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Marriage advice


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I know the usual cynics will say our advice is……….”don’t “.  ????.    However,I have been with my Thai girlfriend for  11years, and feel it is the right time to formalise  our relationship . 
I need advice from people that have actually been through this please. I want to make it easier for us to be together especially in the UK ,as I am a UK citizen and we will be spending the majority of our time in the UK,wth trips back to Thailand once or twice a year.

Funding is not an issue as I am fortunate enough to have a generous income and savings.

my question is which is the easiest route for obtaining permission to stay long term in the UK.  
marry in Thailand or UK ?

serious answers only please.   My sincere thanks in advance for your advice.

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You seem happy enough, 11 years is certainly long enough to know you are compatible - Go for it and enjoy. 


Marriage in Thailand is recognised in the UK, from that perspective you have no issues. 

The UK also recognises long term partnerships - thus proof of being together for 11 years may also be sufficient. 


I’m not sure of the exact details, but its something my Wife and I have looked at. 

- You can apply for a Partner / Spouse visa and after a few years apply for indefinite leave to remain, after that citizenship. 



Your ‘fiancé’ (GF)  could also apply for a regular visit visa and could then apply for the Partner / Spouse visa from within the UK which is slightly quicker and a little cheaper. 


Lots of info online - it seems like quite a process, but certainly doable.




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Your wife to be may wish her big day in front of her village. We had 500 people and it was a terrific day. This is known as a Thai traditional or Buddhist wedding.

Make sure you get your Buddhist marriage certified in the amphur or it will not be recognised in the United Kingdom

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I find that hard to believe, unless getting married in the UK is extremely hard.  USA is simply, get license, pop into JoP / magistrate and bang, legally married.  Heck, fly to Vegas and make a weekender holiday of it with even less paperwork.


Thailand is a pain & time consuming with the translations.  You can have the 'wedding ceremony' / party, anywhere anytime, as no legal official is mandatory to attend here anyway.


I also courted / lived with for 8 yrs before signing up for long term.  After having 2 houses together, so never a trust issue.  On 3rd house now.

Edited by KhunLA
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