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Immigration app claiming overstay after renewal of permission of stay in August.

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On 11/19/2021 at 2:38 PM, ubonjoe said:

Have you tried to do a 90 day report since you went to immigration? The wrong date might not affect doing the report after they did something to fix it.

MIne showed the old date until after I did a report and it then it changed to the correct date I entered when doing the report. Mine did not say I was on a overstay.

Yes, done another 90 day since then.....online didn’t work,went in person. Next 90 day due soon, I doubt online will be working as their system still says I am overstaying.

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13 minutes ago, MikeN said:

Yes I doubt online will be working as their system still says I am overstaying.

Almost a given.

My advice is prepare your report via mail.

Try online when 15 day prior window for online opens then when it fails (which it will).. take your envelope to post office. Not nice but not disaster.

Edited by DrJack54
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