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Anyone know why my qBittorent client when I am trying to download Only Fools and Horses only goes so far then stops, then it comes up with red printing saying something about corrections.

This doesn't happen with any other TV show or movie.

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Is your HDD full? This is the only time I get messages, when the HDD or Cache are full.


Whats the error message? Where did you get the torrent file? Details of the series (without being specific) so someone can replicate?

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4 hours ago, recom273 said:

Is your HDD full? This is the only time I get messages, when the HDD or Cache are full.


Whats the error message? Where did you get the torrent file? Details of the series (without being specific) so someone can replicate?

I got it from Pirate Bay same as all my other tv series came from, I will need to wait to find out exactly what the error message was.

How do I check if the HDD is full?

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4 hours ago, recom273 said:

Is your HDD full? This is the only time I get messages, when the HDD or Cache are full.

Could also be filesystem corruption  so run "chkdsk"    and/or there is a problem with a block of data (maybe due to filesystem corruption)

  so there should be an option somewhere in the bittorent client to 

"verify the torrent"   then resume the download.

It's easy for the filesystem to become corrupted when the electricity is unreliable especially in the thunder and lightning season we are in at the moment.

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Yup, @johng  - I will rephrase - the only issue I ever have is when qbit can't write to the data.


You could go to 'This PC' on your windows explorer, then there should be a blue bar, showing HDD usage.


You should right click the "torrent" in qbit, and then 'force recheck' which will verify the data already written then try 'force resume' - it should throw the error message again. While you are there, on that dropdown menu, check 'set location' just check that its writing to your downloads folder or where ever you download them too - that may be a different place to where the files are moved to after they complete.


I could be totally wrong, but if there is an issue with my setup, this is usually the cause.


You might want to delete the file, empty the trash and start again. Its not like its costing anything.

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7 hours ago, recom273 said:

Is your HDD full? This is the only time I get messages, when the HDD or Cache are full.


Whats the error message? Where did you get the torrent file? Details of the series (without being specific) so someone can replicate?

It just comes up as errored in red writing.

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