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Heads of WHO and WTO to brief ASEAN leaders on global pandemic


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Article by Kavi Chongkittavorn


BANGKOK (NNT) - At the East Asia Meeting (EAS) next week in Bandar Seri Begawan, chiefs of World Health Organization (WHO) and World Trade Organization (WTO) will brief leaders from ASEAN and dialogue partners on the global situation related to the pandemic and trade and investment, according to an informed source.


Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of WHO will brief the EAS meeting on 27 October on the latest situation on the Covid-19 pandemic, which has already claimed nearly 5 million casualties and infected more than 242 million people world-wide. WHO has been asking rich countries to donate more vaccines to developing countries around the world to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.


Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of WTO will touch on the current global economic condition, which has been damaged by the negative impacts of COVID-19. However, with the rising inoculation coverage, economists believe that the world’s economy will improve.


According to the source, the 38th and 39th summits in Bandar Seri Begawan from 26-28 October will comprise a total of 11 ASEAN-related meetings together with 23 documents signed by ASEAN members and their dialogue partners covering the whole gamut of their cooperation.


Under the theme “We care, we prepare, we prosper,” Brunei has initiated the so-called “ASEAN Shield” as well as the preparation for the past 2025 ASEAN Community. The current government also tries to strengthen the ASEAN cooperation on the Blue Economy as well as cooperation of public psychological health. The chair also plays a major role in preparing the strategic plan for ASEAN in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-cha is also scheduled to attend the ASEAN-related summits, which will focus on the economic recovery in the post COVID-19 era and common ways to tackle the coronavirus. Issues related to vaccine certification and green lanes for businessmen would be discussed at the summit.


On the regional issues, the situation in Myanmar, South China Sea and peace and security in the Korean Peninsula will be discussed with the bloc’s dialogue partners.


The ASEAN leaders will also consider the request by China and Australia to upgrade their strategic partnership status. There will also be other summits including the one that celebrates the 30th anniversary of relations with Russia and the 45th year with the European Union.


The summit will also welcome the UK as the bloc’s 11th dialogue member.


The ASEAN chair, Brunei, will pass the baton to the next ASEAN chair, Cambodia, on October 28. The country takes up its official duty on January 1, 2022.


Regarding the membership of Timor Leste, the source said that the ASEAN leaders are waiting for reports covering its economic and social pillars and a comprehensive evaluation of its membership will take place later.


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WTO should stick to trade and WHO PRC marionette has been besmirched by failure to rigouroulsy do a comprehensive transparent investigation of the source in PRC? Or as some suggest Fort Dettrick, a cave , Porton Down or Bat Soup from Yu Nan's caves .

Without such an effort we will not learn the lesson or potentially point fingers at Poo and his robotic censored minions internally and indebted foreign vassals.


Abyssinia. and not just my exccentric view a few of many global liimks to Dr WHO?






a clip


Tedros’ career. How else do you explain he was an empowered official of the Derg military junta regime of Haile Miriam Mengistu and then Ethiopia’s health minister under the same people who fought and overthrew the Derg? How else do you explain that the man who was foreign minister of one of the world’s most oppressive regimes, holding many thousand political prisoners, had this part of his record almost entirely suppressed while highlighting his heath credentials? His much-talked-about “achievements in health sector” too were mostly driven by NGOs, since Ethiopia never had the capability to manage its problems, so it did what funders asked it to do.


But this brings us to the dirty side of NGOs — the whitewashing of crimes they provide in lieu of access, programme implementation and rampant cronyism.

Unsurprisingly, Tedros’ chief adviser is Senait Fisseha, who was working for one such NGO  — the Susan Thomas Buffett foundation. See the link here? Provide government access and deliverables, allow NGOs to raise funds. The same NGOs then perhaps whitewashes his record as foreign minister of a barbaric regime and sanitises his Wikipedia profile to exclude said HR record. Said beneficiary then rewards said NGO person with a plum post."


Germany one of the main payers of his salary




It would almost be like a cop with no helmet upholding the crash helmet law for some while ignoring  a murdered colleague with bigger"cover".


That undemocratic nations can lecture genuinely free albeit imperfect democracies,forward candidates is abhorrent like when the Saudis were on the UN human rights council.


There may a zoonotic or non Sino source but when we review the calumnies about  Great Leap Forward,Gang of 4, Repression Tibetans, Uighurs, Falun Gong , Free churches and Unions it is hard to trust the new Emperor.


The Chinese are fine people and when free in Penang, Taiwan,Singapore, London, Vancouver or until recently Hong Kong have achieved much,  the enemy of freedom is dictatorship.




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