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report CW extension non immigrant O

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went last tuesday to CW for extension "non immigrant o" based on retirement 800.000 THB in bank account


arrived 11.30 am, looked already busy. I got number 151. You can scan in a QR code which is printed on the small paper you get. It showed 81 people are in front of me.

You are not allowed to go in the waiting area until less then six people are in the queue in front of you. That is what the security guy told me. 

After wandering around for hours in the halls of CW, at 4.10 pm it was my call to come to the counter to pre check my docs. After waiting 40 minutes again i sat finally in front of the IO.


Prepared usually docs. I have two bank accounts, same bank. Part of money was in a THB account, and another part in an euro account. Had printed out all bank statements from two

accounts, signed and stamped from the bank, and two bank letters. It took very long for the IO to clear this out, and she was clearly not happy about. Sometimes masks are a blessing,

as i can see only her rolling eyes, and as well she can´t see my facial expression.

She also checked carefully my bank books. From my THB account i got a new bank book, becasue the old one i replaced as the magnetic stripe was damaged.

Luckily i took it with me, but of course it was not regulary updated. That are the bank statements for was my idea. She picked up the calculator and start to calculate together with another IO.

It looked they had a kind of dicussion, which was clearly not a good sign for me.


At the same time some drama developed at the counter next to me. One foreigner start to cry becasue the IO denied some visa  extension. He did something wrong with his paperwork.

He was really desperated and tried to persuade the IO, in tears and in anger, but without success. I started to sweat a bit. In my mind  grows that bad idea.. what if  i did something wrong with my calculations..

and i saw myself already on the plane back to my cold home country. 


After 20 minutes going for and backwards my docs i was more than relived after she start to prepare the receipt for my 1900 THB visa fee. After paying she said i have to wait outside  until someone will call my number. At 5.45 pm, i was almost the last person in the waiting area, she called me inside again. She handed over my passport to me and said, "next time only one bank account sir" i nodded and walked away....



Side note: From my experience at this day most people arrived before noon at immigration and took a number. The highest number on the display panel that day was 165. So only 14 people arrived after me in the afternoon.



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10 minutes ago, asiaexpat said:

I had a similar experience when I used two passbooks, both Thai Baht accounts. Seems this cause too much thinking for many IO.

I don't blame them. 

Some folk love to make simple difficult.

The report from OP, was more of a ramble of how he had done exactly that. 

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Blatantly obvious IO's make it a slightly rough visit when long stay extensioners are there without an agent. I went CW last week for a stamp transfer to a new passport only as I'm over 45 days for extension. I called 1178 prior and was told I should make 2 trips to CW - stamp transfer then again for extension. She flipped through my PP and said "where you get this one" I said my embassy. Then informed she cannot transfer stamp unless I'm leaving before my permission to stay. She asked "will you stay ?" I said yes, then said come back in 3-4 weeks with bank information and health insurance ( O-A, will be first extension ), maybe I'll see the same IO late November, who seemed to be in a hurry, and not really listen to what I had to say........ 

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