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Countries with approved COVID-19 proof of vaccination

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Thailand will be added to this list of countries and territories with approved proof of vaccination 4am Monday 11 October.  If you arrive in England before that date you must follow the rules for people who are not fully vaccinated. If you arrive after that, you can use a vaccine certificate to prove your vaccination status.


Check out this page for more details: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/countries-with-approved-covid-19-vaccination-programmes-and-proof-of-vaccination.

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Thats great news thanks.


Could we enquire if the Thai vaccination certificate we are given after the second dose (two x AZ) is an acceptable proof of vaccination at UK border control or are we required to get the "yellow" WHO style vaccinated booklet? This seems to be a major question for everyone now as the Thai vaccine certificate issued after the second dose seems to meet all the requirements set by the Min of Transport.


Many thanks for keeping us informed - its appreciated.

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I'd also be interested in which proof the Thai authorities recognize for arrivals in LOS. I have German digital and WHO yellow booklet. Is at least the booklet recognized? There must be a pool of experience out there now after the sandbox projects ...

If not, what do I need?

Anyone know?

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South Africa has just been taken off the Red List, also.


The vaccine certificate which has been issued by the SA Department of Health,

a single, A4 sheet giving relevant details of the vaccine, two dates of inoculation,

and the bearer, has been deemed acceptable by the British authorities.


The document carries a QR code for authentication by stakeholders.

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10 hours ago, BusyB said:

I'd also be interested in which proof the Thai authorities recognize for arrivals in LOS. I have German digital and WHO yellow booklet. Is at least the booklet recognized? There must be a pool of experience out there now after the sandbox projects ...

If not, what do I need?

Anyone know?

At the moment, you can enter Thailand only with a Certificate of Entry, issued by the Thai Embassy in your country. There are 2 steps: first you pre-register, submitting a number of documents including your proof of vaccination. Within 3 days, they accept (or reject). Then you proceed with the actual bookings.

So, your proof of vaccination will be examined by the Thai Embassy in Berlin, and I suppose they will be able to recognize a German document.


You can start the process, including submitting your proof of vaccination, here:



Or you could try to email/call them, details here



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8 hours ago, Gordon Large said:

When can Australian travel to Thailand Chang Mai.

At the moment, you have to either arrive in Bangkok and do 7 days hotel quarantine there, or arrive (directly) in Phuket and do 7 days sandbox there. After that, you are free to go anywhere in Thailand. You can find details on the website of the Thai Embassy in your country.


There's talk of "reopening Chiang Mai", possibly by Nov 1, but what that actually means is not clear and there has not been any official announcement yet.

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2 hours ago, arithai12 said:

At the moment, you can enter Thailand only with a Certificate of Entry, issued by the Thai Embassy in your country. There are 2 steps: first you pre-register, submitting a number of documents including your proof of vaccination. Within 3 days, they accept (or reject). Then you proceed with the actual bookings.

So, your proof of vaccination will be examined by the Thai Embassy in Berlin, and I suppose they will be able to recognize a German document.


You can start the process, including submitting your proof of vaccination, here:



Or you could try to email/call them, details here



Many thanks ... makes sense (about the only thing in this mess that does ;D )

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