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Heng Ratana, General Director of CMAC, has announced his support for the call on the cessation of eating dog meat in the country. He said that CMAC, which has a dog unit for clearance of landmines and UXO’s hope to see the day when the slaughter and sale of dog meat for consumption is banned.


He said that the Cambodian people have a rich tradition whereby people do not allow the children of family members to eat dog meat, as it is believed that anyone who eats dog meat can be doomed and lose their respect in the village.


Okhna Mong Reththy, an eminent businessman and senator has also joined the chorus of calls for a ban on slaughtering of dogs for human consumption. Ratana said that according to a survey report by FOUR PAWS, in Cambodia more than two million dogs are slaughtered a year for illegal sale in the black market.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50976491/cmac-supports-banning-of-dog-meats-for-dinner/



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