannidis change, or was he always like this and I just didn’t see it? Either way, he’s a cautionary tale of how even science watchdogs can fall prey to hubris.

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Between 30 and 40 Thai youths, who have recovered from COVID-19 infection, have been found to be suffering from multiple-system inflammatory syndrome in children, or MIS-C, and one might have died from the condition, according to Professor Dr. Somsak Lolekha, president of the Royal College of Paediatricians of Thailand.


MIS-C is a rare but severe condition which can develop in children and adolescents who have been infected with COVID. It usually appears 2-8 weeks following the infection. The young patients can develop a persistent fever of more than 38oC for more than 24 hours, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, rashes, conjunctivitis, cardiac damage and shock.

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You do not even understand what "peer viewed" means? Has nothing to do with a forum where everybody can write his BS as he likes.

You may believe Ioannidis is "debunked", ok for me. I don't argue with Vaxxiban that are not willing or able to discuss on the bases of facts.

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1 minute ago, JustAnotherHun said:

You do not even understand what "peer viewed" means? Has nothing to do with a forum where everybody can write his BS as he likes.

You may believe Ioannidis is "debunked", ok for me. I don't argue with Vaxxiban that are not willing or able to discuss on the bases of facts.

Facts? Facts are he's a covid denier!  Stunning you can't understand this.

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41 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:



Between 30 and 40 Thai youths, who have recovered from COVID-19 infection, have been found to be suffering from multiple-system inflammatory syndrome in children, or MIS-C, and one might have died from the condition, according to Professor Dr. Somsak Lolekha, president of the Royal College of Paediatricians of Thailand.


MIS-C is a rare but severe condition which can develop in children and adolescents who have been infected with COVID. It usually appears 2-8 weeks following the infection. The young patients can develop a persistent fever of more than 38oC for more than 24 hours, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, rashes, conjunctivitis, cardiac damage and shock.

Utter BS. ???? Another vested-interest Thai "professor" towing the party line to manufacture consent to jab kids.

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17 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:

Then vaxx the others but not those with close to zero risk.

And by the way: more likely super spreaders are those who are "fully" immuniated and after the second jab not tested any more.

Your comment here, and later comments in this thread, seem to ignore the fact that COVID-19 variants are more likely to come into existence in the unvaccinated due to virus replication happening much more quickly. While children may have little risk of serious short or long term health issues if they get the virus, their ability to spread it quickly to others through daily interaction greatly increases the risk of mutations and serious variants arising. As usual, there are much larger public health issues that those making specific, targeted arguments seem to miss or ignore. 

Edited by macnmotion
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3 hours ago, huangnon said:

Utter BS. ???? Another vested-interest Thai "professor" towing the party line to manufacture consent to jab kids.

I've seen many similar articles. We tend to focus only on deaths. Not the complications associated with getting the virus. Like long covid.

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